Mark Meadows Files Emergency Stay After Obama Judge Rules His Case Cannot be Moved to Federal Court
Trump’s former Chief of Staff Mark Meadows filed an emergency stay in the Georgia RICO case after an Obama judge ruled his case cannot be moved to a federal court.

Trump’s former Chief of Staff Mark Meadows filed an emergency stay in the Georgia RICO case after an Obama judge ruled his case cannot be moved to a federal court.

Judge Steve C. Jones ruled that Mark Meadows’s actions following the election were largely political. Spoken like a true Marxist.

Obama appointed District Judge Steve C. Jones

Attorneys for Meadows asked Judge Jones to stay the order pending an appeal. The attorneys were prepared to ask the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals to stay the order.

The judge responded and ordered Georgia prosecutors to respond by Tuesday at 12 noon ET.

CNBC reported:

Mark Meadows, Donald Trump’s former White House chief of staff, on Monday sought to pause an order rejecting his bid to move his Georgia criminal election interference case to federal court.

In an “emergency motion” filed Monday morning, Meadows asked a federal judge — who last week declined to move the case out of state court — to stay that order pending an appeal.

Meadows’ attorney said that “given the urgency of the matter,” he will ask the 11th Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals to pause the order on Monday afternoon unless the federal court grants his request for a stay beforehand.

“While Mr. Meadows respectfully believes the Court erred, this Court need not agree to stay the Remand Order,” his attorney wrote in the filing in U.S. District Court in Atlanta.

Early Monday afternoon, U.S. District Judge Steve Jones replied to Meadows’ emergency request by ordering Georgia prosecutors to file a brief in response by Tuesday at 12 p.m. ET.

A Fulton County grand jury last month returned a 41-count indictment which included RICO and conspiracy charges against Trump.

Mark Meadows was charged with counts 1 (RICO) and 28 (Solicitation of Violation of Oath Public Officer).

According to the indictment reviewed by The Gateway Pundit, Meadows was indicted for asking for a phone number over text message.

“On or about the 21st day of November 2020, Mark Randall Meadows sent a text message to United States States Representatives Scott Perry from Pennsylvania and stated, “Can you send me the number for the speaker and the leader of PA Legislature. POTUS wants to chat with them.” This was an overt act in furtherance of the conspiracy.” the charging document read.

So now it is a crime to ask for a phone number.

The post Mark Meadows Files Emergency Stay After Obama Judge Rules His Case Cannot be Moved to Federal Court appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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