Marjorie Taylor Greene’s Weather Manipulation Claims Backed by Science — Must Read Deep Dive into History of Weather Manipulation — Shocking Facts Revealed!
          Marjorie Taylor Greene was right.

Marjorie Taylor Greene was right. Yes, scientists do control the weather.

But as the old saying goes- “In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.”

After Representative Greene tweeted a simple and accurate statement last week regarding weather manipulation, the mainstream media went on autopilot mode, calling her an “unhinged conspiracy theorist”.

See MTG’s tweet here:

A community note was added to Rep. Greene’s tweet, stating, “While small-scale ‘cloud seeding’ to create localized rain is possible, hurricanes and other large storms cannot be produced with modern technology.”

Interestingly, even this note acknowledges that weather can, in fact, be manipulated—proving Greene’s point. Rep. Greene didn’t specifically mention hurricanes in her tweet; instead, she broadly suggested that scientists have the ability to influence weather patterns.

Despite some reactions dismissing her claims as conspiracy, research into weather modification, including techniques like cloud seeding and other geoengineering efforts, has been well-documented over the years.

However, the public largely continues to view geoengineering and weather manipulation as “conspiracy theories”. Even with historic and “scientific evidence” frequently published all over the internet, the taboo subject still invokes images of cooky tin foil hat wearers.

Please take the time to read this heavily researched article to begin to truly understand how and why the weather is manipulated so you can understand why this topic must become part of our national discussion.


Seeding clouds. Credit: foodevolution


Geoengineering, or weather modification, is real. Read about the US Government’s “Five Year Geoengineering Study Plan” here. Read the USDA’s report on cloud seeding here. Read a White House statement here.

Yes, the government is actively modifying the weather. They tell the media it is to “combat climate change”. Wouldn’t it be appropriate for a journalist to ask the obvious question, “Is it safe?

The chemicals ready to go for a cloud seeding mission.

According to environmentalist Robert Kennedy, Jr. the World Economic Forum and Bill Gates has “hijacked geoengineering” and Gates is funding these projects around the world.

“They aggravate the problem then sell us the solution,” said Kennedy. “The solution that they want is more social controls. Geoengineering is a threat that the environmental community needs to know about and the rest of us needs to know about.”

Watch the video below after you finish this INSANE article:

The general public needs to be start learning about weather modification rather than blindly trust the government and corporations to their own devices when it comes to their use of these powerful technologies.

There is little to no public oversight or discourse on the subject matter. While these tools can be used for good, they can also be used for nefarious purposes and have been misused in the past.

For example, during Vietnam War, the US Government reportedly used cloud seeding in their secret Operation Popeye to amplify treacherous monsoons in Vietnam and devastate roads with flooding.

Project Cirrus of 1947 attempted to modify a hurricane off the coast of Florida only to artificially redirect it to demolish parts of Georgia. As technologies develop rapidly, the sky is the limit on how potentially helpful OR dangerous weather modification can become.

A geoengineer.

Check out this excellent resource website here on the dangers of weather manipulation.

Marjorie Taylor Greene said “they” can control the weather. “They” are the federal government, individual state governments and municipalities, over 52 foreign nations, various stakeholders and insurance companies.

See X Post below and what Alexa had to say:

According to the North American Weather Modification Council, “a wide range of entities sponsor cloud seeding programs in the U.S. They include municipal, county, and state governments; irrigation, water resource, and water conservation districts; airports; ski resorts; and private industry.”

As of last April when the latest data was released, there are 42 regular cloud seeding projects across the U.S. with another 200 stations opening up by next season (that should have happened already).

Insurance companies invest in cloud seeding for obvious reasons- to attempt to manipulate storms to avoid heavy payouts to insured customers.

Private companies also cloud seed- that can be contracted to do jobs for the government or for any private person or organization that can afford their services. This literally includes a company in England that sells pricey cloud seeding services to wealthy couples to ensure fair weather on their wedding day.

Cloud seeding operation.

