It’s Time For Donald Trump’s Media Company To Consider Buying The NY Times, Washington Post, Or Wall Street Journal – And Make Fake News Fair Again!
A great deal so far has been written about how President Trump will dramatically overhaul and scale back the administrative state when he becomes President again in November. Such a move, if successful, would restore a great deal of legitimacy to democratic lawmakers, particularly in Congress – and the President himself – who will be less hamstrung by the subversive ideologies and agendas of career Washington bureaucrats.

A great deal so far has been written about how President Trump will dramatically overhaul and scale back the administrative state when he becomes President again in November.  Such a move, if successful, would restore a great deal of legitimacy to democratic lawmakers, particularly in Congress – and the President himself – who will be less hamstrung by the subversive ideologies and agendas of career Washington bureaucrats.

Of equal importance, though less talked about, is how a next Trump administration might restore integrity and legitimacy back to the fourth estate, legacy and corporate media institutions, which have long ago abandoned any pretext to impartiality.  As most Americans know readily well, legacy media does not even attempt to pretend to be unbiased, fair, or neutral: instead, outlets like the New York Times, Washington Post, and even the Wall Street Journal, simply reflexively parrot the anti-Trump, anti-America First talking points of their overlords in the Democratic Party, intelligence agencies, and military industrial complex.

Yet the legitimacy of the legacy media, and the “newspapers of record” I listed, are at historic lows.  Many Americans – conservatives, especially – are turning away from these legacy outlets in droves, for alternative channels in the decentralized media space.  Part of that has to do with revolutions and developments in technology in recent years.  However, an even greater part of it has to do with these outfits themselves self-immolating by their failure to report the truth accurately on a whole array of topics, from the illegitimacy and vote-rigging surrounding the 2020 election, to the false “insurrection” narrative put out by the House January 6th Committee, to the failure to report accurately on the weaponized system of justice and the show trials against President Trump, to the media’s collective failure to report at all on the Biden Regime’s border catastrophe.

As legacy newspapers have turned a blind eye to these critical stories in recent years, they have also doubled down on their censorship efforts – selecting against dissident stories that challenge their received worldview.  They have also actively enabled the censorship of stories and the work of brave investigative journalists, like James O’Keefe, Alex Jones, and Laura Loomer, whose careers are dedicated to exposing the corruption at the heart of Washington’s Swamp, which is enabled and abetted by both party establishments.

President Trump has proven himself to be more than just an ordinary politician.  He is a visionary, a man who has achieved the pinnacle of success in both public and private life.  His latest endeavor, Trump Media & Technology Group Corp, which recently went public through its merger with DWAC, resulting in a multibillion-dollar windfall, is testimony to his visionary eye.  The possibilities of what he can do with this latest media project are virtually endless – at his disposal is the opportunity to fundamentally remake the entire media ecosystem, top down, in the image and likeness of MAGA.

One way he might execute this vision is by purchasing one, if not all three of the newspapers of record.  At one point in American history, each one of these three papers — the NY Times, Washington Post, and WSJ — were considered authorities for the topics they covered and quality of their editorial commentary.  Not anymore. Nowadays, their authority has been deeply undermined by the brazen Leftist (or, at a bare minimum, RINO) propaganda they each parrot daily, and the mediocrity of their opinion pieces and reporting generally.

Journalistic standards have been reduced, if not collapsed, across the board, to accommodate the unthinking, brainwashed hivemind that increasingly characterizes the average Democratic voter.  Yet, these newspapers retain their status as “authorities” for most nightly and cable news programs, which still command (to an albeit waning degree) a dominant perch atop the media ecosystem broadly speaking.

The headlines produced by the three newspapers of record nevertheless provide talking points for pundits across cable and legacy media.  They remain agenda setters, in other words, because of the demographics of those who consume the most news – which remains, overwhelmingly, older Americans who remain stubbornly attached to the medium they grew up with: television.  As the saying goes, the medium is the message: so long as the demographics favor traditional news media, which they will for the foreseeable future, these “newspapers of record” will command predominance as dissimulators of public opinion, for better or worse.  Even the commentary on social media sites like X mostly react to the coverage and focus of cable news and legacy newspaper outfits, and thus the secondhand effects of these “newspapers of record” ongoing hegemony remain palpable.

