Melt Down on Social Media After a White Woman is Named Miss Universe Zimbabwe (PHOTOS)
Social media went into a collective meltdown after a young white woman won Miss Universe in a country with a 98% black population.
Credit: Facebook/Brooke-Bruk Jackson

Social media went into a collective meltdown after a young white woman won Miss Universe in a country with a 98% black population.

Breitbart reported Sunday that Brooke Bruk-Jackson, a 21-year-old Harare native and part-time model, was crowned Miss Universe Zimbabwe 2023 on Saturday, September 16. Bruk-Jackson beat out 11 other finalists for the coveted crown.

This was the first time in 22 years Zimbabwe had been able to hold their Miss Universe Competition. Bruk-Jackson now advances to participate in the upcoming 72nd Miss Universe pageant in El Salvador in November.

Behold the new face of Zimbabwe:

Bruk-Jackson correctly points out that she is a “pure-bred” Zimbabwean and that the “colour of our skin should not define a person or who each person chooses to associate with.” This is a sentiment every person can get behind.

But instead of heeding this beautiful woman’s common-sense words and celebrating her incredible accomplishment, individuals on social media instead angrily lashed out the pageant for daring to honor her. All because Bruk-Jackson has the “wrong” skin color.

Here are some of the worst meltdowns:

No one says a cross word when a person of color wins a beauty pageant in a predominately white country, though. Where was the outrage when a black woman won Miss Ireland back in 2021?

There was not any nor should there have been. Normal people recognize that beauty comes in all colors.

The only thing that could have made Bruk-Jackson’s victory more epic is if murderous, racist tyrant Robert Mugabe had been alive to witness it. He is no doubt rolling over in his grave.

The post Melt Down on Social Media After a White Woman is Named Miss Universe Zimbabwe (PHOTOS) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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