Liberals Have Meltdown After Jon Stewart Mocks Biden in Daily Show Return
Jon Stewart returned to host the Daily Show on Comedy Central Monday night, provoking a liberal meltdown for joking about 81-year-old Joe Biden over his age and mental capacity issues.

Jon Stewart returned to host the Daily Show on Comedy Central Monday night, provoking a liberal meltdown for joking about 81-year-old Joe Biden over his age and mental capacity issues.

Stewart also went after 77-year-old President Trump for his age as well as other issues, causing liberals to accuse Stewart of dangerous “Both-sidesism” for daring to say critical things about Biden when Stewart was questioning why the election is between the two oldest candidates to ever run for president. Stewart told Trump-haters if you believe the barbarians are at the gate you want Conan the Barbarian, not an old man mumbling about cookies.

The 61-year-old Stewart joked about his own aging, posting a twenty-year-old photo for a side-by-side comparison that shows he has admittedly not aged well. Stewart is only hosting the Daily Show on Monday nights, but is executive producer for the show the entire week.

Stewart poked fun at Biden for his TikTok video where he mumbles that he likes cookies, but savaged him for his doddering press conference last week in which he confused Mexico with Egypt and struggled to form an opinion on the Israeli response to the October 7 terror attack, finally coming up with, “over the top.”

Stewart played clips of Biden officials empathically saying Biden is sharp and focused and on top of his game at meetings, then asked if anyone filmed that.

The Gaza clip:

(Complete video at end of article.)

Keith Olbermann, “Well after nine years away, there’s nothing else to say to the bothsidesist fraud Jon Stewart bashing Biden, except: Please make it another nine years”

Democrat activist Chris D. Jackson, “So @jonstewart wants to talk about Biden’s age too and put him and Trump on equal footing? Well, it’s clear after tonight Jon has lost his fastball. Instead of being a unique voice like he used to be, Jon is doing nothing now but parroting the narrative from the MSM. Maybe he should have stayed in retirement and let someone younger have the anchor’s seat.”

Progressive activist Rachel Bitcofer, “Sounds like @TheDailyShow and @jonstewart completely failed to read the room. I’ll help them out: Republicans are gearing up to end the constitutional order and you want to pile on about Biden being old?!”

The Palmer Report, “Sorry Jon Stewart but this is “both sides” false equivalence horse crap. The Daily Show is supposed to cut through the media’s dishonesty, not parrot it. Will not be watching.”

Trump-hater journalist Aaron Rupar, “Jon Stewart still has it in terms of being funny and entertaining but the political content of this monologue is basically the New York Times op-ed page in TV form. Both sides are not in fact equally bad!”

Complete segment:

The post Liberals Have Meltdown After Jon Stewart Mocks Biden in Daily Show Return appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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