House Republicans Introduce Bill to Withdraw Funding from Globalist’s World Economic Forum
A group of House Republicans has taken a firm stance against the World Economic Forum (WEF) by introducing a new piece of legislation aimed at cutting off all federal funding to the globalist organization, The Daily Caller reported.

A group of House Republicans has taken a firm stance against the World Economic Forum (WEF) by introducing a new piece of legislation aimed at cutting off all federal funding to the globalist organization, The Daily Caller reported.

The bill known as the Defund Davos Act was spearheaded by Representative Scott Perry (R-PA), and joined by Representatives Tom Tiffany (WI-07), Paul Gosar (AZ-09), Diana Harshbarger (TN-01), Andy Ogles (TN-05), and Matt Rosendale (MT-02)

The Defund Davos Act seeks to prevent the State Department, USAID, and other federal agencies from funneling money into the WEF.

The proposed bill states, “No funds available to the Department of State, the United States Agency for International Development, or any other department or agency may be used to provide funding for the World Economic Forum.”

According to records, the United States government has contributed millions to the WEF over the past years. This spending trend is something Perry and his fellow GOP lawmakers argue should come to an abrupt end.

“Forcing American Taxpayers to fund annual ski trips for insular, global elitists is absurd – not to mention reprehensible,” Rep. Perry said in a statement. “The World Economic Forum doesn’t deserve one cent of American funding, and it’s past time we defund Davos.”

Echoing Perry’s sentiments, Representative Tom Tiffany released a statement condemning the funding of the WEF.

“The wealthy WEF globalists should not receive Americans’ hard-earned tax dollars,” said Rep. Tiffany. “The Defund Davos Act would ensure that U.S. tax dollars are not funding the World Economic Forum and their reset on our way of life. I thank Congressman Perry for leading this important effort.”

The World Economic Forum (WEF), founded in 1971 by Klaus Schwab, has come under scrutiny for its influence on government policies around the world.

The phrase “You’ll own nothing. And you’ll be happy” is associated with the WEF and its agenda for what it calls the “Great Reset.” The “Great Reset” is a proposal by the WEF to rebuild the economy sustainably following the COVID-19 pandemic.

This phrase originates from a short video the WEF posted in 2016 on Facebook, titled “8 Predictions for the World in 2030.” One of the predictions listed in the video was that by 2030, “You’ll own nothing. And you’ll be happy.”


Critics argue that the WEF is overstepping its bounds by dictating or unduly influencing government decisions. They argue that the WEF’s globalist agenda conflicts with national sovereignty and the democratic will of individual nations.

Just recently, President Javier Milei of Argentina took the World Economic Forum by storm with a provocative keynote speech.

The libertarian leader delivered a blistering critique of socialism and a fervent endorsement of capitalist principles before a crowd of the world’s most influential political and economic figures.

The 53-year-old president did not hold back in his rebuke of the West’s slide toward collectivism — a political theory associated with communism.

“Long Live Freedom” — Argentinian President Javier Milei Trashes Socialism and Calls Out Elites at WEF (VIDEO)

The post House Republicans Introduce Bill to Withdraw Funding from Globalist’s World Economic Forum appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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