Infowars Host Owen Shroyer’s Last Words Before He Turns Himself Into Prison For Speech Crimes
Infowars host Owen Shroyer bid farewell to his “loving audience” on Wednesday moments before he turned himself into an Oakdale federal prison in rural Louisiana to serve a 60-day sentence for speech crimes, leading chants of “USA!

Infowars host Owen Shroyer bid farewell to his “loving audience” on Wednesday moments before he turned himself into an Oakdale federal prison in rural Louisiana to serve a 60-day sentence for speech crimes, leading chants of “USA! USA!” in protest of the stolen election in the District of Columbia on January 6.

On weekdays, Shroyer hosts his show, “The War Room” on Banned.Video every from 4 to 7 pm EST and sometimes pulls a double shift, frequently filling in for Infowars founder Alex Jones on “The Alex Jones Show” from 12 to 3 pm EST.

Instead, the famed conservative firebrand is locked in solitary confinement.


Shroyer turned himself in on Tuesday and will remain in the hole aka “quarantine” for the next six days in adherence with the Federal Correctional Institution Oakdale’s strict Covid provisions.

In a final broadcast before walking into the facility to be chained, stripped searched, and detained in isolation, the prominent talk show host assured amid the adversity he would “find a way to” become “better” while incarcerated and challenged his supporters to “improve yourself:”

Ladies and gentlemen, if you are seeing this video, then I am officially incarcerated, actually behind there, right there in federal prison. So, if you are watching this I am in jail, but I wanted to get one last final message.

Now, first of all, I can’t express the gratitude, appreciation and thanks from my heart for all the support in this, really, five years of political persecution that I’ve gone through. So, from all my heart, thank you for your continued support and I promise I’m never going to give up telling the truth. I’m never going to give up fighting for you.

And I want to say this… I am going to be there for 60 days and in those 60 days I’m going to find a way to better myself; going to find a way to come out stronger; I am going to come out wiser. I am going to come out bolder. I’m going to come out more focused. So, for 60 days while I am in there, I am going to try to improve myself and become a better person.

And so, I offer you this challenge. For the 60 days that I’m away, the next time that you see my face and hear my voice, I challenge you to become a better person. Use these 60 days, while I’m away, to improve yourself. If I can improve myself in there, then you can certainly improve yourself out here…My final message to you, my loving audience. God bless. God speed.


On Sept. 12, Judge Timothy Kelly, just days after the Trump-appointed judge handed the leaders of the Proud Boys the longest prison bids of any J6er to date, Kelly sentenced Shroyer to 60 days in prison for his actions on during the Capitol riot.

Shroyer never entered the Capitol building on January 6.

Government prosecutors contend Shroyer “helped create” the riot with rhetoric warning Democrats are tyrannical and that his speech fomented the”insurrection.”

“The Democrats are posing as communists, but we know what they really are: They’re just tyrants, they’re tyrants,” Shroyer said into a megaphone, according to the government’s sentencing memo. “And so today, on January 6, we declare death to tyranny! Death to tyrants!”

Prosecutors noted Shroyer championed Americans who protested the stolen election and “spread election disinformation paired with violent rhetoric to hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of viewers” of InfoWars.

Prosecutors sought 120 days in prison for Shroyer, arguing he had an active order to stay away from the Capitol prior to January 6 for a pending case of disorderly conduct.

In 2019, Shroyer was arrested after he derailed the House impeachment proceedings against President Trump by confronting then-Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerrold Nadler.

Antifa-Insurgence Leader John Sullivan Speaks Out in Infowars Interview: Biden’s Victory Is ‘Fishy,’ Massive Support For Trump ‘Speaks For Itself’ (Video)

Meanwhile, high-profile J6 defendants who are presumed to be federal operatives who orchestrated the fedsurrection remain above the law.

In contrast to the plurality of J6 defendants who have been apprehended by the bureau, militant Antifa anarchist John Earle “Jayden X” Sullivan, who committed multiple felonies on camera on January 6 and was paid over $100,000 for footage of “eyewitness footage” of the shooting of Ashli Babbitt by mainstream media, walks free after spending just has spent just one day in jail, has only attended subsequent court proceedings by Zoom and is allegedly working as a war correspondent in Ukraine.

In an interview with Shroyer following his arrest, even Sullivan agreed Joe Biden stole the election.

Antifa-Insurgence Leader John Sullivan Speaks Out in Infowars Interview: Biden’s Victory Is ‘Fishy,’ Massive Support For Trump ‘Speaks For Itself’ (Video)

Shroyer posted instructions for how to reach him during his imprisonment.

Shroyer’s attorney Norm Pattis, who also represents Alex Jones in the Sand Hook case and J6 defendant Joseph Biggs, appeared with Shroyer on the Jones show hours before he turned himself in.
“USA! USA!” is “a common chant of people taking pride in this country, but it is now evidence of a crime and a reason to go to prison,” Pattis explained. “I was incredulous when they did this at the Proud Boys case,” Pattis said. “Have you ever seen a case where a patriot chant was used as evidence during trial?

Here is exhibit A,” he continued, pointing to Shroyer, “is a free man for a couple of hours, but within the next couple of hours, he will walk into a federal penal institution, prison. He will be assigned a number, lose his identity as Owen Shroyer, and be treated as that number — and what was the crime? USA! USA!


To support Owen Shroyer while he’s in jail, visit: OwenShroyer.Store

The post Infowars Host Owen Shroyer’s Last Words Before He Turns Himself Into Prison For Speech Crimes appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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