Hispanic Evangelicals: A Decisive Block in U.S. Elections
In the U.S. electoral landscape, one group

In the U.S. electoral landscape, one group has emerged with increasing relevance: Hispanic evangelicals. This rapidly growing voter block has the potential to significantly influence the upcoming November elections. According to the Pew Research Center, Hispanic evangelicals make up about 15% of the Latino community in the U.S., making them a crucial segment for both Democrats and Republicans. However, this group is not firmly aligned with either political party, making them a target for persuasion by both sides.

A Shift in Political Loyalty

Traditionally, Latino voters in general have shown a greater inclination towards Democratic candidates, largely due to the party’s progressive stances on issues like immigration and civil rights. For example, in 2012, Barack Obama received significant support from Hispanic evangelicals, outperforming Republican Mitt Romney.

However, in the 2016 and 2020 elections, a growing number of Hispanic evangelicals supported Donald Trump, despite his anti-immigrant rhetoric and restrictive immigration policies.

Rev. Samuel Rodríguez, president of the National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference, has witnessed this shift firsthand. Rodríguez is an influential figure within the Latino evangelical community, and his church, New Season, is a landmark in Sacramento, California. He asserts that the Latino evangelical community is «the most independent electorate in America.» For him, the focus should not be on parties but on Christian principles. «The donkey and the elephant can never control or define us,» he has declared, referencing the symbols of the Democratic and Republican parties, respectively.

Disenchantment with the Democrats

One key reason behind the shift of support toward Trump among Hispanic evangelicals is their disenchantment with the Democratic Party. For many, the party has shifted too far to the left on issues like abortion and transgender rights. These issues, which closely align with Judeo-Christian values, have created a sense of distance between Latino evangelicals and Democrats.

Rodríguez has expressed frustration with the Democratic Party, a party he once admired under Obama’s leadership. According to him, Democrats have abandoned many of the values they once shared with evangelicals.

In contrast, Trump, despite his personal controversies, has managed to attract this group by defending policies that protect life, religious freedom, and traditional family values. In fact, Rodríguez predicts that more than 70% of Hispanic evangelicals will vote for Trump in the next election.

Democratic Strategy: Evangelicals With Harris

Despite these challenges, Democrats have not stood idly by. At the 2024 Democratic National Convention, the initiative «Evangelicals With Harris» was launched, an effort to attract evangelical voters, particularly Latinos, to Kamala Harris’s campaign, the current U.S. Vice President. Patricia Ruiz-Cantu, organizer of this movement, highlighted that Harris’s focus on social justice and immigration reform will resonate with the Latino evangelical community.

According to Ruiz-Cantu of Evangelicals With Harris, the Democratic Party remains the best defender of Christian values, but from a progressive perspective. She argues that evangelical Christianity should emphasize love, compassion, and justice—values that she believes are better represented by Democrats.

Ruiz-Cantu stated: «In my opinion, evangelical Christianity must embody the core teachings of Jesus Christ, emphasizing love, compassion, acceptance, and justice.»

«I believe Kamala Harris resonates more with the Latino evangelical community than Donald Trump due to her strong advocacy for social justice, equity, and inclusive immigration reform,» she said.

«Her support for pathways to citizenship and her understanding of the complexities immigrant families face particularly align with the values of many Latino evangelicals. I appreciate her commitment to addressing systemic inequalities in education, healthcare, and economic opportunities.»

The Role of Pastors

Within the evangelical community, pastors play a crucial role in shaping political opinions. Leaders like Samuel Rodríguez have a captive and loyal audience, giving them significant influence in the electoral cycle. Although Rodríguez does not directly tell his followers who to vote for, his influence is undeniable. Congregants like Claudia and Edickson Martínez, who have attended New Season Church for years, acknowledge that Rodríguez has been a key factor in their decision to support Trump.

According to Edickson, many church members share his inclination toward the former president but fear expressing it openly for fear of rejection.

This fear reflects an internal dilemma within the Latino evangelical community. On one hand, many are attracted to Trump’s conservative policies on issues like life protection and religious freedom. On the other hand, they have media information that misinforms the population and creates doubts. This internal conflict may explain why, despite predictions, there is still a significant portion of undecided Latino evangelicals.

The growth of the Latino evangelical community has led to greater attention from the media and political parties. In addition, the rise of Christian programs in Spanish, like those broadcast by Daystar Television, has expanded the influence of leaders like Rodríguez, allowing them to reach millions of households in the U.S. and Latin America. This media reach further reinforces the power of evangelical pastors in the political arena.

The question many are asking is whether this electoral block will return to the Democrats or become a consolidated part of the Republican base. With issues like immigration, abortion, and religious freedom at the center of the debate, Hispanic evangelicals will play a crucial role in deciding the country’s direction in the upcoming elections.

Maria Herrera Mellado

María Herrera Mellado es una abogada de EE.UU. y licenciada en España. Doctora en Ciencias Jurídicas y Analista política. La Dra. Herrera es conocida por su amplia experiencia en análisis y consultas en el diseño de políticas públicas, propuestas de ley y gestión en relaciones internacionales.

Su reconocimiento proviene de sus contribuciones al análisis y representación legal de diversas organizaciones, empresas e individuos que han visto abusados sus derechos humanos, su privacidad o en la inclusión  de políticas efectivas fundamentalmente en el ámbito de la transparencia y la rendición de cuentas, así como la lucha contra la corrupción.

Su formación académica y experiencias profesionales la convierten en una voz respetada en el debate público y en el análisis de temas de actualidad sobre todo en los desafíos políticos y legales contemporáneos.

María Herrera Mellado is a U.S.-based attorney also licensed in Spain. She holds a PhD in Legal Sciences and is known as a media legal and policy analyst.

Dr. Herrera is recognized for her extensive experience in analyzing and consulting on public policy design, legislative proposals, and international relations management.

Her recognition stems from her contributions to the analysis and legal representation of various organizations, companies, and individuals whose human rights or privacy have been violated, or who have benefited from the inclusion of effective policies, primarily in the areas of transparency, accountability, and the fight against corruption.

Her academic background and professional experience make her a respected voice in public debate and in the analysis of current issues, particularly in contemporary political and legal challenges.

The post Hispanic Evangelicals: A Decisive Block in U.S. Elections appeared first on Gateway Hispanic.

The post Hispanic Evangelicals: A Decisive Block in U.S. Elections appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.




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