J6 Political Prisoner Zachary Rehl Faces To 10 to 12 Years In Prison For Walking In US Capitol For A Few Minutes, Stripped Of Honorable Military Service: Trump’s Indictment Will Expose ‘What
Zachary Rehl, a J6 political prisoner and former Proud Boys leader who was found guilty of seditious conspiracy, vows to fight for his innocence until he is “fully exonerated and so no one has to live in fear of persecution for exercising their 1st Amendment rights again.” The 37-year-old Marine Corps veteran was apprehended by the Federal Bureau of Investigations on April 17, 2021, for “his role in the Capitol riot.” His wife was six months pregnant when the bureau’s stormtroopers terrorized their home in a pre-dawn raid, shock and trauma reaped by the bureau that nearly resulted in the loss of their unborn baby.

Zachary Rehl, a J6 political prisoner and former Proud Boys leader who was found guilty of seditious conspiracy, vows to fight for his innocence until he is “fully exonerated and so no one has to live in fear of persecution for exercising their 1st Amendment rights again.”

The 37-year-old Marine Corps veteran was apprehended by the Federal Bureau of Investigations on April 17, 2021, for “his role in the Capitol riot.” His wife was six months pregnant when the bureau’s stormtroopers terrorized their home in a pre-dawn raid, shock and trauma reaped by the bureau that nearly resulted in the loss of their unborn baby.

Zachary Rehl and his wife.

On January 6, Rehl committed no violent crimes.

Rehl and his co-defendants, two-time purple heart recipient Stf. Sgt. Joseph Biggs and Washington Proud Boys leader Ethan Nordean merely walked into the Capitol building for approximately 20 minutes after choking on clouds of tear gas and dodging the rubber bullets police and flash grenades police indiscriminately fired at the crowd of unarmed protesters.

Enrique Tarrio, the former national chairman of the Proud Boys and another of Rehl’s co-defendants found guilty of seditious conspiracy, is the only J6 political prisoner who wasn’t even in Washington, DC on January 6 during the Capitol riot.

Trespassing on federal property, within the Capitol building or grounds, is typically considered a misdemeanor offense punishable by six months in prison in addition to a fine up to $1000, under D.C. Code §22-3571.01. But the rule of law is now being arbitrarily administered by the Biden Justice Department; misdemeanors trespassing has suddenly become a felony and “seditious conspiracy,” a law enacted after the Civil War to arrest slave-holding Confederate Democrats who attempted to keep fighting the U.S. government.

Scores of demonstrators who walked into the building on January 6 are charged with 1512, obstruction of an official proceeding, punishable by a 20-year prison sentence. Many unwittingly broke the law while being waved into the building by police officers. Radical feminists donning “pussy hats,” Antifa and Black Lives Matter activists previously protested and picketed inside the US Capitol building and in state Capitols across in the proceedings months and years prior without criminal repercussion.

Rehl has been incarcerated for two and half years, most of which has been in isolation in a six by eight-foot cell at the Alexandria Detention Center. In June, he and his co-defendants were finally released from solitary confinement and are currently housed in the “patriot pod” of the DC Gulag.

Organizing patriotic events in Philadelphia, including the “March for Trump,” “Back the Blue” demonstrations and rallies to “Celebrate the Constitution at the Liberty Bell” led to Rehl becoming Philadelphia’s leader of the Proud Boys, a drinking fraternity that was prompted to safeguard patriots at free speech and prayer rallies as they constantly fended off violent attacks from fascist Antifa anarchists.

For his leadership in the Proud Boys, a conservative group demonized as “xenophobic” by the corporate press, and his military service, Rehl faces more severe retribution by the DOJ.

According to the pre-sentence report he was issued last week, his conviction could result in a 10 to 14 prison sentence.

Rehl and Biggs, a former InfoWars reporter who was injured in combat while serving two tours of duty in Iraq and Afghanistan, were also stripped of their military benefits after being found guilty of seditious conspiracy charges. Rehl’s wife, who is raising their now-2-year-old daughter alone, is struggling to find a job as her husband is deemed a “domestic terrorist.” Rehl was injured during his military service and his wife relied on his disability benefits to support their family.

President Donald Trump’s indictment and looming arrest “is going to open a lot of eyes” to the torturous and unconstitutional abuses the Justice Department is leveling against J6 political prisoners, Rehl told The Gateway Pundit in an exclusive interview.

“A lot of things that are going happen to him throughout the court process — the accusations that they are going to make against him — are things that have happened to us the entire time and have been brushed under the carpet,” he said. “Most Americans didn’t know or still don’t know at all what happened to us because these cases are not televised. These trials have no transparency, especially ours. Ours was blacked out.”

“The prosecutors are going to make some wild accusations against Trump, they’re gonna try to get him without bail and they are going to twist a lot of things he said and make it sound worse than it is. People who’ve paid attention to things he has said know that it’s going to be twisted. But nonetheless, that’s, literally, what we’ve all been dealing with the last two and half years.”

