Jocelyn Wade Strikes Back as Ex-Husband Nathan Wade Cries Poverty in Shameless Bid to Dodge Alimony and Child Support After Disgraceful Exit as Trump Prosecutor
Jocelyn Wade has filed a new response against her ex-husband, Nathan Wade, following his recent attempt to avoid alimony and child support payments.

Jocelyn Wade has filed a new response against her ex-husband, Nathan Wade, following his recent attempt to avoid alimony and child support payments.

The Gateway Pundit reported that former Fulton County special prosecutor Nathan Wade, who recently resigned from his role in the Georgia indictment against President Trump and 18 co-defendants, pleaded poverty to get out on his divorce agreement to pay alimony and child support.

Wade withdrew from the Trump lawfare RICO case after Fulton County Superior Court Judge Scott McAfee ruled that he must be removed in order for Soros Funded District Attorney Fani Wills to continue her RICO case against Trump and the co-defendants.

During his time at the District Attorney’s office, after Willis improperly hired Wade to prosecute Trump while she was sleeping with him, Wade was paid more than $700,000!

It can be recalled that Soros-funded Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis was subpoenaed to testify in the divorce proceedings of Nathan Wade and Joycelyn Wade. According to a court filing obtained by The Wall Street Journal, Willis was served a subpoena at her Atlanta office for her testimony.

These revelations about Willis and Wade’s secret and nefarious relationship came to light after Mike Roman, a former Trump campaign official and co-defendant in the racketeering case led by Willis, moved to accuse both Willis and Wade of misconduct. The motion, spearheaded by Roman’s attorney, Ashleigh Merchant, alleges an “improper, clandestine personal relationship” between Willis and Wade.

The motion alleges that this relationship led to financial benefits for Willis, with county records revealing that Wade has been paid nearly $654,000 in legal fees since January 2022. The motion suggests that Wade financed luxury vacations with Willis, using funds from Fulton County, to destinations such as Napa Valley and the Caribbean.

The Gateway Pundit reported last month that Joycelyn Wade filed for contempt of court, accusing him of failing to comply with financial obligations amidst her ongoing health struggles.

Court documents reveal that Nathan Wade has allegedly ceased financial assistance for their daughter’s education and living expenses and their son’s nascent soccer career in Europe.

Joycelyn Wade, who has been facing severe health issues necessitating urgent medical procedures including an endoscopy and colonoscopy, claims Nathan has abandoned her financially during this critical time.

Despite a court directive, Nathan allegedly instructed Joycelyn to pay for her medical treatments herself, with a vague promise of reimbursement at a later stage.

However, Wade claimed that he is now broke and asking for an emergency hearing to lower the amount of money he agreed to pay his ex-wife in their divorce settlement.

“With the income from [Wade’s] employment as the Special Prosecutor no longer coming in, and with income from [his] private practice being diminished, [he] is no longer able to … meet the financial obligations set forth in the temporary order,” Wade’s divorce lawyer M. Scott Kimbrough wrote in filing per New York Post.

According to the court filing, “On April 8, 2024 Plaintiff filed Plaintif’s Emergency Motion to Modify Consent Temporary Agreement and Request for Emergency Hearing. It is premised on Plaintiff’s contention that his resignation as a Special Assistant District Attorney in Fulton County in State of Georgia v. Donald J. Trump, et. al constitutes a substantial change in circumstance, rendering him unable to meet his financial obligations under the parties’ Consent Temporary Agreement? on an emergent basis.”

Now, Jocelyn Wade fiercely counters Nathan Wade’s audacious bid to shirk his support obligations following his disgraceful exit from his lover’s team, Fani Willis.

Jocelyn claimed Nathan is lying, pointing out that he received two checks totaling $53,000 just three days before filing his so-called “emergency” motion to modify his support obligations.

“There appears to be no plausible explanation other than Plaintiff’s deceitfulness to justify his pursuit of emergency relief from this Court on April 8, 2024, alleging essentially insolvency when he had received Fifty-Three Thousand Dollars only three (3) days prior,” according to the court documents.

Jocelyn asserts that Nathan is yet to receive all his due compensation from FaniWillis, noting both checks and related invoices to Fulton County for services rendered in October and November of 2023.

“As additional evidence of Plaintiff’s lack of candor and deceit towards this Court, both checks and corresponding invoices to Fulton County pertain to work performed in October and November of 2023. Plaintiff did not resign until March 15, 2024; thus, it is reasonable to infer that there are further outstanding payments due to Plaintiff that likely have not been disbursed as of the current date.”

Jocelyn accuses Nathan of inflating her legal expenses with his baseless filings.

“Defendant has incurred additional attorney’s fees to defend against Plaintiff’s baseless motion which is completely devoid of any justiciable issue of law or fact and could not reasonable be believed that the Court would accept the same, and further lacks substantial justification, thus entitling Defendant to her reasonable attorney’s fees.”

The post Jocelyn Wade Strikes Back as Ex-Husband Nathan Wade Cries Poverty in Shameless Bid to Dodge Alimony and Child Support After Disgraceful Exit as Trump Prosecutor appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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