Stakeholders can be Big Agriculture companies that need more water to multiply their crops, superpowers like China that are have publicly stated half their nation’s weather will be modified by the year 2025, nations interested in using weather as weapons of war, coastline or tourist centric municipalities that depend on good weather, ski resorts that need snow…they participate in this and the sky is the limit.

Geoengineering involves technologies that influence or alter Earth’s weather or climate systems. The most common form is the controversial cloud seeding. For the purpose of this article we will predominantly stick with cloud seeding, as it is the most easy to initially understand.

How cloud seeding works. Credit:

Later, check out this excellent resource website about other types of weather manipulation that may be dangerous.

Cloud seeding is one of the most simple and common forms of weather modification used globally. According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association, cloud seeding requires the release of chemicals in the atmosphere in an effort to have water condense or freeze on them and become heavy enough to produce rain.

Yes, the “conspiracy theorists” are once again right. A type of “chemtrail” is cloud seeding, a chemical ejected from a plane that allows the government, corporations and rich people to attempt to control weather.

The intent of seeding is to “disrupt the natural processes of cloud evolution to alter how precipitation is formed”, according to There are also reliable techniques that can be used to suppress rain or hail by modifying cloud dynamics.

Explanation graphic detailing how cloud seeding works.

To produce artificial rain, aircraft or “ground-based cloud nucleating generators” disperse agents such as silver iodide (a chemical compund of silver), potassium iodide, dry ice or other materials into the clouds.

These materials are “seeding agents“; their purpose is to foster the formation of large ice particles that will fall as unnatural rain. In order to create rain, these agents are dropped into existing “supercooled clouds” where the water droplets were initially too microscopic to form as natural rain.

The “agents” will act as unnatural “ice nuclei”, meaning they will serve as a “center” to give the existing microscopic water droplets something to form around so they turn into ice crystals that even more water can form around. Due to the laws of gravity, these now heavier droplets will then fall as rain.

Cloud seeding with silver iodide.

A common type of “chemtrail” is cloud seeding, which is by phonetic definition a chemical trail ejected by a plane in the sky. YES, chemical are literally being ejected from planes that allow the government, corporations and rich people to control the weather.

In a race to control the weather, our government and foreign nations are currently experimenting with electric charges, infrared laser pulses, and a giant laser to cloud seed and control lighting.


The United States has a checked past of using cloud seeding as a weapon of war. Operation Popeye (1967-1972) was a highly classified secret program used by the Department of Defense during Vietnam War.

The United Stated successfully extended and amplified the monsoon season over specific areas of the Ho Chi Minh Trail, the supply route used by Vietnamese soldiers. The intent was to “disrupt North Vietnamese military supplies by softening road surfaces and causing landslides,” according to Wikipedia.

An aerial view of Operation Popeye.

Wikipedia also states: “The chemical weather modification program was conducted from Thailand over Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam and allegedly sponsored by Secretary of State Henry Kissinger and the CIA without the authorization of then Secretary of Defense Melvin Laird, who had categorically denied to Congress that a program for modification of the weather for use as a tactical weapon even existed.”

Yes, cloud seeding form one type of “chemtrail”. Silver iodide is the chemical component of silver.

The Pentagon eventually declassified Operation Popeye. See a Department of State government memorandum on Operation Popeye here.

According to the Department of State memorandum- “The amount of rainfall induced by seeding (during Operation Popeye) is believed to have been sufficient to have contributed substantially to rendering vehicular routes in this area inoperable. Since the end of the rainy season, the communists have failed to undertake route repairs and there has been no vehicular traffic.”

In layman’s terms, “they” destroyed the place with floods and killed many people as collateral damage.

The CIA’s Operation Popeye made weather a weapon of war.

According to these government papers, the results of Operation Popeye were viewed by Department of Defense as “outstandingly successful”.

The government memorandum states- “If anything, the tests were “too successful”—neither the volume of induced rainfall nor the extent of area affected can be precisely predicted. The only absolute control, therefore, is after the fact, i.e., to halt cloud-seeding missions…In one instance, the rainfall continued as the cloud moved eastward across the Vietnam border and inundated a U.S. Special Forces camp with nine inches of rain in four hours.”

