Here We Go… House Republicans Push “Unity Pledge” to Coerce GOP Colleagues to Support the Uniparty Pick for Speaker
Nine Republicans have now announced their intentions to run for House Speaker.

Nine Republicans have now announced their intentions to run for House Speaker.

This comes after the Uniparty Republicans voted down Jim Jordan for Speaker – the most popular and one of the hardest working Republicans in Congress today.

On Friday after Jim Jordan was ousted by RINOs in a secret ballot for speaker, Rep. Mike Flood from Nebraska announced his “Unity Pledge” agreement.

Rep. Flood’s unity pledge urges fellow GOP lawmakers to support whoever the Uniparty chooses as their next candidate for Speaker.

Why didn’t he release this when Jim Jordan was running?
And does anyone actually trust these RINOs to actually select a Speaker who represents the will of their voters?

Seven of the nine GOP Speaker nominees have signed the pledge.

9 GOPers Seeking the Speakership:

House Majority Whip Tom Emmer (R-MN)
Reps. Kevin Hern (R-OK),
Jack Bergman (R-MI),
Mike Johnson (R-LA),
Austin Scott (R-GA),
Pete Sessions (R-TX),
Dan Meuser (R-PA),
Gary Palmer (R-AL)
Byron Donalds (R-FL).

The post Here We Go… House Republicans Push “Unity Pledge” to Coerce GOP Colleagues to Support the Uniparty Pick for Speaker appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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