In Conservative Conference in Globalist Belgium, Hungarian PM Viktor Orbán Torches EU Leadership, Calls for Change, Says Ukraine ‘Not a Sovereign State Anymore’
There’s really no surprise in learning that Belgium’s government has gone full authoritarian by repeatedly targeting a Conservative conference taking place in Brussels, going as far as shutting down a day of events with a ridiculous excuse in the middle of UK’s Nigel Farage’s speech.

There’s really no surprise in learning that Belgium’s government has gone full authoritarian by repeatedly targeting a Conservative conference taking place in Brussels, going as far as shutting down a day of events with a ridiculous excuse in the middle of UK’s Nigel Farage’s speech.

But as the old Arabic saying goes: ‘the dogs bark, the Caravan goes on’. In the run-up to a most relevant European Election cycle in recent times, the National Conservative Conference moved to its THIRD venue, and hosted as keynote speaker none other than conservative champion Viktor Orbán, long-serving Prime Minister of Hungary.

Orbán urged voters to reject mainstream political parties in the upcoming EU elections for their failure of leadership.

He also said Ukraine must never be allowed to join the either EU bloc or NATO.

Read: Hungary’s Orbán Calls the European Union a ‘Bad Contemporary Parody’ of the Soviet Union

Orbán strongly criticized EU climate alarmist policy and agriculture rules, that left farmers in great difficulty and drove them a an unprecedented season of protests.

He also stated the obvious: Europe’s migration crisis is now worse than ever.

Associated Press reported:

“’The sense of this European election is: change the leadership’, Orbán told an audience […] as campaigning heats up for Europe-wide polls on June 6-9. ‘If the leadership proves to be bad, it must be replaced. That’s so simple’, the right-wing populist leader said, to applause.”

Illiberal democrat Orbán torched the European Commission for using the COVID-19 pandemic as an excuse to target his country.

“’The bureaucrats in Brussels tried to suffocate Hungary financially’, he said.”

The commission has denied Hungary access to billions of Euros over ‘concerns about democratic backsliding in the country’ – a.k.a., unwillingness to obey Brussels Globalist mandatory agenda.

“The Hungarian leader, who has been in office since 2010, also underlined the failure of EU sanctions to stop the war in Ukraine. Addressing the fact that he’s often described in the media as a staunch ally of Russian President Vladimir Putin, Orbán said: ‘My mother is not happy’.”

Read: EPIC Hungary’s Orbán on EU ‘Blackmail’: ‘There Is Not Enough Money in the World To Force Us To Accept Mass Migration and To Put Our Children in the Hands of LGBTQ Activists’

About Ukraine: ‘Guys, you have to understand that you are [Ukraine] a buffer zone country. You can’t change your house number’, he said.

“Orbán said ‘Ukraine is now just a protectorate’ relying on Western money and weapons and is ‘not a sovereign state anymore’.”

The ‘threat’ indeed existed, but it was not the Conservatives present: it was a group of ANTIFA thugs trying to disrupt the meeting.

“Nigel Farage, the man credited with taking Britain out of the European Union, addressed the crowd, saying that ‘a new form of evil ideology’ had tried to silence the conference.”

Even ultra-liberal Belgian Prime Minister Alexander De Croo called the shutdown unacceptable.

“Municipal autonomy is a cornerstone of our democracy but can never overrule the Belgian constitution guaranteeing the freedom of speech and peaceful assembly since 1830. Banning political meetings is unconstitutional. Full stop.”

Read more:

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán Endorses Trump: “It is Time for Another Make America Great Again” (VIDEO)



The post In Conservative Conference in Globalist Belgium, Hungarian PM Viktor Orbán Torches EU Leadership, Calls for Change, Says Ukraine ‘Not a Sovereign State Anymore’ appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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