In other words, cloud seeding missions can go wrong and in some cases BACKFIRE.

Unknowing US soldiers exposure to extensive man-made monsoons, Agent Orange and science experimentation was collateral damage of Operation Popeye and Operation Ranch Hand.

Please read this fascinating archived article dated July 3rd, 1972 published by The New York Times on Operation Popeye. The article is called “Rainmaking Is Used As Weapon by U.S.

According to the excellent article– “The general feeling was summarized by one former State Department official who said he was concerned that the rainmaking “might violate what we considered the general rule of thumb for an illegal weapon of war—something that would cause unusual suffering or disproportionate damage.”

Did the US Government politically persecute hippies using cloud seeding? The weather weapon was used for Operation Popeye at the same time…and Woodstock was famous for that torrential down pour…see video below.

Operation Popeye’s roots formed in the earlier Project Cirrus of 1947. Project Cirrus was the first attempt to modify a hurricane in 1947. General Electric Corporation, the US Army Signal Corps, the Office of Naval Research, and the US Air Force collaborated on the project.

Project Cirrus Crew, 1947

An airplane flew along the “rainbands” of a hurricane, and dropped 80 pounds (36 kilograms) of crushed dry ice into the clouds in an attempt to redirect a storm off the coast of Florida, only to artificially redirect it to demolish parts of Georgia.

While there is little public proof that a hurricane can be “created”, Project Cirrus proved that a hurricane can be “redirected”.

The modified path of a hurricane manipulated in Project Cirrus.

According to, Project Cirrus attempted to modify a hurricane off the coast of Florida and Cuba- “What happened next was a worst case scenario: Instead of dissipating, the storm furiously swung nearly 130 degrees to the west and smashed into Georgia, where it caused $2 million worth of damage. Threats of lawsuits soon followed, with Georgia residents blaming the government for the devastation.”

See X post below:

Nobel Prize winning Scientist Irving Langmuir argued that Project Cirrus’s cloud seeding had caused the storm’s change in direction. Project Cirrus was canceled and followed by the Project Stormfury, which began a new era of failed hurricane cloud seeding projects.

Scientist Irving Langmuir was a Nobel Prize winning chemist that believed Project Cirrus’ hurricane modification was to blame for redirecting the storm to Georgia and decimating towns.

Cloud seeding was discovered the year prior to Project Cirrus in 1946 by Vincent Schaefer. That same year Bernard Vonnegut, older brother to American science fiction writer Kurt Vonnegut, figured out the modern day process of using silver iodine to cloud seed and create artificial rain.

His silver iodine process served as the inspiration for his bother Kurt’s fictional “ice-nine” in his masterpiece “Cat’s Cradle” where he imagined ice-nine as a seed crystal that instantly kills humans when ingested or brought into contact with soft tissues or the bloodstream.

Scientist Bernard Vonnegut experiments and creates silver iodide smoke to explore cloud-seeding techniques in 1946.


Through the years, environmentalists have expressed concern over the effects of silver iodide dropped on humans, on soil used to grow food, and water sources. As you can imagine, their voices have been silenced.

See post on X below:

Organizations like the Weather Modification Association, created to vouch for (you guessed it, weather modification) says silver iodide is safe.

The problem is, the general public is not aware of this information, so there are no questions or demands for unbiased studies.

See this video on geoengineering:

According to this article on “silver toxicity”, silver iodide has been linked to numerous health risks, including toxicity, reproductive disorders, developmental defects, and cancer. Symptoms of silver iodide toxicity include coughing, wheezing, and difficulty breathing. Silver iodide is extremely toxic and can cause severe burns if it comes into contact with the skin. Inhaling silver iodide can also be fatal. Please read this article on how silver iodine may be affecting your health.

There has been concern that water seeding and weather manipulation could be used by governments or private entities for dark purposes, like inducing drought or causing harm in competing nations or as weapons of war.

It has been theorized that “decades of cloud seeding with Silver Iodide in California caused drought and increased explosive fire hazards”.

