J6 Prisoner Jake Lang Leaves Message with TGP’s Jim Hoft – Jake Is Being Tortured at the Brooklyn MDC Prison – HERE IS HIS HORRIFYING PHONE CALL – Where are the Human Rights Groups?
The calendar seems to melt away – over 3 years ago J6 political prisoner Jake Lang was arrested by the Biden regime.
J6 Political Prisoner Jake Lang

The calendar seems to melt away – over 3 years ago J6 political prisoner Jake Lang was arrested by the Biden regime. Jake was identified from his social media and arrested on January 16th, 2021, and remains incarcerated without bail or trial for over THREE YEARS now.

On January 6, 2021 Jake attended the protest and rally in Washington DC because he believed the election was stolen from Donald Trump.  Jake was one of the over one million Trump supporters who turned out that day to hear President Trump speak at the Ellipse in Washington DC.

Later that day, Jake walked to the US Capitol, where he was gassed and trampled when Capitol Police pushed Trump supporters down the stairs.  Jake was nearly killed when he was buried under a sea of bodies as US Capitol police continued to push Trump supporters down the steps on top of him.

Jake was able to crawl out from under the pile. He then saw that Trump supporter Philip Anderson was knocked out and being smothered under the pile of protesters so he pulled Philip to safety and saved his life. Jake and others were there when Rosanne Boyland was killed that day. Rosanne was pushed down by police, trampled, and then beaten with a police stick by Officer Lila Morris. Rosanne died on the steps of the US Capitol.

Two weeks ago, General Michael Flynn and The Gateway Pundit’s Jim Hoft held a Twitter space for Jake Lang who was “celebrating” his fourth birthday in prison. Jake has not been tried yet in a DC Kangaroo Court for his actions that day.

After the phone call Jake was removed from his cell in the Brooklyn Metropolitan Detention Center and placed in isolation.

No one has heard from Jake Lang since then.

On Monday afternoon Jake Lang left a horrifying message on Jim Hoft’s phone. Jake Lang is being tortured in the Brooklyn MDC

Hey, Jim Hoft. Hey, Jim Hoft. Oh, man, this is horrific. This is the most grotesque and inhumane conditions of confinement I have ever had to suffer under. Brooklyn MDC has retaliated and tossed me into solitary confinement for exercising my First Amendment right in that beautiful birthday, my fourth birthday in prison with General Flynn and yourself.

We had thousands of people listening live, and they have now stripped me of my First Amendment rights. I was able to get one phone call out in 30 days, and now I’m able to call through a legal line. My lawyer set up.

So I’m making a plea to the American people. They are torturing January 6ers. They’re torturing prisoners inside Brooklyn Federal Prison. I’ve been wearing the same pair of underwear for a week, shirt, socks. They have completely denied any entertainment whatsoever. No books, no radio, no phone calls home. I’m just in a bleak, desolate prison cell, separated completely from society.

They tried to “unperson” me. They tried to make me a non person not into and stripping of all my constitutional and God-given rights. And this is an aberration of justice that cannot stand.

Please call Brooklyn MDC and complain about Edward Jacob Lang being held in solitary confinement for doing virtually nothing wrong.

Thank you, Jim. God bless you. God bless The Gateway Pundit. Please call.

Here is the disturbing audio of the phone call:

So where are the human rights groups? Where are the ACLU, Amnesty International, and Human Rights Watch?

Jake Lang also filed a lawsuit against Attorney General Merrick Garland where he describes the horrible prison abuse and torture he has suffered.

Please contact MDC Brooklyn below and demand their torture of prisoners stops today!

MDC Brooklyn


Phone: 718-840-4200
Fax: 718-840-5005

** And please donate to J6LegalFund if you can.

The post J6 Prisoner Jake Lang Leaves Message with TGP’s Jim Hoft – Jake Is Being Tortured at the Brooklyn MDC Prison – HERE IS HIS HORRIFYING PHONE CALL – Where are the Human Rights Groups? appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.




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