INGRASSIA: With Kamala Now Leading The Ticket, Election Integrity Becomes More Important Than Ever
This week’s swap-out of Joe Biden for Kamala Harris provides a nice opportunity to remind everyone of the need to batten down the hatches for election integrity efforts.

This week’s swap-out of Joe Biden for Kamala Harris provides a nice opportunity to remind everyone of the need to batten down the hatches for election integrity efforts.

As it stands, we have about three and a half months remaining until November 5th, and still much work to be done to shore up the vote tally by election day.

While it remains true that Kamala Harris, as the least popular vice president since the advent of modern polling, cannot possibly win a legitimate election against Donald John Trump, based on the recent hundred million dollar-plus fundraising haul we have seen reported this past week from the Democrats, it is apparent they are – and will – do everything they can to once again steal the 2024 race.

By replacing Biden, it makes crystal clear the fact that President Trump is not going against a single human opponent, but a political machine – propped up by billions of donor money from Hollywood, Wall Street, and Silicon Valley, with the support system of regime media apparatchiks like MSNBC, CNN, and the New York Times, who get down and dirty in the places where politicos would rather not go.  On this score, it is important to not get too lost in the weeds of the Kamala Harris candidacy, or any candidacy of any political opponent going forward.

As I wrote yesterday in an article entitled “Don’t Buy The Kamala Psy-Op,” Kamala Harris is basically the current mascot for the larger Democratic apparatus, which includes the bureaucrats and deep state officials pulling the levers behind the scenes.

She, like Biden, is a puppet – and is as disposable as one too.  An important detail that might have gotten overlooked is that while Harris received the endorsements of Biden, Pelosi, and the Clintons, Barack Obama withheld his endorsement.

It has been reported that Obama believes Kamala Harris cannot beat President Trump, deeming her something of a lightweight who “cannot navigate the landmines that are ahead of her,” according to a Biden family source that leaked this information to the New York Post.

As innocuous as the Obama might sound, it could well be a sign of a deeper, multifaceted strategy: one that might use Kamala to court anxious donors looking to toss their support behind anyone not named Biden, which has so far been successful.

Then, once Kamala fever dies, replace her at the DNC in Chicago next month.  The three-plus weeks between now and the start of the DNC can be multiple lifetimes in politics.  If by then the manufactured boost in the polls that we are told Kamala is now enjoying wears off (as is almost inevitable), do not be shocked to observe another switcheroo, the second in as many months.

And given what President Trump has been saying since the moment he descended that escalator some nine years ago, it makes sense.  He was never running against a single person, but against the Washington Swamp, that uses names like Bush, Clinton, Biden, and now Harris – as cover to pursue its reckless and suicidal policies of open borders, inflation, high crime, and endless wars.

Kamala Harris, as but the latest installment in this decades-long enterprise, is the furthest thing from a legitimate candidate: she is a mouthpiece for the powers that be, a total pawn for special interests that are fundamentally opposed to We the People.

Whether at the border or managing the economy or engaging in global diplomacy, Kamala Harris – and the bureaucracy she represents – has been an unmitigated failure on every single front.

She has allowed untold millions of military-age men to parade their way into the homeland, bringing lethal drugs like fentanyl along the way and committing heinous crimes in the process – like the murder of Laken Riley.

On the economy, “Kamalanomics” would be every bit as disastrous as its hapless predecessor in Bidenomics – and then some.  In addition to wasting hundreds of millions of dollars more on endless wars in Eastern Europe and the Middle East, which would be prolonged – and exacerbated – by her lack of diplomatic skills, Kamala would be sure to sponsor financially and environmentally destructive policies like the Green New Deal and reparations, all of which would add billions more to our thirty five trillion dollar national debt, consigning our children and grandchildren to a kind of latter-day feudalism, where they will be rendered serfs denied the opportunity to ever buy their own home or get out of debt.

On crime, she will unleash hordes of illegals into the homeland – and force average American citizens to deal with the costs, including the steep financial burdens of paying for their schooling, housing, and healthcare.

This, in addition to the emotional burdens, like the rapes and homicides that many of these border-crossers are committing, now in record numbers.

This perfect storm will unleash mayhem upon the economy and culture, only worsening the polarization rampant across society already.  Rather than heal the divide and be a unifier, Kamala Harris – the DEI pick of the regime – will sow deeper divisions across racial and political lines, gratuitously opening old wounds while creating new problems.

It will be a recipe for disaster, and perhaps toll the death knell to the American empire.  Should America survive Kamala’s reign of terror, by the time her administration ends the country might end too.

At the very least, it will have become completely transformed – a government that serves its own megalomaniacal interests over the American people, that pulverizes dissent with heavy-handed justice, and makes a mockery of our freedoms with shameless abandon.  Who knew that liberty would die to the sound of a cackling hyena?

The post INGRASSIA: With Kamala Now Leading The Ticket, Election Integrity Becomes More Important Than Ever appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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