NBC’s Kristen Welker Humiliates Jake Sullivan on Claims Middle Eastern Region is ‘Quieter Today Than It Has Been in Two Decades’ (VIDEO)
NBC’s “Meet the Press” host Kristen Welker humiliated Joe Biden’s corrupt and incompetent National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan on Sunday.

NBC’s “Meet the Press” host Kristen Welker humiliated Joe Biden’s corrupt and incompetent National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan on Sunday.

Kristen Welker played a video of Jake Sullivan claiming ‘the Middle Eastern region is quieter today than it has been in two decades.’

Sullivan, the former Hillary Clinton aide involved in bungling the Benghazi terror attack, made this statement nearly a week before Hamas terrorists ambushed Israel and slaughtered more than 1,300 Jewish people.

“Jake, how was your assessment [that ‘the Middle East region is quieter today than it has been in two decades’] so off the mark?” Kristen Welker asked Sullivan.

Sullivan doubled down and defended those remarks.



Israel shelled Syria on Saturday after two rockets were launched from Syria, according to a statement from the Israeli army.

Tensions are also escalating on the Lebanon border. Hezbollah terrorists are exchanging gunfire with Israel Defense Forces.

Turkey also jumped into the fray.

Turkish President Erdogan on Tuesday accused the United States of planning to “carry out massacres in Gaza” after Hamas terrorists ambushed Israel over the weekend.

The US’s so-called “NATO ally” Turkey is once again siding with Iran’s proxy army Hamas.

Israel is preparing for a ground, sea and air invasion in an effort to eliminate Hamas terrorists.

Meanwhile, Iran is threatening intervention if Israel invades Gaza.

The US dispatched a second carrier group to the Eastern Mediterranean Sea this weekend.

But the Middle Eastern Region is ‘quiet’ according to Jake Sullivan.

The post NBC’s Kristen Welker Humiliates Jake Sullivan on Claims Middle Eastern Region is ‘Quieter Today Than It Has Been in Two Decades’ (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.




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