Leading Gold Company Fires Christian for Refusing COVID Shot, Now Faces the Music
This article originally appeared on WND.com Guest by post by Bob Unruh ‘My body does not belong to me’ Newmont Mining Corp., which says it is the world’s leading gold company with additional production of copper, silver, zinc and lead, is being sued for religious discrimination.

This article originally appeared on WND.com

Guest by post by Bob Unruh 

‘My body does not belong to me’

Newmont Mining Corp., which says it is the world’s leading gold company with additional production of copper, silver, zinc and lead, is being sued for religious discrimination.

It claims it was just following various mandates for employees having the experimental, and now known as dangerous, COVID-19 shots.

A report from a local CBS affiliate explains that Tavis Rogers, 56, had been employed by the company for seven months when managers imposed the COVID-19 shot mandate on him.

The lawsuit he filed documents how he notified the company immediately of the order’s conflict with his deeply held religious beliefs.

He responded, “”I am a Christian. Complying with this mandate would definitely burden my religious exercise because in my faith, my body does not belong to me. I do not make the choices for my body; my Heavenly Father made those choices for me through His Word. … If you are mandating to me what to place into His Temple, then you are burdening my religious freedom by taking the choice of what goes into my body away from God.”

He asked to be allowed to work remotely, as many thousands of Americans did during the pandemic that came out of Wuhan, China, and circled the globe, killing millions.

He had been hired to be a water treatment plant project director at a base salary of $155,000 base salary, and was assigned to work at the company’s Yanacocha Mine in Peru.

The company’s deadline for taking the potentially injurious shot was Jan. 1, 2022, and the company’s demanded answers to a variety of questions, including about Rogers’ health history.

“The Lord Jesus Christ has been extremely clear and consistent in all of His responses to me that He has provided me with an immune system that He Himself designed. He does not want my body, His Temple, to be injected with any medical substances that potentially modify His design. Further, the substances in these vaccines are possibly harmful to the body and the extent of that harm is unknown,” Rogers warned.

He volunteered to provide the company with a Bible, “to have a better understanding of my faith.”

The report said Newmont discounted Rogers’ objections, choice and “concerns” about injury from the shots.

“Your position requires travel to Peru, and vaccination is required for travel and to travel to the work locations in Peru,” the company said. It claimed, “As you know, we are in the midst of a global pandemic, and vaccination is a critical health and safety tool to protect the health of Newmont’s workforce and the communities in which we work and live.”

A lawyer for Rogers, Steven Murray of Denver, filed the lawsuit in Denver this month.

It accuses the company of violating the Civil Rights Act, and seeks an award of all monetary losses as well as other compensatory damages.

Newmont told the CBS affiliate it doesn’t comment on such issues, but claimed the “vaccine requirement” was “critical to protecting the health and safety of our workforce.”

Copyright 2023 WND News Center

The post Leading Gold Company Fires Christian for Refusing COVID Shot, Now Faces the Music appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.




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