Judge Drops Charges Against Illegals Rioting at Border and Busting Through Fence – If They Were Conservatives They Get 10+ Years in Prison
On March 21, 2024, hundreds of illegal aliens from Africa, Central America, Colombia, and Venezuela made a mad rush for the border in El Paso, Texas after they were pushed south of the concertina wire in the middle of the night by the National Guard.
Illegals tear down a border fence and riot against National Guard soldiers in El Paso, TX in March.

On March 21, 2024, hundreds of illegal aliens from Africa, Central America, Colombia, and Venezuela made a mad rush for the border in El Paso, Texas after they were pushed south of the concertina wire in the middle of the night by the National Guard.

The illegals breached the concertina wire, tore down the fencing, overwhelmed National Guard members, and made a mad rush into the United States.

On Thursday FOX News reported that the 211 illegal aliens who were charged with rioting and destruction of property had their charges dropped by County Court Judge Ruben Morales.

Judge Ruben Morales is a Democrat judge from El Paso County.

FOX News reported:

Bret Baier: Breaking tonight, more than 200 cases against migrants alleged to have been involved in that riot along the US border in March. We brought you that 200 cases have now been dismissed. The judge is blaming a bureaucratic error. Correspondent Griff Jenkins has details tonight. Good evening, Griff.

Griff Jenkins: Good evening, Bret. And that’s right. Fox News confirms El Paso County Court Judge Ruben Morales dismissed 211 cases against migrants charged with rioting at the border on March 21, seen in that video by the New York Post attempting to push their way into the US. Now Judge Morales says he lacked jurisdiction because the district attorney’s office failed to provide a required conferring transfer order to move the misdemeanor cases from district court to county court. But district Attorney Bill Hicks said just moments ago he felt the process was done appropriately and he intends to appeal the judge’s order dismissing the cases.

El Paso Prosecutor Bill Hicks: It does not matter a person’s immigration status. It does not matter if they are from this country or not. If you break the laws of the state of Texas in particular in these riot cases, if you destroy property and you endanger lives, you will be held accountable.

Griff Jenkins: Vice President of the National Border Patrol Council Art Del Cueto issued a statement to Fox saying, “Unfortunately, a decision like this continues to send a message to criminals that they can get away with attacking law enforcement. This continues to make law enforcement’s job that much more difficult. Zero consequences for criminal behavior.” And as for what happens with these migrants, Bre, DA Hicks says they are now being released back to border patrol. But a senior CBP official tells me in the case of Venezuelan migrants, as many of these were, they can’t be sent back because there’s no repatriation agreement with that country. So many will likely be released with a notice to appear at a future asylum hearing. Bret.

Via Griff Jenkins.

Meanwhile, the Biden regime stepped up its persecution of J6 protesters ahead of the November elections. Over 1,400 Americans have been arrested since January 2021 with the vast majority of the Pro-Trump protesters committing lesser crimes than any of these foreign nationals did when they crossed into the US illegally, destroyed public property, and rioted at the US border.

Biden Regime Steps Up Persecution of J6 Protesters Ahead of Trump’s Return, Over 1,400 Arrested and Counting and Five Suicides So Far

This is the upside-down world we live in under the wickedness of the Marxist left in America today.

The post Judge Drops Charges Against Illegals Rioting at Border and Busting Through Fence – If They Were Conservatives They Get 10+ Years in Prison appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.




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