Must See Movie “Let My People Go” – Produced by Professor Clements to Be Released on FRIDAY, DECEMBER 15th
This post first appeared on – We are republishing the film here with permission MUST SEE – LET MY PEOPLE GO – to be released on Friday, December 15th The Gateway Pundit and Joe Hoft were able to attend a private screening for the new documentary “Let My People Go” with David Clements.

This post first appeared on – We are republishing the film here with permission

MUST SEE – LET MY PEOPLE GO – to be released on Friday, December 15th

The Gateway Pundit and Joe Hoft were able to attend a private screening for the new documentary “Let My People Go” with David Clements. The film will be released this Friday, Dec. 15th and will be made available via streaming and through DVD and BluRay at LetMyPeopleGo.Movie. The buzz thus far is overwhelmingly positive.

Steve Bannon describes the film as “magnificent” and “epic.”

The film’s synopsis states:

“Let My People Go” is a modern-day deliverance story that presents two overlapping narratives of America’s enslavement. The first form of slavery is invisible, and achieved by the deep state’s use of proprietary “black box machines” and rigged election software, where perception is altered, and swamp candidates are selected rather than elected. The second form of slavery focuses on the real-life consequences of the hundreds of thousands of Americans that gathered and protested the stolen Nov. 3rd election, many of which are imprisoned today.”

See trailer below:

Surprise audience test screenings for the film have been met with rave reviews.

Tom Wigand, one the test screeners wrote: 

I’d seen the trailer, and thought it good but, frankly, was somewhat skeptical about how the full documentary would fare…. Boy, was my skepticism misplaced…. Just as The Sound of Freedom brought a compelling expose of the horrors of human trafficking home in a manner approachable to previously “normie” audiences, Let My People Go has high production quality and – in an entertaining but simultaneously approachable manner – will persuade even “normies” that our current election system(s) are designed to be fraudulent.”

The mind behind the film is former law professor and attorney–David Clements—labeled by the mainstream media as an “alpha election denier.”  Clements says the challenges of getting the film to audiences through traditional channels have been nothing short of astonishing.

“The largest theater chain in America emphatically stated there is no way the film would be played theatrically.  Everyone is scared to talk about how the Department of Homeland Security, Dominion, ES&S, BPro, and other unaccountable corporate election vendors have systematically facilitated fraud in our elections.  Streaming platforms like YouTube will flag any material that promotes the J6ers as heroes, which the film clearly holds in high regard.”

Clements continued,

“Other distributors wanted me to get an insurance policy, with lawyers signing off on the film’s final cut in light of so many election integrity advocates being sued for billions of dollars.  Clements’ response to the distributors was, “I’m not interested in paying attorneys tens of thousands of dollars to tell me to cut out everything about Dominion and a corrupt FBI just because Fox News settled like a bunch of cowards.”

Clements was asked if there was any support from Republican leadership for the film.

“Establishment leadership, like the RNC?  No.  They love the rigged machines.  This film is as dangerous for them as it is for establishment Democrats.  But everyday Republicans and Democrats?  The polls show nearly 70% of all voters do not trust the election system.  Fighters in the Michigan GOP are the exception — amazing patriots have taken over the GOP there.”

When asked if Clements has any fears over Dominion or other election vendors hitting him with a lawsuit, Clements responded, “Fear has no place in my thinking.  The film presents the unvarnished truth, and that’s what makes it so dangerous to the election cartel….” 

“So come with your best shot.  I’ll represent myself, so I’m not going to owe attorneys a pile of legal bills.  And I’ll never settle with the treasonous entities that created the turmoil we are experiencing.  This whole charade comes tumbling down the instant we go to trial.  Even if a court issued a gag-order, mark my words, I won’t be silent.  What are they going to take from me that the swamp hasn’t already taken?  The U.S. Congress went after my audit team in New Mexico issuing subpoenas to chill our efforts.  Didn’t work….”   
“The mainstream media has slandered my reputation going on three years now.  Hasn’t stopped me.  I’ve been terminated from my old university for talking about rigged elections and the jab.  So, while my family is scraping by, we are still free enough to fight.  The State Bar has been allowing political operatives to try and strip me of my law license going back to 2021 with frivolous complaints.  So all of this is just more of the same to me.  About the only thing I’ve got left in my name is an old 2002 Buick.  If they want it, come and get it.”

The Gateway Pundit got a sneak peak of the film.  It opens with a fully animated and humorous propaganda trailer, much in the style of South Park, which sarcastically embraces all the mainstream talking points about how “safe and secure” our elections are.  The trailer represents “the feed” responsible for keeping the American public asleep to their enslavement.  Interviews with J6 families being terrorized by the FBI are highlighted throughout the film.  Professor Clements and the nation’s leading election experts, some with the highest national security clearances in the country, challenge the various myths, lies, and half-truths asserted in the propaganda trailer in devastating fashion, leading any objective viewer to the conclusion that our elections are wholly rigged.  The film ends with a triumphant vision to restore our elections and free the J6 political prisoners before it’s too late.

To get your copy of “Let My People Go” this Friday, December 15th, visit “LetMyPeopleGo.Movie.”

The post Must See Movie “Let My People Go” – Produced by Professor Clements to Be Released on FRIDAY, DECEMBER 15th appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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