Joe Biden Once Again Lies About Almost Losing His House and ’67 Corvette to Fire – Then Wanders Away (VIDEO)
Joe Biden on Monday traveled to Philadelphia to deliver remarks at the announcement event for the city receiving a $22.4 million SAFER Grant award that will fund firefighters’ salary and benefits.

Joe Biden on Monday traveled to Philadelphia to deliver remarks at the announcement event for the city receiving a $22.4 million SAFER Grant award that will fund firefighters’ salary and benefits.

Biden wandered around lost and mumbled something incoherently as he arrived with PA Gov. Josh Shapiro.


Biden once again lied about his house burning down.

“They also saved my home and my wife’s life. When I was away, it was the last day for the most famous guy doing ‘Meet the Press’ in Washington DC and I was doing the program….and what happened was lightning struck a pond behind my house, hit a wire, came up through the basement of my home and three stories and the smoke ended up being that thick,” Biden said making a gesture with his hands.

He continued, “I wasn’t there and my wife was there and my dog and my cat and my ’67 Corvette…all kidding aside they saved my wife and got her out.”


Biden has told a version of this lie many times.

It turns out the house didn’t burn down.

In 2004 lightning struck Biden’s home, starting a small kitchen fire (who hasn’t had a small kitchen fire?) – Jill reported the small fire and it was under control in 20 minutes.

Even WaPo’s ‘fact-checker’ Glenn Kessler has called out Joe Biden for this egregious lie.

Biden wandered away after he awkwardly posed for a photo with Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro (D).


The post Joe Biden Once Again Lies About Almost Losing His House and ’67 Corvette to Fire – Then Wanders Away (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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