Is Replacement Theory Real? — Texas Follows California and Now Has Larger Hispanic Population than White (VIDEO)
For most of the mid-20th century, California was considered a stronghold of the Republican Party, with the GOP consistently winning presidential races.

For most of the mid-20th century, California was considered a stronghold of the Republican Party, with the GOP consistently winning presidential races.

From the 1952 Presidential election through to the year 2000, the state cast its electoral votes for the Republican nominee in 9 out of 13 presidential elections.

Source: Statista

From 1900 to 2020, the presidential election results in California have shown an intriguing pattern. The state has experienced an equal number of victories for both the Democratic and Republican parties, each securing 15 wins. Interestingly, since 1992, California has consistently favored Democratic candidates, marking a continuous streak of victories for the party.

1900 -1988 (Source: Ballotpedia)
1924 -1988 (Source: Ballotpedia)

According to critics, the political landscape began to change, notably after President Ronald Reagan signed the Amnesty bill in 1986.

President Ronald Reagan signed the Immigration Reform and Control Act (also known as the Simpson-Mazzoli Act or the Reagan Amnesty), which granted amnesty to millions of undocumented immigrants, a substantial number of whom resided in California. This legalization allowed many to embark on the road to U.S. citizenship and, ultimately, the right to vote.

The Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 (IRCA) was introduced by two key figures:

  • Senator Alan Simpson (R-WY): He served as the Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee and played a crucial role in shaping the legislation.

  • Representative Romano Mazzoli (D-KY): He was the Chairman of the House Judiciary Subcommittee on Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship and championed the bill in the House of Representatives.

From Library of Congress:

This act introduced civil and criminal penalties to employers who knowingly hired undocumented immigrants or individuals unauthorized to work in the U.S. However, the act also offered legalization, which led to lawful permanent residence (LPR) and prospective naturalization to undocumented migrants, who entered the country prior to 1982. Farm workers who could validate at least ninety days of employment also qualified for lawful permanent residency.

After 1986, U.S. law required hired employees to demonstrate work eligibility by filling out an I-9 form and submitting certifications of citizenship or work authorization.

An estimated 3 million individuals—mostly of Hispanic descent—gained legal status through IRCA, securing economic and social opportunities as legal residents of the United States and gaining protection from deportation. In an effort to halt unlawful crossings and unauthorized workers, the IRCA also approved increased border security resources, including higher budgets for the Border Patrol and the Department of Labor.

The alleged ‘bipartisan’ bill initially mandated basic citizenship skills and a time-bound application for permanent residency before it underwent amendments in the House, following its obstruction by House Speaker Tip O’Neill.

The Time reported in 1983:

Without even consulting other Democratic leaders in the House, O’Neill derailed a compromise bill that was designed to stem the flow of illegal immigrants, while giving amnesty to most of those already here. Co-sponsored by Republican Senator Alan Simpson of Wyoming and Democratic Congressman Romano Mazzoli of Kentucky, the legislation was the product of seven years of work by a national commission, a presidential task force and half a dozen congressional committees. The need for reform was clear enough: more than a million-illegals pour over U.S. borders every year.

But for the intensely partisan Speaker, the immigration bill had a sharp political downside. Hispanic leaders had warned him that its passage would cost the Democrats Hispanic votes in 1984. The Speaker was determined to keep this important bloc happy. Democrats “truly represent the Hispanics of America,” he said. “These are the people my party is trying to help.”

At the same time, O’Neill tried to blame the Administration for undermining the bill. The White House wanted the Democratic-controlled House to pass it, he asserted, so the President could veto it. That way, Reagan would come across as a hero to Hispanic Americans, and the Democrats as chumps. Was the man in the Oval Office capable of such a cynical trick? “He’s the most political man I’ve seen there,” snapped O’Neill.

California’s demographic composition has dramatically transformed over the years. In 2013, the non-Hispanic white population decreased from 80 percent to 39 percent, while the Hispanic community grew from 10 percent to an equivalent of 39 percent. This shift has had profound effects on state politics, the economy, and culture.

As reported by The Gateway Pundit in 2013, these changes have been crucial in altering the state’s political allegiance.

According to the Public Policy Institute of California (PPIC), as of the 2020 Census, California’s diverse population includes 39% Latino, 35% white, 15% Asian American or Pacific Islander, 5% Black, 4% multiracial, and less than 1% Native American or Alaska Natives. This diversity is reflective of the broader changes across the United States.

Now, decades later, the cultural and political ramifications are evident, as the Republican Party has not emerged victorious in a general election in California since these changes began.

Similar demographic trends are now being observed in Texas.

Recent census data indicated that Latinos outnumber non-Hispanic whites in Texas, hinting at possible political repercussions as the demographics continue to tilt.

Latinos now outnumber non-Hispanic whites, with the latest census data indicating that 40.2% of the state’s population is Hispanic, compared to 39.8% non-Hispanic white, according to NBC News.


In 2013, former San Antonio Mayor Julian Castro and his brother, Rep. Joaquin Castro, predicted that these changes could lead to Texas becoming a Democratic state in future presidential elections.

“In a couple of presidential cycles, on election night, you’ll be announcing we’re calling the 38 electoral votes of Texas for the Democratic nominee for president. It’s changing,” said Julian Castro during an interview with CBS News’ Face the Nation.

“It’s going to become a purple state and then a blue state, because of the demographics, because of the population growth of folks from outside of Texas – and because, unfortunately, the Republican Party has gone so far to the right that they’re losing the business community,” he continued. “They’re losing the middle.”

His brother agreed and said, “it’s not going to happen on its own. The demographics are changing, but it’s going to take a lot of work from Democrats to lay the infrastructure for change. So we’re very busy working on that now.”


Critics, however, argue that the changing demographics are part of a deliberate strategy to influence and steal elections. This sentiment is echoed in online forums, with users citing “replacement theory” and accusing Democrats of altering demographics to reshape the American political landscape.

No wonder Democrats are supporting the immigration bill. Texas is next. Then, the rest of the U.S.

According to Data Hazard, currently, the number of illegal immigrants arriving monthly surpasses the total of American children being born in the United States.

Rep. Van Drew told the FOX News audience that Joe Biden has now allowed more illegal aliens into the country through the open border than the total population of the State of New Jersey.

New Jersey is the 11th most populated state of the union.

Speaker Johnson wrote on Friday, “Yet another record broken by the Biden Administration – over 276,000 migrant encounters this month and it’s not even over yet. The border is wide open. The President must take action immediately to stop the flow of drugs, terrorists and illegal immigrants.”


The post Is Replacement Theory Real? — Texas Follows California and Now Has Larger Hispanic Population than White (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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