Mark Levin Erupts After Trump Convictions: “The Democrat Party Is the New Confederacy! They Hate the Constitution!… That’s Right! It was the Old Confederacy and Now It’s the New Confederacy!”
FOX News host, legal expert, and author Mark Levin opened his Sunday show discussing the Democrat Party’s latest attempt to overthrow the US Constitution.
Mark Levin describes the Democrat Marxists’ latest attempt to overthrow the US Constitution.

FOX News host, legal expert, and author Mark Levin opened his Sunday show discussing the Democrat Party’s latest attempt to overthrow the US Constitution.

On Thursday, a Soros-funded DA, a Trump-hating Stalinist judge, and a far-left cherry-picked jury in far-left Manhattan convicted President Trump of committing election crimes in 2016 by a payment in 2017.

The crooked DA charged Trump with 34 felonies that included accounting entries, and the court has yet to define the actual criminal act that took place.

The court also restricted the defendant’s rights to speak out against the lawfare sham or the corrupt judge whose daughter allegedly made millions off of the trial.

Hillary Clinton committed an identical act in 2016 but was not prosecuted by a Marxist Manhattan judge.

Mark Levin compared this latest unconstitutional Democrat act to their unconstitutional acts prior to the US Civil War.

Mark Levin: This is so much bigger, so much bigger than the rules of evidence and so forth. What am I talking about? The Democrat Party. The Democrat Party is cheering what took place. Their surrogates are cheering what took place. Joe Biden went to a microphone and lied about what took place and then sneered after it. This is part and parcel of their war on the Constitution almost from day one.

This is the party that supported slavery. This is the party that supported ‘separate but equal.’ That is segregation. This is the party that supported Jim Crow. This is the party that supports and embraces American Marxism, which rejects the Constitution and the Founders and the framers. They use the 14th Amendment in order to try and prevent Donald Trump from running for President. And this is what they do. And that’s what happened in New York.

Let me put it to you bluntly. South Carolina was the point in which the Constitution came under attack, came to a head, that resulted in the Civil War.

New York is the new South Carolina. That is the Confederacy. What do I mean by that?

I’m not arguing here that there will be a violent Civil War. I don’t know what comes. Nobody does. What I’m arguing here is the Civil War was about slavery and about the attack on the Constitution and the attack on the Union, the nation.

What took place in that courtroom? The jury should never have been impaneled. A Soros prosecutor and a Biden judge in effect decided that they were going to launch a war against our constitutional construct. How so? By nullifying the due process clause of the Constitution and the Fifth Amendment, by nullifying the due process clause that applies to the States through one of the post-civil war amendments, the 14th Amendment.

And if this stands, the consequences will be very dire for the future of this country in the Constitution. Let me put it to you this way. New process goes back to the Magna Carta of 1215. But the phrase itself appears in a statute that was passed in Britain to incorporate the Magna Carta in 1354, and that was during the reign of King Edward III…

…And therein, ladies and gentlemen, is the bottom line. Why do I want this case to get before the Supreme Court so they have the opportunity, whether they take it or not, to give us our due process clause back, to give us our Equal Protection Clause back?

It’s not up to a prosecutor and a judge, a rogue prosecutor and a rogue judge, for that matter, to destroy and nullify the due process Clause of the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendment or the Equal Protection Clause of the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendment.

We have the same Democrat Party that rejected the Constitution, the same Democrat Party that fought the due process clause, that fought the Equal Protection Clause, the same Democrat Party that after the Civil War, despite the Fifth Amendment, despite the Civil War Amendment, the Fourteenth Amendment, still supported segregation, Still supported eugenics, still supported and back Jim Crow.

And nobody’s a better figure, illustration of that, than Joe Biden. Now they do it for different reasons, and they do it in a different way. But it doesn’t change who they are and what they are. They hate the Constitution as they must, as they adopt an increasingly aggressive Marxist ideology. And this party is an autocratic party. It doesn’t care how it gets power.

What was done to Donald Trump in that courtroom, in addition to everything you heard, is an attempt to nullify the federal Constitution, due process, equal protection. That’s what took place.

The Democrat Party is the new Confederacy. That’s right. It was the old Confederacy, now it’s the new Confederacy. Reverse federalism, where a judge and a prosecutor steal the jurisdictional power of the federal government, and all that implies the Constitution, federal election laws, and these entire processes, that is reverse federalism, that is nullification, that is the new Confederacy. That’s what Joe Biden, the old Confederate, and that’s what his Marxist supporters now support. This needs to be fought. We’ll be right back.

WATCH via Midnight Rider:

The post Mark Levin Erupts After Trump Convictions: “The Democrat Party Is the New Confederacy! They Hate the Constitution!… That’s Right! It was the Old Confederacy and Now It’s the New Confederacy!” (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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