It cannot be stressed enough that cloud seeding is in part a PRIVATE INDUSTRY with little regulation or national/International government oversight. It can be used by any given entity that can afford it- for both good purposes or nefarious.

Cloud seeding is a type of “chemtrail”.

“The biggest adverse effect is generating suspicion that a neighboring country is either trying to steal their rain or perhaps wage surreptitious environmental warfare,” says James Fleming, an atmospheric scientist and historian of science at Colby College in Maine.

Even the dubious World Economic Forum seems to have worries. See this page on the WHO website: “Weather Wars- Use of Weather Manipulation Tools Stokes Geopolitical Tensions”.

Although cloud seeding programs are heavily funded by state and federal tax payer dollars, they have somehow been able to escape the scrutiny of the modern day Congress. Furthermore, cloud seeding has been able to bypass major government agency regulations as well as policy discussions throughout its long history.

“An aircraft flies into the clouds carrying flares filled with silver iodide being released to help make more snow.” -Weather Modification International 2022

“Save for a few minor reporting requirements, the federal government has largely taken a hands-off approach to regulation of weather modification activities,” according to the American Bar Association.

It wouldn’t be a stretch to assume that the obvious stakeholders (governments and private industries that capitalize on cloud seeding) certainly would like to keep it this way.

*Incredibly, this reporter spoke to a meteorologist from a major news station and he informed me that meteorologists have no way of knowing when cloud seeding is going to happen! There is no site they can visit to see if cloud seeding may affect the area they are reporting on. No wonder the weather is always wrong!

The last law that addressed weather modification was the Weather Modification Policy Act of 1976, a largely ignored and invisible bill that should be revisited by Congress.

With little to no oversight, it is like the Wild West in the sky- a free-for-all for elitists to play with!

To date, there have been virtually close to no public policy discussions on how weather modification, including but not limited to cloud seeding, can be used as weapons or nefariously.

Way back in 1965, the National Science Foundation called for “urgent research” into the impacts/human consequences of weather modification, saying, “If the developing techniques of weather and climate modification are to be used intelligently, the human consequences of deliberate or inadvertent intervention need to be anticipated before they are upon us.” Read their paper here.

According to an essay in The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists entitled “How Cloud Seeding Can Go Wrong” “Despite its potential, the risks associated with cloud seeding are high, and there is significant danger that cloud seeding may do more harm than good.”


Cloud seeding is part of the private sector, where companies sell cloud seeding services and are contracted by governments from federal to local, government agencies, insurance companies and even wealthy individuals that can afford their services.

For example, RHS Consulting, LTD is a privately owned weather modification company based in Nevada. According to their website– “Since its founding in 1999, RHS Consulting has used its combined expertise to provide weather modification and cloud seeding services to their clients.”

Combing through that client list must be juicy…

Furthermore, a British luxury travel company called “Oliver’s Travels” offers wealthy people weather modification services to control the weather on their wedding day. According to their website, starting at £100,000 (British pounds), you can contract “A ‘cloud-bursting’ service that can 100% guarantee fair weather and clear skies for your wedding day! 100% guaranteeing fair weather and clear skies for when you tie the knot! Upon requesting the service, a crack team of pilots and meteorologists will begin meticulously planning the operation.”

If you are rich enough, you can buy pristine weather for your wedding day, regardless of the effects it may have on others.


Over 52 countries are currently operating weather modification programs. Many of them are using extreme weather modification programs that can be used as legitimate weapons of war. This includes the United States, China, Russia, Israel, India, Thailand, The United Arab Emirates, and Saudi Arabia. Developed weather weapons can be used against enemies. For example, Iran has accused Israel, the United Arab Emirates and Turkey of using cloud seeding to steal its water.

As early as 1954, science reporter Frank Carey of the Associated Press wrote: “It may someday be possible to cause torrents of rain over Russia by seeding clouds moving toward the Soviet Union. Or it may be possible — if an opposite effect is desired — to cause destructive droughts which dry up food crops by “overseeding” those same clouds.”

