Mother of Child Murdered by Venezuelan Illegals Left “Shocked” by Phone Call from President Trump Minutes Before He Took Debate Stage
The mother of Jocelyn Nungaray, the 12-year-old girl who was brutally murdered by two illegal aliens from Venezuela, was “shocked” when she received a 10-minute phone call from President Trump just prior to him taking the debate stage against Joe Biden.
Credit: @CollinRugg

The mother of Jocelyn Nungaray, the 12-year-old girl who was brutally murdered by two illegal aliens from Venezuela, was “shocked” when she received a 10-minute phone call from President Trump just prior to him taking the debate stage against Joe Biden.

During the debate, Trump revealed he had reached out to Jocelyn’s devastated mother, Alexis Nungaray.

“I just spoke to the mother, and they just had the funeral for this girl, 12 years old; this is horrible what’s taken place,” Trump said as he repeatedly raised the issue of illegal immigration and highlighted several high-profile murder cases police say were committed by illegal aliens.

Biden, whose policies are responsible for the little girl’s death, did not utter a word of remorse or compassion in response.

Alexis’s best friend Victoria Galvan, who was with Alexis when Trump called, revealed to the New York Post what exactly Trump said:

“He was like, ‘I’m actually about to come on for a debate’ … He gave his condolences, and he said that he would be reaching back out to her,” Galvan said.

“He wanted to … say that he was praying for Alexis and that he’s been thinking about her and wanted to reach out. He said that he was going to reach out in a couple of days to her … I mean, she was really … we were all shocked.”

Following the call, Galvan explained that she and Alexis were talking about how Jocelyn would’ve been stunned by Trump’s attention to her story.

The Gateway Pundit previously reported two Venezuelan men were arrested for 12-year-old Jocelyn Nungaray’s murder in Houston, Texas, last week after reportedly abducting her, strangling her, and dumping her body in a bayou.

Houston authorities also say there are signs Nungaray was sexually assaulted before her death.

The Biden regime issued a pathetic, canned statement in response to her horrific murder:

Our hearts go out to the family and loved ones of Jocelyn Nungaray. We cannot comment on active law enforcement cases. But fundamentally, anyone found guilty of this type of heinous and shocking crime should be held accountable, to the fullest extent of the law.

While people are rightfully focused on Biden and Trump’s policies, we are also deciding whether to elect a commander-in-chief who will lead with compassion and heart.

Trump has this in spades, while Biden does not possess any at all.

The post Mother of Child Murdered by Venezuelan Illegals Left “Shocked” by Phone Call from President Trump Minutes Before He Took Debate Stage appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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