“I’m Confident that Everybody on Those Buses Were FBI Assets – We’ve Identified One of the Buses – Senior Officials Deeply Involved” – BOOM! Rep. Clay Higgins Tells Lara Logan They Have PROOF
Investigative journalist Lara Logan released the latest episode in her much-anticipated investigative series into the January 6, 2021 “Fed-surrection” on Thursday on in Media website.
Representative Clay Higgins (R-LA)

Investigative journalist Lara Logan released the latest episode in her much-anticipated investigative series into the January 6, 2021 “Fed-surrection” on Thursday on Truth in Media website.

In her latest episode, Episode 9, Logan brings on former Louisiana police officer and current US Congressman Clay Higgins to discuss the events that tragic day back in January 2021.

Representative Higgins is famous for confronting FBI Director Chris Wray back in November 2022 on the confidential human sources dressed as Trump supporters INSIDE the US Capitol on January 6, 2021.

In November 2023 Rep. Higgins confronted Chris Wray again about the FBI’s confidential human sources that were brought to the January 6, 2021 protests. But this time Clay Higgins brought a photo of the government assets boarding buses before the rally on January 6 at Union Station.

Rep. Clay Higgins (R-LA) releases photo of alleged FBI “ghost buses” in Union Station on Jan. 6, 2021 during questioning of FBI Director Chris Wray on 11-15-2023.

On Thursday, Rep. Clay Higgins told Lara Logan that the FBI and DOJ are still placing innocent Trump supporters on the terrorist watch list making it difficult for them to travel. This practice still takes place today.

This practice has been going on since January 2021.

Rep. Higgins then makes this promise — that he will go after the perpetrators at the DOJ and FBI,  “They’re going down. These men and their high perch and their position of power and authority that are walking upon our entire history, our deepest core principles. They’re not going to get away with it.”

Rep. Clay Higgins then dropped more information on the suspicious white buses that showed up at the US Capitol full of operatives on January 6, 2021.

Rep. Higgins:  These two busses in the middle here, they were the first to arrive at Union Station on January 6, at 5:00 AM.  I have all this evidence. I’m showing you the tip of the iceberg.

Lara Logan:  Your point really was that there were unmarked vehicles full of individuals that have not been explained. Is that right?

Rep. Higgins: A ghost vehicle in law enforcement is not an uncommon reference. It’s a vehicle that’s been purposefully concealed, whereby it’s not easy to identify. So no license plate has been painted over from its original color. In this case, these two busses were totally painted white, like a cheap, fast overspray over all of the markings.

So when you have two charter busses show up, the very first busses to show up in Union Station on January 6 around 05:00 a.m. – Initial witness, another charter bus owner arrived at 5:20. He thought he would be the first to arrive because he knew the schedule of all the other charter busses, and he knew that most of the busses would begin arriving around 6. So this charter bus operator was a very experienced man, very squared away, when he arrived with his couple of busses. These two white busses were, to his surprise, already there. And he immediately noticed that these busses were odd because they were totally painted over. It was a bad paint job. There was no markings, no phone numbers, no company name, totally outside the parameters of the way charter busses are required to operate and by law.

So he said, these busses are weird and no one was getting out. So something else that happens within that charter bus driver community is the drivers know each other, and the passengers may stay on a bus if they’re, especially in a parking lot, they’re not ready to disembark yet. Sure, the passengers might stay on a bus, but the bus drivers get off and they talk to each other. They talk to the other bus drivers.

So there are things that happen normally that the absence of that happening was odd So he was suspicious enough of these busses as a professional, that he collected some digital evidence of those busses and then estimated with him and other eyewitnesses between 40 and 50 guys that they described as Trump supporters, they all disembarked from the bus, and they gathered in front of the two busses, and they had some kind of discussion, a briefing, like the way a military leader would address his troops.

Lara Logan: Yeah, they call it a huddle.

Clay Higgins: And then they together went to the escalators and up in the Union Station and were gone.

Lara Logan:  And they were all men?

Clay Higgins:  They were all men, in all the Trump regalia. These were men were in really good shape. They made comments like, wow, that’s a real serious Trump supporters, these guys. And they said they all had elbow pads and knee pads, and they appeared like they had common equipment, but they were not in uniform, but they behaved in a uniform manner.

And we intend to get all of that video evidence from Union Station, from the escalators, from the parking lot. We have other eyewitnesses, much to the chagrin of everybody that was in those busses and everyone who commanded them to be there. We’ve identified one of those buses. And you know what that means? That means that’s their asses! Because a bus is a serial-numbered vehicle. And in America, the change of ownership of a serial-numbered vehicle is recorded, documented.

So that means we can begin to trace from the original owner of that bus where it was sold and who bought it, and then who it was leased to and where it disappeared. And then eventually, those busses were removed from the union Station. And we’re going to document all of that.

Lara Logan:  So you believe that those busses held undercover officers, not informants? Correct.

Rep. Clay Higgins: I feel very confident that everybody that was on those two buses were FBI assets. And I have a high degree of belief that they were actual FBI agents. And I’m sorry to say, ma’am, my objective conclusion is that senior officials at the FBI were deeply involved there.

You had a combination of FBI confidential informants, either registered, unregistered or a volunteer informant or actual FBI agents, depending upon the group and how significant the group was. Like, the agents inserted and say that proud boys, groups that were going to come to DC, those are most probably actual FBI agents, whereas some random Facebook group of patriots from Arizona or something was most likely an informant. So it would still fall under the umbrella of an FBI asset if they were communicating with the FBI data that they were harvesting and information that they were recording and delivering to the FBI, screenshots of text chats or actual recordings of phone calls, things like that, that they were delivering to the FBI, all part of the web of surveillance of the american people.

This was an exceptional video – only at Truth in Media.

Watch the entire episode here.

The post “I’m Confident that Everybody on Those Buses Were FBI Assets – We’ve Identified One of the Buses – Senior Officials Deeply Involved” – BOOM! Rep. Clay Higgins Tells Lara Logan They Have PROOF of FBI Involvement in Jan. 6 (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.




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