“Obviously, we still have a justice system. We still do have great branches of government in this country. We have to utilize them. We really have to call on our representatives to actually do something. We really need to help these lawyers get the funding to be able to file these motions that they need to file and get things out front and center in the media — with the media being against us — to show everybody what is going on.”

The fate of the Rehl, his co-defendants and the First Amendment rests in District Judge Timothy J. Kelly’s hands. Rehl, Tarrio, Biggs, Nordean and Pezzolla will be sentenced on Aug. 30, 31 and Sept. 1.


In a letter to The Gateway Pundit, Rehl describes how he cultivated courage and resilience through the tragic loss of his father when he was just 12, the nationwide “brotherhood” he found as leader of the Proud Boys after his service in the Marine Corps and how emerging victorious in the fight for his freedom will prevent every American from being persecuted for exercising their God-given, inalienable rights.

Read Zach’s Letter To The Gateway Pundit:

My name is Zach Rehl and I’m one of the few members of the Proud Boys convicted of seditious conspiracy, along with a litany of other nonviolent felonies related to Jan 6th, 2021 all of which, I am very confident I will prove on appeal that I am innocent of.

I would like to tell you a little about myself and how I got here, while dispelling some things you may have heard about me or the Proud Boys.

Born into a working class household, brought up on Christian values and parents who voted for Reagan, I was your typical American child.

My father, God rest his soul, instilled in me from a young age the importance of family. He always said “blood was thicker than water.” He also would always say how lucky we were, ‘To be in the greatest country in the world, the United States of America, where freedom and opportunity was endless. You just had to put in the work to keep it and obtain it.’

Despite a turbulent few years — where I lived through the divorce of my parents, bounced from house to house, and ultimately dealt with the death of my father on my 12th birthday –I stayed strong and never forgot where I came from. Even as the collapse of my family around me ensued from the shockwaves of my fathers death, I still carried what he taught me about family, even when I felt like I didn’t have one anymore.

Although terrible things had happened, since I was taught not to have hate in my heart, it was easy for me to forgive and forget, ideals I still live by now.

With that said, the next several years were much more fun, but without any direction in life. I was lost, yet determined. I knew I had to succeed, but didn’t know where to start. So, I looked to friends who did.The kindness of others over those years helped me develop a new appreciation of people outside of the family setting.

During this time of discovery, at 19 years old, I had one of the best moments of my life – the birth of my 1st daughter. While it didn’t work out with her mother, I still played an active role in my daughters life. Because of this, the urgency to create an atmosphere of success and stability increased dramatically. This also caused me to job hop for a while, as I was constantly looking for something stable that I could grow with and reach my true potential. While I worked some good places and learned a lot of things, they ultimately weren’t what I wanted.

In 2008, at 23 years old, I joined the US Marine Corps.

This was a big turning point in my life. They say success does not come without sacrifice, and since I would be spending large portions of time away from my daughter, this was a huge sacrifice for me.

While in boot camp, which the Marines is the toughest, I had my whole physical and mental state stripped down and built back up with new values, ideals and experiences to add to my way of thinking. In all of my time, some things that stuck with me are to never leave a man behind, protect the innocent, and that no one is black or white, because we’re all green, a reference to the color green in most of our uniforms.

For three years, I was stationed in Yuma, Arizona, a small, yet diverse border town that would turn out to be some of the best years of my life. During this time, I had the opportunity to work and live with people who came from all walks of life. I also worked under some great and terrible leaders, both of whom I would learn a great deal of experience from.

Here, I learned probably the most valuable concept  to me, which is the concept of a brotherhood. These people, which consisted of all people of all backgrounds and all races, have helped shape the time I had in Yuma and beyond. We established life long relationships that I still hold on to and will continue to hold on to. I never told anyone this, but to put into perspective how much I appreciated the people and valued my time in Yuma, while on my way back to Pennsylvania after being honorably separated, once I crossed the Yuma city limits, I broke down. I was so distraught I had to pull over. Leaving behind the most stable time of my life and saying goodbye to some of the best people I ever met was a hard pill to swallow, but again, sacrifices.

What awaited me are the greatest blessings of my life, though. I was reuniting with my daughter and moving in with my future wife and mother of our now two-year-old daughter.

With the help of the GI Bill, I was free to pursue my dreams for college, something I never had the means to do.

After a brief stint at Shippensburg University, I transferred to Temple University, where my interests in various subjects expanded throughout the numerous projects I participated in for my business related courses. This would later lead me to want to test certain networking and marketing concepts for business projects I was working on personally. One of those concepts involved holding rallies and marches in Philadelphia for causes the you didn’t see general support for in the city, but ones I supported. Examples are the March for Trump event I organized, Back the Blue events, and an event celebrating the Constitution at the Liberty Bell, which ironically, drew hundreds, if not thousands of angry “counter protestors.” The morning before we arrived at the Liberty Bell, counter protesters attempted to discourage me from moving forward with the event by launching a brick through my window.

