“I Don’t Like the Way he Calls People Names… I Like Ron” – Anti-Trump Candidate Craig Riedel Trashes Trump in Recorded Phone Call with Donor THEN Flips and Endorses Trump With Dishonest State
GOP Ohio Congressional candidate Craig Riedel was exposed last week for making anti-Trump statements to a potential donor but later endorsed President Trump in 2024 after the phone call audio was posted online.
Alan Jacoby, host of America First LIVE on LFATV

GOP Ohio Congressional candidate Craig Riedel was exposed last week for making anti-Trump statements to a potential donor but later endorsed President Trump in 2024 after the phone call audio was posted online.

In the phone call with Alan Jacoby, host of America First LIVE on LFATV and CEO/Founder of The Patriot Cigar Company, Riedel vowed, “I’m being genuine and truthful with you,” as he disavowed Trump, his personality, and the MAGA movement. But hours later, he flipped and endorsed Trump while claiming he was the victim of “a stunt” by Alan Jacoby and Congressman Matt Gaetz, who wasn’t even involved. Alan Jacoby told The Gateway Pundit, “Matt Gaetz nor JR Majewski had any knowledge that this call took place.”

Craig Riedel, in the Primary, faces JR Majewski, a Trump-Endorsed candidate in 2022 who lost after he was targeted by the far-left Fake News Media and Soros-funded Media Matters.

The nominee will go on to face Democrat Marcy Kaptur, a 77-year-old career politician, first elected in 1983, who also happens to be the longest-serving female Congresswoman in history.

If you want to learn more and support JR, click here.

Of President Trump, Craig Riedel said in a recorded phone call, “I don’t like the way he communicates… I don’t like the way he calls people names,” a typical butthurt leftist and RINO talking point. “I like Ron,” he added.

Jacoby: You’re not looking for a Trump endorsement, are you?

Riedel: I am not. We are not. Nope.

Jacoby: And you’re making it a point that you do not want Trump’s endorsement.

Riedel: Yep. Yep.

Jacoby: when the time comes publicly, and if it does come, that you’re put on the spot about your support for Trump, what are you going to tell people? Like, just straight dope, what are you going to do?

Riedel: I get asked this often, and my answer is the same every time, and I’ve hit on it already. That look Donald Trump, he’s, he’s a different person than me. I don’t like the way he communicates. I think he is arrogant. I don’t like the way he calls people names. I just don’t think that’s very becoming a President.

Jacoby: So it’s safe to say that you’re not looking to support the guy’s primary run?

Riedel: I’m with you. We got to, we need to go a different direction. We need people like, you know, people like Craig Riedel, people like Craig Riedel.

Jacoby: What do you think of Ron DeSantis?

Riedel: I like Ron, I like Ron. You know, I can’t understand why he’s not gaining more traction.

Listen to the entire phone call below.

Almost immediately after these comments were made public, Riedel released a statement endorsing Donald Trump and claiming, “Matt Gaetz and a social media trickster pulled a stunt yesterday to try and convince President Trump to get involved in my congressional primary for proven loser JR Majewski.” This still does not answer why he feels the need to lie or why he didn’t come to Trump’s defense.

At least JR Majewski doesn’t feel the need to lie to win.

Trump ally Max Miller voided his endorsement of Riedel following his remarks.

Jacoby later posted the full phone call audio and called on Congressmen Jim Jordan (R-OH) and Elise Stefanik (R-NY) to withdraw their endorsements of Craig Riedel.

Alan Jacoby gave the following statement to The Gateway Pundit, further exposing the lies from Craig Riedel:

Craig Riedel has been soliciting me for a campaign donation since mid-June. All calls and text messages were initiated by him. I never dialed his number.I suspected he was a never Trumper and wanted to test him as I am determined to weed out the anti-MAGA candidates and never Trumpers who are deceiving donors every day. If Riedel had done some due diligence and looked me up, he would have seen that I am a true Trump loyalist and bleed MAGA.

After Riedel was exposed, disavowing President Trump on a recorded call calling the 45th president arrogant and confirming he did not want the president’s endorsement, he panicked and put out a statement endorsing Trump after telling me he was leaning in support of Ron DeSantis. In that statement, he attacked Congressman Matt Gaetz and called me a social media trickster. Lie after lie, flip after flop, Craig Riedel has been exposed as the anti-MAGA Never Trumper he truly is. Matt Gaetz nor JR Majewski had any knowledge that this call took place. Riedel’s attack on Gaetz just proves more so that he is truly anti-MAGA.

Craig Reidel is either desperate for donations to say whatever a donor wants to hear or too dumb to not vet his potential donors he engages in conversation with over the phone.

I never called Craig Riedel, which proves again that he is a liar according to his campaign statement.

Jacoby openly supports Trump on social media and his podcast shows. On his X page, Jacoby dons a MAGA hat in his profile photo and cover photo. This does not appear to be some elaborate scheme to get Riedel to show his true colors.

He also did not call Riedel, as Riedel claims. Jacoby posted the receipts on X, showing that Riedel has been calling and texting him for MONTHS asking for money.

Jacoby streams a morning show live at 8 AM ET every day at 1776Live.tv and America First Live on Rumble every weekday at 3 PM ET.

The Gateway Pundit correspondent Jordan Conradson contacted Craig Riedel and Riedel’s campaign consultant, but they refused to comment and give their side of the story.

The post “I Don’t Like the Way he Calls People Names… I Like Ron” – Anti-Trump Candidate Craig Riedel Trashes Trump in Recorded Phone Call with Donor THEN Flips and Endorses Trump With Dishonest Statement After Getting Exposed appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.




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