Jan. 6 Law Student Beats Charges at Rigged Trial – Wins 5 of 9 Charges – Will Prepare for Appeal
As the verdicts for J6 defendants continue to come down from the benches of these Kangaroo District Courts in DC, there is one defendant who is choosing to see all of his verdicts as a win and is looking forward to his appeal.

As the verdicts for J6 defendants continue to come down from the benches of these Kangaroo District Courts in DC, there is one defendant who is choosing to see all of his verdicts as a win and is looking forward to his appeal.

James Grant was found guilty of 5 out of the 9 counts charged against him for his attendance on January 6th, 2021. Grant’s verdict came down on Friday, February 2nd, 2024, while he and his co-defendants Ryan Samsel, Paul Johnson, Stephen Randolph and Jason Blythe sat in front of Judge Jia Cobb. The courtroom was filled with attorneys, US Marshals, friends, family, and journalists from both sides. The judge was quick and to the point while giving her verdicts for the 5 defendants with the entire proceedings not taking more than an hour. Judge Cobb was lenient on the 3 defendants, not yet remanded to jail, by allowing them to stay released until she reviews briefs from both sides on why or why not they should be detained before sentencing. Her decision on the briefs for Johnson, Randolph, and Blythe should be heard soon, and her sentencing of the five defendants will be June 13th, 2024.

Grant turned to Jenn Baker of CondemnedUSA.com to pass along the letter below to The Gateway Pundit readers.

Jan. 6 defendant and law student James Grant

Hello America,

My name is James Grant. I should be starting my third year of law school right now, but instead I’m starting my third year in jail for the Capitol Riot.

I just went to trial in Washington D.C. for charges stemming from January 6th. I got my verdict back on Friday, and in my opinion, I won. Here’s why:

1) I beat 4 of 9 charges, all of which were felonies.

2) I was found not guilty of 111(b) — or Aggravated Assault with a Deadly Weapon, my biggest charge.

The government was insistent that I plead guilty to this assault. The only plea offer I received required that I accept full responsibility for Sergeant Caroline Edward’s injuries — which I was completely exonerated of at trial. I wanted to take responsibility for my role in January 6th, so I pled guilty to 2 misdemeanors before trial. However, I could not morally plead guilty to something that I know in my heart I didn’t do. As much as I dreaded a trial against the federal government, I knew I would always live to regret pleading guilty to a crime I didn’t commit. I’m sure I don’t have to mention that most January 6th defendants who go to trial have not had much success. So, I definitely think this was a win.

3) The only 111(b) that I was found guilty of — respectfully speaking, should be overturned on appeal.

The police officer in this case was specifically asked if a weapon was used in this incident, and she responded that no weapon was used — let alone a deadly weapon. I’m not sure why I was convicted of this charge, but I am hopeful that I can receive relief from an appeal.

4) I was found not guilty of 3 other serious felonies, including Engaging in Physical Violence in a Restricted Building or Grounds with a Deadly or Dangerous Weapon.

The court found that prior knowledge of Vice President Pence being in the building was a necessary element in these offenses, and that was not proven. Some of these charges carried up to 10 years in prison.

5) I was convicted of the infamous 1512: Obstruction of an Official Proceeding.

I presumably received this charge for entering the Capitol building. However, the Supreme Court is set to hear this case and will rule on it before June ends. If the high court rules that the statute requires more than entry into the building, this charge should also be dismissed. It’s also worth noting that during January 6th, I helped stop a rioter from breaking a window on the Capitol building. However, I was unable to find footage of this before trial. Video evidence of this could help acquit me of the 1512 charge.

6) I could potentially beat more charges after appeal and ruling by the Supreme Court.

If the Supreme Court rules favorably on the Obstruction (1512), and my appeal on the 111(b) Assault is granted, I could potentially beat 6 of 9 counts — leaving Civil Disorder as one of the few remaining counts. So while things went fairly well at trial, this case is far from over.


Even though I may not agree with all of the decisions, I want to extend my thanks to the court for its professionalism in handling this case. I am grateful to Judge Cobb for her thorough deliberation — as well as her clerk and all courtroom personnel. I would also be remiss if I did not thank my attorney, Robert Feitel, for his excellent and exhaustive representation. To be honest, after years of status hearings, ex-parte hearings, and trial — it will almost feel odd not see these people regularly.

The January 6th ordeal has understandably been a nightmare for me and those I love. As I stated earlier, I lost my law school scholarship (or more accurately, never showed up for classes because I was in federal custody). I was unable to even inform my school that I would be unable to attend. I’ve had multiple bank accounts closed without my permission. I have been internationally slandered by the media — having my reputation destroyed by hit-piece news articles that never even reached out for comment. Funds have been raised on my behalf and stolen from me. I am writing this letter while still in federal custody at the D.C. Jail. I would like to thank Jim Hoft of The Gateway Pundit, Treniss Evans and Jenn Baker from CondemnedUSA and especially, YOU the readers and supporters of TGP. I will be preparing for my appeal, and I need your help! I humbly request your support through donations and/or sharing this story to raise awareness, if possible.

Your help at this time means everything. God Bless you all.

James Grant
Political Prisoner #386739
DC-CDF/ CTF “The Gulag”

The Gateway Pundit previously wrote about James Grant – another persecuted American.

MUST READ… J6 Law Student James Grant Who Was Sucker Punched By Cops, Beats Four Of Eight Felony Counts — Still Faces 20 Year Prison Sentence for Misdemeanor Offenses

In the wake of his verdict, Grant is keeping a positive attitude and is ready to appeal his case. However, as the adrenaline and hopium fades away, he will still be in the confines of the DC Gulag awaiting his sentencing. He will continue to be a political hostage of this weaponized Department of Justice and the Biden Regime. Grant will continue to wake up every day behind bars. He has lost the future he has dreamed of because he stood up for OUR future. He has been lied about in the MSM, has had money raised for him only to be stolen by the person who raised the funds, and like a lot of J6ers has lost support of friends and family.

It’s very important that we do not mistake a positive disposition with the needs or internal pain of someone. Grant is someone who always has that positive outlook and a love of fun to get him through the real struggles endured every day while he still wears an orange jumpsuit and hears the echo of the cell doors closing behind him.

To help James please go to Www.GiveSendGo.com/FreeJames

Jenn Baker
J6 Advocate/ Journalist/ Podcaster
Rumble- https://rumble.com/c/JennBaker
@JennBakerMJB – X / Gettr/ Truth/ Telegram

The post Jan. 6 Law Student Beats Charges at Rigged Trial – Wins 5 of 9 Charges – Will Prepare for Appeal appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.




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