It was at this point where my network expanded, my love of these events grew and my knowledge of the political underworld increased as well. I became accustomed to the massive web of networks the left utilized to carry out various causes, the numerous non-profits that funded them, and how they would all side step the well known concept of Antifa. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t intrigued though, you don’t have to agree with your opponent to respect them but there was nothing like this kind of organization on the right.

At the same time, this leads me to believe that all the accusations the left has made about about the organization and funding of “right wing” groups are merely their own unintentional “projecting” of their own successes with mobilizing activists on the ground.

While promoting an event I was organizaing on a local radio station, I was told to check out these guys called the “Proud Boys.” I never heard of them but I looked them up and seen all kinds of negative articles from left leaning news agencies.

As someone who thinks for themselves and enjoys research, I came upon their website, then some videos and concluded something wasn’t adding up about what I read in the news. I decided to reach out myself and find out.

After some back and fourth, I was ultimately invited out to one of their “meet ups,” where I braced myself for anything to happen.

When I got there, I was pleasantly surprised. Contrary to the media’s depictions, It was no clan meet. There were no hoods. No picture of Hitler on the wall. No pentagrams on the floor. And no cats being sacrificed. There was just a group of guys from all backgrounds and all races hanging out, drinking beer, busting each others chops and talking sports, religion and politics. As I came to learn, many of the guys in the group were military veterans, which for me formed an instant bond and led to me feeling good about my decision to reach out and join these guys.

After I became an official member, I got to know as many people as I could on a personal basis, not just in Philadelphia, but in other chapters across the country. I traveled to meet members of the Proud Boys in the different cities around the US who always welcomed me with open arms and did their best to throw a good party or told me where to visit while I was there. The more I did this, the more I realized that there was nothing extreme or “radical” about this group at all. Most just liked to party and many chapters didn’t get involved with politics at all. For those that did, it was all about showing support for various causes, protecting the innocent, looking out for each other, and throwing the most epic parties afterwards.

As you can probably tell, much of my back story ties into my love of this group and why I will vehemently defend it against baseless accusations of “hate” or other ridiculous comments. Don’t get me wrong, no group is perfect, and turds always slip through the cracks, but this group is not what is advertised by the left and its not fair to all the people who get labeled things that aren’t even involved politically. This group isn’t just a fraternity for men, it’s a brotherhood and I couldn’t be prouder to be part of it. As for all the accusations that we are some ideologically driven organization with one goal in mind, that is categorically false, as we are a melting pot of diversity and ideals, much like the United States as a whole was built on.

The only thing that fuels many of the politically active members are patriotism and beer and since patriotism can’t be bought, we buy our own beer.

In regards to Jan 6th, well, I’m not going to make my lawyer any busier by talking too much about it, but I will say I profess my innocence and point to comments by President Trump who said, in relation to our trial, that, ‘No one can get a fair trial in DC.’ I think his own arrest will shed some serious light on the political nature of the whole ordeal in general, especially some aspects of our own trial as well.

My incarceration in the meantime has been a long one, well over 2 and a half years now.

I spent countless months in solitary confinement for no reason at all and watched as the Lockerbie Bomber, accused of blowing up a plane killing 270 people including 70 Americans, walked around freely in general population.


As you see from my past though, I’m a fighter and I love my family and my country, so I will do what I can to help them. I hope this gets resolved on appeal, but I am prepared to take it to the Supreme Court if I have to. I will fight this until I am fully exonerated and so no one has to live in fear of persecution for exercising their 1st Amendment rights again. That is one more sacrifice I am willing to make.

In conclusion, sacrifices come at a cost. For me, I lost a lot. Due to the sedition charge, I lost my honorable military service like I never served, along with all my VA benefits that I earned though the service.

In addition to not seeing friends and family for years, I’ve also missed out on precious family building years with my wife.

I’ve missed the birth of my youngest daughter and even missed my oldest daughter’s high school graduation, things of which I can’t replicate and things I’ll never get back.

I hope this helps paint a picture of my struggle and also show that I’m not a bad person, I simply love my family and my country and want nothing more than to get back to them.

For anyone who has helped in the past, or continues to help, whether it’s letters, or emails, or donations for the long legal battle, I thank you. Without your support, this would be much harder, but I would still be fighting regardless.

Thank you!

God Bless you all and God Bless America!

Yours truly,
Zach Rehl



The post J6 Political Prisoner Zachary Rehl Faces To 10 to 12 Years In Prison For Walking In US Capitol For A Few Minutes, Stripped Of Honorable Military Service: Trump’s Indictment Will Expose ‘What All J6ers Have Been Dealing With’  appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.




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