“He’s Corrupt!” – Trump Arrives at Court for SIXTH WEEK of Ongoing Lawfare Trial, Blasts Crooked Judge Juan Merchan – Merchan’s Daughter Has Now Raised $93 Million Off the Case
President Trump arrived in court this morning and made a statement to reporters as he does every morning.

President Trump arrived in court this morning and made a statement to reporters as he does every morning.

This is the sixth week of the hush money lawfare case against President Trump and the prosecution has yet to define Trump’s crime.

Trump called out Judge Merchan again for calling him into court early after Trump had previously scheduled an event with supporters this morning but was then called in early to court by the crooked Democrat judge.

** Judge Merchan’s activist daughter has now raised $93 million off of this ongoing lawfare case against President Trump.

President Trump blasted the criminal judge after arriving at court this morning.

Here is his full statement.

President Trump: As you know, I was supposed to be in a very different state this morning, and the judge actually decided to call it early. And yet it looks like we’re going to have a very big gap between days, and it’s going to be determined right now in court. But we’re here about an hour early today. I was supposed to be making speech for political purposes. I’m not allowed to have anything to do with politics because I’m sitting in a very freezing cold courtroom for the last four weeks.

It’s very unfair. They have no case, they have no crime. It’s been determined by everybody, every legal scholar, New York Post Editorial Board today, Trump prosecution, wind down. It’s always been a witch hunt. With a prosecution winding down in Donald Trump’s Manhattan case, we have to ask in the mortal words of Peggy Is that all there is? That’s the New York Coast Editorial Board.

It’s become utterly apparent, if that wasn’t seen already, that the key elements to any prosecution is missing. The key element is missing And it says, What’s missing? A crime. There’s no crime. They go through all this stuff, and there was nothing done wrong. The NDAs were perfect. And by the way, legal expenses. We paid a legal expense. You know what it’s marked down in the book says? A legal expense. Again, it’s not marked down as construction. It’s not marked down as sheetrock and cinder block. It’s marked down as legal expense. You have a lawyer, you pay them a legal expense, and it’s covered in the book as legal expense.

I had nothing to do with it. A bookkeeper put it down as a legal expense. This is why I’m here, because we called it a legal expense, a payment to a lawyer. Jonathan Turley, even liberal experts, have continued to express doubt out over where’s the crime? Andy McCarthy, let’s stick with the relevant undisputed facts of the case. Mershon should dismiss this case. He should dismiss this case immediately. Bragg’s evidence is woefully inadequate. This case should be dismissed. It should have never been brought. And the judge is highly conflicted. He’s a corrupt judge. He’s highly conflicted. He’s totally corrupt. And he’s interfering with an election. Greg Jarrett. There is no credible evidence of a crime. Brad’s case against the accused is beyond anemic. It is an audacious, let’s see, it is an audacious corruption of the legal process and a very dangerous one…

…All Americans, regardless of political affiliation, should be appalled at this selective prosecution. Today, it’s a great term. I should use it now. I will. Selective I enter prosecution. This all comes from the White House. It all comes from the DOJ in the White House. Take a look who’s in the room. This all comes from the DOJ in the White House. It’s an attack by Biden, who’s mentally unfit. He’s mentally unfit to be the President of this country. It’s an attack on his political opponent. That’s all it is. All of the things you see that you saw over the last four weeks, most of it should have never even been brought up. Then on top of that, there’s no crime. We go on day after day, and I tell Iowa, I’m sorry, I won’t be able to make it. I tell New Hampshire, Sorry, I won’t be able to make it. I’m sitting in an ice box all day…

…John Adams said, Liberty without virtue is tyranny. We have tyranny right now. We have tyranny right now, and we’re disgracing our New York Court system. And we’re really disgracing our country because all over the world they’re watching.

President Trump will be sitting in the icebox as he calls it all day today, the sixth week of this particular lawfare trial.

The Gateway Pundit contributor Paul Ingrassia is covering the case today from inside the courtroom.

Here is President Trump.

The post “He’s Corrupt!” – Trump Arrives at Court for SIXTH WEEK of Ongoing Lawfare Trial, Blasts Crooked Judge Juan Merchan – Merchan’s Daughter Has Now Raised $93 Million Off the Case appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.




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