“I’ve Been Waiting for this Court Case” – Mike Lindell Weighs in on Explosive Halderman Dominion Voting Machine Testimony in Georgia Courtroom (VIDEO)
On Friday night My Pillow CEO Mike Lindell joined Ivory Hecker on Gateway: Beyond the Headlines.
My Pillow fournder and owner Mike Lindell joined Ivory Hecker on Gateway: Beyond the Headlines to discuss the explosive testimony from the Curling v. Raffensperger case in Georgia.

On Friday night My Pillow CEO Mike Lindell joined Ivory Hecker on Gateway: Beyond the Headlines. This was Mike’s first appearance on the show since the explosive testimony last week by elections machine expert Professor J. Alex Halderman in Fulton County, Georgia.

A week earlier, in a Federal Court In Atlanta, Georgia, University of Michigan Professor of Computer Science and Engineering J. Alex Halderman testified in front of Judge Amy Totenberg’s courtroom in the Culling vs. Raffensperger lawsuit on the insecure Dominion voting machines used in Georgia elections since 2020.

As reported earlier, during his testimony, Halderman was able to HACK A DOMINION VOTING MACHINE and change the tabulations in front of U.S. District Judge Amy Totenberg and the entire courtroom!


BREAKING: Professor and Election Expert J. Halderman Hacks into Dominion Voting Machine in Court on Friday in Georgia in front of Judge Totenberg USING ONLY A PEN TO CHANGE VOTE TOTALS

His testimony was part of a long-running lawsuit by election integrity activists set as a bench trial.

The plaintiffs seek to remove what they say are insecure voting machines in Georgia in favor of secure paper ballots.

on Friday night Mike Lindell weighed in on Halderman’s explosive testimony. Please note that Lindell is being sued for 1.3 billion dollars by the Dominion voting machine company for his comments on their insecure product.

Ivory Hecker: Mike, so good to have you on the show. It sounds like this court case in Georgia is really vindicating you for all the times you’ve been called a conspiracy theorist.

Mike Lindell: Absolutely. And I’ve been waiting for this court case. Remember everybody, this originated about four years ago, and we’ve been waiting for this Halderman report for years. And I was actually in Louisiana hearing, Senate hearing once, and all the machine companies were there. And they asked another machine company, ES&S, are your machines more vulnerable or less vulnerable than Dominion? And they said, let me make this clear. All machine voting machines have backdoors. They’re all vulnerable. But we were waiting for this report. It never came. Never came because Brad Rasenberger kept blocking it. By the way, he’s the plaintiff in this case, the Secretary of State of Georgia. … But then when this went forward, it started January 9, this case. And yes, when he hacked in with a pen and flipped votes right in front of the judge, this should have been the number one story in the world.….

…That’s where you have your FOX News of the World. You didn’t hear it on there, FOX News will not talk about anything with elections… This should have been the number one story. Instead, the number one story was FOX News cancels My Pillow. And why don’t they want me on there? They don’t want me on there because I’m going to talk about securing our election and getting rid of these electronic computers in our elections and going to paper ballots…

…You know, this is huge news. And I actually speak next week in Las Vegas. My whole team, the election crime bureau on the cause of America, we are invited out there by turning point ahead of the RNC convention gathering, and we’re going to show the 168 all our plan to secure our elections and get rid of these machines.

They called Mike Lindell a conspiracy theorist. They can’t call him that today!

The post “I’ve Been Waiting for this Court Case” – Mike Lindell Weighs in on Explosive Halderman Dominion Voting Machine Testimony in Georgia Courtroom (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.




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