HUGE! Case Against Nevada GOP Alternate Electors Dismissed By Judge… Radical Dem AG Loses His Mind
Clark County Judge Mary Kay Holthus dismissed the case against the 6 GOP electors on Friday.

Clark County Judge Mary Kay Holthus dismissed the case against the 6 GOP electors on Friday.

The Daily Indy reported:

At a Friday morning hearing in Clark County District Court, Judge Mary Kay Holthus said she was unconvinced by state prosecutors’ arguments that Clark County was the appropriate county to hear the case. The electors’ attorneys had argued a more appropriate venue would be in Carson City, where the false signing ceremony took place, or in Douglas County, where the fake elector documents were originally mailed from.

Clark County is more Democratic, meaning a jury could be less favorable to the Republican defendants.

“You have literally, in my opinion, a crime that has occurred in another jurisdiction,” Holthus said. “It’s so appropriately up north and so appropriately not here.”

Immediately after the ruling, Nevada Attorney General Aaron Ford said the “judge got it wrong” and that his office will appeal the ruling to the state Supreme Court.

The sham case against Nevada’s Republican electors, who cast an ALTERNATE slate of electoral votes for President Trump in the event there was enough evidence of election fraud to overturn the 2020 election results, has been dismissed.

Nevada GOP alternate Electors

The ruling by Clark County District Court Judge Mary Kay Holthus to dismiss the case didn’t sit well with Aaron Ford, Nevada’s radical AG, who vowed to take his case directly to the US Supreme Court. AG Ford blamed the judge, who he said “got it wrong!” and warned, “We’ll be appealing immediately!”

But according to the Seattle Times, it’s too late. – Defense attorneys bluntly declared the case dead, saying that to bring the case now to another grand jury in another venue, such as the state capital city of Carson City, would violate a three-year statute of limitations on filing charges that expired in December.

“They’re done,” said Margaret McLetchie, attorney for Clark County Republican party chairman Jesse Law, one of the defendants in the case.

The judge called off trial, which had been scheduled in January, for defendants that included the Nevada GOP chairman and prominent party leaders from the Las Vegas, Reno and Lake Tahoe areas. Each was charged with offering a false instrument for filing and uttering a forged instrument, felonies that carry penalties of up to four or five years in prison.

Weak criminal charges against the GOP electors remain in Georgia, Michigan, and Arizona.

On November 13, 2020, attornies general from Nevada and Michigan signed onto a letter from the Soros-back Attorney General Keith Ellison, demanding that Bill Barr’s DOJ stay out of investigations into voter fraud in their states.

The Gateway Pundit reported on how the radical Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel’s case is falling apart, as the judge was seen laughing during a recent pre-trial cross-examination of the AG’s key witness, their own investigator Howard Shock, whose highly-partisan “investigation” is an insult to good cops who do honest work.

Peter Bernegger tweeted about the document yesterday, saying:

More Evidence It Was Sovereign Fraud: on November 13, 2020, nineteen Democrat AGs signed a letter (4 pages below) encouraging AG Barr to rescind his November 9th memo. The memo permitted federal agencies such as the FBI and federal prosecutors to investigate election fraud. The nineteen state AG’s demanded the memo be scrapped.

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