How Convenient: UK Develops New Method to Count Excess Deaths Following Shocking Numbers Post COVID Vaccine (VIDEO)
Earlier this month, Edward Dowd joined Jimmy Dore recently to discuss the staggering number of excess deaths for children in the UK.
Edward Dowd explains the staggering number of excess death in children in the UK since the COVID vaccine was introduced in 2021.

Earlier this month, Edward Dowd joined Jimmy Dore recently to discuss the staggering number of excess deaths for children in the UK.

UK HAS A PROBLEM: Excess deaths are up a staggering 22% among 1 to 14-year-olds.

Notably, this trend didn’t start until “the magic juice started to be issued to children later in 2021.”

2020: 9 percent fewer deaths than expected
2021: 7 percent fewer deaths than expected
2022: 16 percent MORE deaths than expected
2023: 22 percent MORE deaths than expected

What changed? The “magic juice” was introduced to kids in 2021!

Edward Dowd is also the author of “Cause Unknown” – The Epidemic of Sudden Deaths in 2021 & 2022″

Since his report was released earlier this month, the UK office for national statistics went hard to work.

Today they revealed that they’re creating a “new method” for estimating excess deaths in the UK.

Julie Stanborough, the Health Analysis and Pandemic insight DNS, announced last week that “in the spirit of continuous improvement” the government will be using a new method to calculate excess deaths in the UK. Julie Stanborough explains, this new methodology will give us a better understanding in this complex area.

Julie added, “It’s important to note that excess deaths estimates are just that – estimates. They cannot be counted on an individual basis, as can be done for death registrations. They are estimated using statistical techniques and, as a result, there is no single “true” measure of excess deaths.”

And here is Julie’s solution:

As discussed in a previous ONS blog, fundamental to any method for estimating excess deaths is the question, how many deaths do we expect there to be in normal conditions; in other words, what would “normal” mortality levels look like? The current approach used by ONS and the devolved administrations provides a comparison between the number of deaths registered in the current year and the average number over a recent five-year period. For example, excess mortality in 2019 was estimated from data covering 2014 to 2018. 2020 was excluded from subsequent calculations to avoid distortion due to the extremely high number of death registrations, particularly during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic. For 2020 and 2021, the average was calculated over 2015 to 2019, and for 2022, it was calculated over 2016 to 2019 plus 2021.

The weakness of this approach is that it doesn’t take into account the ageing and growing population of the UK (all else being equal, more people means more deaths, particularly if a greater share of the population are elderly); nor does it reflect recent trends in population mortality rates, which were generally falling until 2011 before levelling off until the onset of the pandemic.

How convenient! They’re going to change the methods to hide the deaths!

Is anyone really surprised by this?

Via Tommy Robinson News.

The post How Convenient: UK Develops New Method to Count Excess Deaths Following Shocking Numbers Post COVID Vaccine (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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