Hezbollah Flags Wave at Terrorist Rally in NYC, Protestors Assault American Flag Waving Counter Protester and Burn American Flag Screaming “DEATH TO AMERICA”
Terrorist sympathizing protestors in New York City wielded Hezbollah flags and chanted “Death to America” in New York City today.

Terrorist sympathizing protestors in New York City wielded Hezbollah flags and chanted “Death to America” in New York City today.

More from Laura Loomer on Bannon’s War Room:

As The Gateway Pundit reported, far-left pro-Palestine protestors blocked the Brooklyn Bridge on Monday afternoon.

This is after pro-Palestine activists shut down the Golden State Bridge and blocked the entrance to Chicago’s O’Hare Airport.

Pro-Palestine Protestors Take Over the Brooklyn Bridge, Block Traffic (VIDEO)

Chants of “Death to America” were also heard earlier in New York City, and one protestor burned an American flag.

As seen in the footage, a young man carrying an American flag is nearly set on fire as the flag he is carrying is torched, and his shirt catches flame. One self-hating American woman shouted, “I love it. Burn it down,” when asked what she thought of burning the American flag.

Laura Loomer shared footage of her confrontation with a Hezbollah flag-waving woman on Wall Street. At the same time she was confronting the woman who confirmed she does, in fact, support Hezbollah, the idiot next to her repeatedly said, “Donald Trump is antisemitic.” Another woman said, “America is a terrorist organization.”

Watch below:



A woman was waving a HEZBOLLAH terrorist flag on Wall Street in NYC at the pro HAMAS rally moments ago. I confronted her about it on video, and she shoved it in my face and screamed obscenities at me. One of the women told me my future children should be aborted because I’m Jewish.

Hezbollah was designated as an Islamic terrorist org by the US Justice Department in 2001. In 2010, State Department officials described Hezbollah as the most technically capable terrorist group in the world and a continued security threat to the United States

These pro-Palestine rallies are terrorist rallies. This is video evidence.

One young woman who got in the face of NYPD Deputy Chief Timothy Beaudette earlier in the day, screaming, “Are you f*cking kidding me?” was neutralized by the Chief:

The post Hezbollah Flags Wave at Terrorist Rally in NYC, Protestors Assault American Flag Waving Counter Protester and Burn American Flag Screaming “DEATH TO AMERICA” appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.




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