He Is the Egg Man: Ron DeSantis Campaigns for President at the Iowa State Fair by Focusing on Shoving Sticks in Hardboiled Eggs Instead of Talking to Voters (Video)
Video posted Semafor reporter Shelby Talcott shows Florida Governor Ron DeSantis on Saturday campaigning for the 2024 Republican presidential nomination by shoving sticks in hardboiled eggs at the Iowa State Fair.

Video posted Semafor reporter Shelby Talcott shows Florida Governor Ron DeSantis on Saturday campaigning for the 2024 Republican presidential nomination by shoving sticks in hardboiled eggs at the Iowa State Fair.

The video shows DeSantis more engaged in how to prepare the eggs than engaging with voters coming up to take the eggs. In turn, the voters don’t seem that interested in DeSantis. Granted, it is a thirty-three second video, however no one engages DeSantis in campaign talk, with one person calling out, “We’re just here for the eggs!” One woman who said, “Thank you!” to DeSantis was given only a glancing smile in return as DeSantis stayed focused on preparing the eggs. Another woman who said “Thank you!” barely got a look in her direction from DeSantis.

The egg fiasco was just part of a tough day at the fair for DeSantis as President Trump flew into Iowa on Saturday for the fair bringing with him several Florida Congressmen who have endorsed him over DeSantis.

The Washington Post’s Joyce Koh, “Trump already overshadowing DeSantis at the Iowa state fair, as the crowd turns away from DeSantis event to watch Trump’s plane encircle overhead”

TGP’s Cassandra Fairbanks reported earlier Saturday on Trump supporters who showed up at DeSantis’s stops at the fair and a plane that flew overhead with the message, “Be Likeable, Ron!”

In response to the banner, Politico reported a DeSantis super PAC county chairman called Trump supporters “degenerates”.

“But when DeSantis sat for a chat on stage with Reynolds, those in the crowd couldn’t help but look up at the sky: For more than an hour, a plane had been flying around with a banner: “Be likable, Ron!” it said, in a font reminiscent of Jeb Bush’s widely mocked 2016 campaign logo.

Matt Wells, the Washington County, Iowa, chair for DeSantis’ super PAC, fumed as he looked up.

“Trump people are degenerates,” he said.

A Daily Mail poll of 600 likely Iowa caucus goers released this past week shows Trump ahead of DeSantis 43 percent to 17 percent, marking a two point gain for Trump since their last survey in April and a nine point drop for DeSantis. Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC) has moved into third with eleven percent, up from one percent in April. (excerpt):

Donald Trump maintains his clear lead for the Republican nomination in the early state of Iowa, according to a new poll for DailyMail.com, but Ron DeSantis has lost nine points as Tim Scott gains momentum.

The results spell more trouble for the Florida governor who this week rebooted his campaign yet again.

And they come as national attention switches to Iowa for the next week, when candidates will attend the state fair. Polls in the state, which is the first to pick its nominee are closely watched as they can make or break a candidate.

…The poll was conducted from August 1 to 7, in the immediate aftermath of Trump’s third criminal indictment this year.

‘Trump’s indictments have only helped him entrench his position in Iowa,’ said James Johnson, co-founder of Republican polling firm J.L. Partners, which conducted the research.

‘In April he had a 15-point lead amongst likely caucus-goers in the Hawkeye State; that now stands at a 26-point advantage.

‘Though voters continue to have a positive view of the man himself, support for DeSantis is falling fast and now only six points separate him and Tim Scott for second place.

DeSantis workin’ it:

It seems more media than supporters interested:

The post He Is the Egg Man: Ron DeSantis Campaigns for President at the Iowa State Fair by Focusing on Shoving Sticks in Hardboiled Eggs Instead of Talking to Voters (Video) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.




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