Iran Reportedly Backs Down: Announces Decision Not to Assist Hamas Unless Israel Attacks Iran
Iran reportedly announced that it will not assist Hamas or engage in military action against Israel unless Israel attacks Iran, its interests, or its citizens.
Photo: Mohammed Abed/AFP/Getty Images

Iran reportedly announced that it will not assist Hamas or engage in military action against Israel unless Israel attacks Iran, its interests, or its citizens.

The statement came from Iran’s mission to the United Nations in New York and was reported by Reuters.

“Iran’s armed forces will not engage, provided that the Israeli apartheid does not dare to attack Iran, its interests, and nationals. The resistance front can defend itself,” according to the statement from Iran’s UN mission.

This marks a significant departure from Iran’s previous statement.

As The Gateway Pundit reported, Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian directly threatened the United States over the Israel-Hamas war, saying in remarks to Al Jazeera on Sunday in Qatar, “If the scope of the war expands, heavy losses will befall America as well.”

Amirabdollahian also warned Israel about invading Gaza to clear out Hamas after the terrorist group’s massacre of Israelis last weekend, “the resistance leaders will turn it [Israel] into a cemetery for occupation soldiers”. The threats by Amirabdollahian folow ones he made Saturday of Israel facing a “huge earthquake” if it invaded Gaza.

NBC news reporter Matt Bradley posted to X Twitter more on Amirabdollahian’s comments to Al Jazeera:

“BREAKING: Iran’s Foreign Minister has made his strongest warning yet in remarks to Al Jazeera: “If stopping the aggression against Gaza does not succeed, the expansion of the war fronts is not excluded and its possibility increases every hour. Iran cannot remain a spectator.”…“If America and Israel do not stop this policy, the scope of the war cannot be stopped During my meeting in Lebanon, I learned from Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah [the leader of Hezbullah] that all scenarios were put on the table.”…“The continued aggression and the absence of a political solution add fuel to the fire and things may get out of control. The region and its actors will not remain spectators.” – Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian, speaking to Al Jazeera.”

This is a developing story, and we will continue to provide updates as new information becomes available.

The post Iran Reportedly Backs Down: Announces Decision Not to Assist Hamas Unless Israel Attacks Iran appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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