The modern day China alters its weather over major cities and plans to modify weather over half its territory by 2025. In fact, there is concern that China’s weather modification has become so advanced it can be used as a weapon of war. According to– “Geoengineering has the potential to become a game-changing tool for Beijing’s implementation of a hybrid warfare strategy.”

A Chinese worker fires rockets for cloud seeding to make rain in Huangpi, China. Courtesy Getty Images.

The Chinese have truly mastered weather modification. In 2009, it snowed in China, which had just suffered through its worst drought in decades. The Chinese Government took credit for a massive and welcomed snowstorm.

According to Scientific American– “Engineers blasted more than 400 cigarette-size sticks of silver iodide into the sky shortly before the storm, and a senior engineer told Reuters that it was “a procedure that made the snow a lot heavier.”

China famously modified the weather at the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing.

The Beijing Weather Modification Office is a unit of the Beijing Meteorological Bureau tasked with weather control in Beijing and its surrounding areas, including parts of Hebei and Inner Mongolia,” says Wikipedia.

China heavily guards the recipes for its cloud modification, but openly brags about their effectiveness.

According to the South Morning China Post, “China needs more water. So it’s building a rain-making network three times the size of Spain.”  According to– “The plan, which is an extension of a project called Tianhe or ‘Sky River’ developed by researchers in 2016 at China’s Tsinghua University, is hoped to bring extra rain to a massive area spanning some 1.6 million square kilometres (almost 620,000 square miles).

Did weather modification gone wrong or “climate change” cause this anamoly flood in the United Arab Emirates?

In the United Arab Emirates 100km (62 miles) from Dubai – 256mm (10in) of rain was recorded in just 24 hours. Dubai receives less than 100mm (3.9in) a year of rainfall on average YEARLY.

The 24-hour flood yielded more than double the rain the area gets per year in ONE DAY, causing many deaths and the destruction/collapse of homes, roads and vehicles. This anomaly was blamed on “climate change” by the UAE government’s National Center of Meteorology taskforce.

Yet the UAE has an aggressive and experimental weather manipulation program intact. Experts speculated weather manipulation made more sense than climate change as cause of the never-before-seen level of flooding in a desert region of the world that happened all in ONE DAY.

There is nothing wrong with not believing and asking questions about something that makes ABSOLUTELY NO SENSE.

The great mysterious flood in the desert United Arab Emirates.

We can end this story with our friends in Russia. “Russia Spent Millions on ‘Cloud Seeding’ Tech to Prevent Rain on Its Public Holiday”, according to this article.

During the Cold War, the United States was fearful the Soviet Union would use “Weather Control as a Cold War Weapon”.

Russian plane cloud seeding.

Now- the question that has run through so many Americans minds- “Was Hurricane Helene completely a natural occurrence? Or was it manipulated in some fashion?”

The video below poses that question:

If you still think weather control is a “conspiracy theory”, drop a comment in the box below so other readers can attempt to convince you! Please share this article with everyone you know. Hopefully you will go down the weather modification wormhole like this reporter did and return empowered with more knowledge.

*Citizen journalists have become the 5th branch of government since the 4th branch (the media) has failed us. It is up to regular people like you to research, demand facts from your government and compile information to combat the fake news and the three branches of government. Let us know what you find in the comments below. Happy reporting!

…and remember, in the end God wins!

Please follow Cara on Twitter.

Cara is an Investigative Journalist, 2-Time Boxing Champion and Television Personality. She is the co-founder of Citizens Against Political Persecution. You can follow her on Twitter HERE or Instagram HERE @CaraCastronuova. She is currently banned on Fakebook & suing them for colluding with the Biden Regime to violate her First Amendment Rights. You can contact Cara at if you have any tips.

“I Can Do All Things Through Christ Who Strengthens Me.” Phil 4:13.

The post Marjorie Taylor Greene’s Weather Manipulation Claims Backed by Science — Must Read Deep Dive into History of Weather Manipulation — Shocking Facts Revealed! appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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