As we have observed, especially in recent years, news media has a powerful influence over politics. Stories shape the issues that lawmakers debate, the wars that get funded, and the crises that get addressed.  It is because of the nonstop, wall-to-wall coverage of the conflicts in the Ukraine and Gaza that Washington responded with hundreds of billions of dollars of aid in recent months to those regions.   The George Floyd riots of the summer of 2020, which resulted in billions of more damages than the (overwhelmingly peaceful) protest at the Capitol on January 6th, and yet, incredulously, resulted in zero indictments, was largely framed as a spiritual awakening of sorts by legacy news outlets.

The legacy media’s intentionally crafted narrative in response to the George Floyd riots, engineered by all three major legacy newspapers, precipitated a sea change in American life: new holidays were created, sports teams were renamed, election procedures were rewritten, and the policies that have catalyzed the rampant lawlessness most American cities face today were enacted, in large part because of how the New York Times framed “the mostly peaceful protestors” that fateful summer.

The example above illustrates how the news, more so than even Congress or the Presidency, affects policy in terms of the issues that regular Americans talk about, and the priorities that become the focus of lawmakers in Washington.  College students, many of them neither Jewish nor Muslim, are rioting now over a conflict in a distant land thousands of miles away, while ignoring their own wide-open southern border, where millions of foreign invaders are flooding their homeland – doing permanent damage to our country’s cultural and economic fabric in the process.  That is entirely due to the selective coverage and preferential treatment of legacy news media.

Meanwhile, America’s infrastructure is in shambles: major highways are teeming with potholes, bridges are collapsing, waterways are polluted, and yet nobody cares about these far more important matters because the news coverage is intended to distract, rather than edify, the public and divert attention from those matters which should be given the national spotlight, because they are of existential importance, and will determine the lasting fate — nay, survival — of the nation.

Donald Trump’s movement has operated like a bullhorn that cut through all the legacy media’s gaslighting, misinformation, and distractions like a knife – he, almost singlehandedly, has refocused our national agenda, for the first time in decades, to the policies and issues that would make this country better for all Americans.

Unfortunately, during his first administration, his noble efforts were partly derailed by a countervailing legacy media – driven by the NY Times, Washington Post, and to a lesser extent Wall Street Journal – which encumbered his noble vision, and introduced needless roadblocks into an agenda that most Americans would rally behind if not constantly gaslit and demonized every single day by the news.  While Americans are beginning to wake up to that reality, it has been a long nine years in the works.

Americans deserve better from their newspapers of record – and President Trump, through his media company, now has a prime opportunity to restore the integrity of at least one, if not all three major newspapers, by combining them with his fledgling media company.  What better way to jumpstart his second administration with the support of a friendly media apparatus, that will finally take its duty under the First Amendment seriously and give President Trump the fair and unbiased coverage he has long been denied, but so tremendously deserves, than to align the legacy media with Trump’s presidency.

By aligning the fourth estate with the second administration, the news will finally synchronize with the policies coming out of the White House – public opinion would shift, almost overnight, to a more favorable view of President Trump, because they finally will be dispelled of the constant negative coverage that severely hampered the 45th President from delivering a truly spectacular set of policies committed to improving the life of every single American citizen, regardless of race, color, or creed, on the first go-around.

Lastly, a Trump-managed New York Times or Washington Post, for instance, would thereby set the agenda for the rest of the legacy media, cable news included, setting the stage for a revival to these now failing institutions.   This would also lessen the divisiveness and polarization in our country writ large, because these newspapers have arguably done more to drive a wedge between Americans, by raising the volume on identity politics, than any other organization or institution.  Public trust, particularly in the media, is a necessary ingredient for good governance.  A press, however, that does not respect the rights and liberties of Americans, chief of all their freedom to speak and debate without censorship, has abdicated its constitutional prerogative and thus demands to be revolutionized to restore its proper and original purpose.

Donald Trump has shown that he can restore legitimacy to government. Americans have therefore good reason to believe he can do the same to the legacy media.  It would thus be a service to the press, the Constitution, and every American, if Truth Media expanded its guiding vision to acquire one or all three of the newspapers of record — representing a huge step in the direction of finally creating for the first time in generations, a fair and unbiased press.

The post It’s Time For Donald Trump’s Media Company To Consider Buying The NY Times, Washington Post, Or Wall Street Journal – And Make Fake News Fair Again! appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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