KANGAROO COURT: Jesse Watters Reviews First Seven NYC Jurors in Trump’s Rigged Criminal Case – It’s Just What We Expected (Video)
The first seven jurors in President Trump’s NYC lawfare case in liberal Judge Juan Merchan’s court.

The first seven jurors in President Trump’s NYC lawfare case in liberal Judge Juan Merchan’s court.

Judge Juan Merchan on Tuesday accused Trump of intimidating a juror who admitted she posted a pro-Biden video to her Facebook page.

Jury selection was still underway on Tuesday in the Stormy Daniels ‘hush money’ trial after more than 50 prospective jurors were dismissed from the jury pool on Monday.

One potential juror was brought in for questioning after Trump’s lawyers discovered she posted a pro-Biden celebratory video in 2020.

“You had to get in the car to spread the honking cheer. it’s a full on dance party at 96th street,” the potential juror’s caption read according to Trump attorney Todd Blanche.

President Trump was allegedly gesturing and ‘audibly speaking in the direction of the potential juror’ while she was being questioned about her pro-Biden social media post.

Judge Merchan accused Trump of intimidating the juror.

“I won’t tolerate that. I will not have any jurors intimidated in this courtroom. I want to make that crystal clear,” Judge Merchan said.

Merchan’s daughter is a top activist for Democrats and Joe Biden campaign.  Merchan is pushing charges against Trump that are not a crime.  He needs jurors who believe like he does that President Trump is guilty of a crime because he is still breathing.

Jesse Watters reviewed the first seven jurors selected for Trump’s criminal trial in Merchan’s kangaroo court.

They all get their news from the far-left New York Times. No one who takes the reporting and nonsense published at the NYT seriously is even slightly conservative. The trial is rigged.

Jesse Watters: Over half of the jury has already been selected. We already know a lot about them, and it is hysterical. Before we tell you about them, remember that this is a Manhattan jury. It went 87% for Biden. The judge who’s overseeing the selection process is a Biden donor whose family was paid by the Biden campaign. Yesterday, 50 white women wearing masks fled the courtroom, claiming they couldn’t be fair to Trump. Anyone wearing a mask at this point is not an impartial juror…

…Show me a juror who says they can be unbiased towards Trump, and I’ll show you a liar. That’s why we don’t have political trials in America. Fairness is impossible. Trump’s legal team was given the names of potential jurors, and after googling them, discovered there were undercover activists trying to sneak onto the jury. One juror couldn’t recall any anti-Trump feeling, but when the defense showed him the receipts, he admitted he’d posted on social media, Donald Trump should be locked up. Another juror said he didn’t remember posting anything bad about Trump. Then when shown the evidence, conceded to He’s posting a picture that says, Trump invites Thai boys to the White House. Thai boys request to return to cage. Those two radical liberals got caught lying to the court and were almost seated on the jury. This is what Trump has to deal with. Yesterday, Clay Travis was criticized for suggesting Trump supporters get on the jury.

So far, seven jurors have been seated. Here’s what we know about them.

The Foreman, juror number one. He’s a salesman from Harlem who was born in Ireland. He used to be a waiter, didn’t finish college, and likes anything outdoorsy. He’s married with no kids. His wife’s in school. He gets his news from the New York Times, the Daily Mail, and some Fox News and MSNBC. Never met anybody who watches both Fox and MSNBC, but okay, that guy is your jury foreman.

Juror number 2, a nurse from the Upper East Side with a master’s degree. She’s not married, has no kids, and lives with her fiancé who works in finance. She gets her news from the New York Times, Google, and CNN. She said two things that really stuck out. One, I don’t really have an opinion of Trump, and, No one is above the law. I’m not so sure about Jury Number Two. Jury number two.

Juror number 3 is a young Asian lawyer from Oregon. His corporate law firm features DEI on its homepage. He’s single, lives in Chelsea, and was wearing a purple jacket. He claims he’s not super familiar with Trump’s other charges. He likes to hike and run and gets his news from the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, and Google.

Jury number 4 is a Puerto Rican who finds Trump fascinating and mysterious. He walks into a room and he sets people off one way or the other. I find that really interesting that this one guy can do all this. Wow. The guy was actually born in Puerto Rico, lives on the Lower East Side now, and works in IT. He’s married and he has grandkids. Wife’s a writer. Previously served on a jury but says he doesn’t remember the verdict. He gets his news from the The New York Daily News, The New York Times, and Google. Anyway.

Jury number 5. A black woman in her 20s who doesn’t follow the news and didn’t know Trump was facing charges, any charges, anywhere. She lives in Harlem. She’s a teacher. She’s not married, has no kids, and lives with her brother, who’s a basketball coach. She gets her news from Google and TikTok. She also listens to Charlemagne the God.

Jury number 6 is a woman in her 20s who works for Disney. She made the courtroom laugh because she wanted to know if the trial would be over before September because she’s a bridesmaid in her sister’s wedding. She’s not married She has no kids, and likes to dance. She lives with three roommates and gets her news from the New York Times, Google, Facebook, and of course, TikTok, and says she doesn’t have strong feelings about Trump one way or the other. Okay.

Jury number 7 is a middle-aged, balding white guy with a tan. He lives on the Upper East Side, and you guessed it, another lawyer whose firm is big into DEI and ESG. He’s originally from North Carolina, married with two kids, and his wife works at a bank. He gets his news from the New York Times, the Journal, the New York Post, the Washington Post, and he listens to NPR.

That’s the jury of Trump’s peers so far. The fate of a billionaire real estate tycoon, TV celebrity turned 45th President of the United States is in the hands of New York City lawyers, teachers, and Disney workers who like to dance and get their news from the Times. But swear they can be impartial.

The trial is rigged. They have no crime but will find Trump guilty anyway. We already know the outcome.

This is America today – it’s open season on patriotic, conservative Americans.

Here is the video, via Catturd2.

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