New French FM Séjourné Pays Mandatory Kiev Visit to Pledge Aid as Zelensky Gears up To Meet Globalist WEF Masters in Davos
Ukraine’s situation rapidly deteriorates in the battlefields along the frontline, with significant attrition occurring in the rear areas and major aid packages by the US and EU still stuck in a political quagmire.
Ukrainian FM Kuleba and French FM Séjourné.

Ukraine’s situation rapidly deteriorates in the battlefields along the frontline, with significant attrition occurring in the rear areas and major aid packages by the US and EU still stuck in a political quagmire.

But some relatively minor – yet relevant – developments have been propping fading Ukrainian hopes up.

Roughly 24 hours after British PM Rishi Sunak visited his embattled allies, now it’s recently appointed French Foreign Minister Stéphane Séjourné who made sure that Kiev was his very first destination.

Sunak previously announced it would provide further military aid to the country over the coming year, boosting its support in the next financial year to £2.5bn, an increase of £200m on the previous two years.

CONTEXT: Volodymyr Zelensky Struggles Against Irrelevance

France’s new foreign minister arrived in Kiev yesterday (13) to meet with his counterpart Dmytro Kuleba in a sign of support for Ukraine as Russia’s full-scale invasion nears its second anniversary.

Associated Press reported:

“’Ukraine is and will remain France’s priority’, he said. ‘The defense of the fundamental principles of international law is being played out in Ukraine’.

Séjourné, in a joint news conference alongside Ukraine’s Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba, reiterated his government’s pledges of support for Ukraine ‘as long as necessary’ but did not announce new weapon deliveries.

‘Russia is hoping that Ukraine and its supporters will tire before it does. We will not weaken. That is the message that I am carrying here to the Ukrainians. Our determination is intact’, Séjourné said.”

Read: Zelensky Versus Zaluzhny: The Infighting Worsens as the President Gives Orders Directly to Battlefield, Bypassing the General That Is Polling Much Higher Than Him

France no longer provides complete weapons systems to Ukraine from its own stocks.

It rather helps defense manufacturers ramp up production so they can supply Ukraine’s long-term armament needs.

“France is also working to overcome objections from Hungary to supply EU financial aid to Ukraine, needed to fund essential public services and reconstruction. Séjourné said France would use ‘all of its weight’ to try to unblock the EU aid package at an upcoming summit in early February.”

Ukrainian FM Kuleba thanked Séjourné for visiting during ‘another massive Russian strike’.

Kuleba complained that many Western-made components are found in Russian missiles, as Ukrainian Air Force said its defense system downed eight of the 37 missiles fired by Russia yesterday.

“’According to a recent report by the Kiev School of Economics and Yermak McFaul’s group, 44% of all electronic components in Russia’s weapons are developed by Western companies’, he said, calling on the Group of Seven and the European Union to ‘take decisive measures to block the supply of goods containing these components to Russia’.”

Read: Low Morale Grips Ukrainian Forces as Russians Grow Stronger – Beachhead Across the Dnieper ‘A Suicide Mission’ – Army Chief Zaluzhny’s Office Bugged by either Russia or Zelensky

Reuters reported:

“‘Russia hopes Ukraine and its supporters will get tired before them. We will not grow weaker’, Sejourne said during a press conference in the centre of the Ukrainian capital.”

After nearly two years of war, allied fatigue is hard to hide.

“Kuleba said several Ukrainian and French defence companies had already concluded deals on cooperation. ‘However, the possibilities of this cooperation are far greater’, Kuleba said, calling for the localization of manufacturing in Ukraine.”

Read: Avdiivka: Zelensky Visits Defenders – Russia Advances on Multiple Directions – Ukraine Hastily Sends Reinforcements To Besieged City, Weakening Other Points of the Front

Meanwhile, President Volodymyr Zelensky is gearing up to meet the World Economic Forum ‘masters of the universe’ in Davos, Switzerland, in search of aid.

The New York Post reported:

“Forget the fondue. Caviar, magic mushrooms, gold-leaf desserts, A-list selfies, $2,500-per-night hookers and secret dinners are likely to be on the menu as scores of private jets touch down in Switzerland as soon as Sunday to bring the world’s elite to the small Alpine resort town of Davos for what’s officially known as The World Economic Forum 2024.

More than 3000 masters of the universe are expected to show up for the 54th annual event at the Alpine resort nestled in the snowy Landwasser valley. The theme this year is ‘Rebuilding Trust’.”

The Guardian reported:

“Zelensky will speak in person at the World Economic Forum in the Swiss town of Davos on Tuesday, according to the WEF’s event program. Forum president Børge Brende last week told reporters Zelensky would give an address during the event, while more than 70 national security advisers from around the world would on Sunday discuss ways forward on the Ukrainian president’s peace plan.”

Read more:

Ukraine To Mobilize HALF A MILLION New Citizens for the War in Highly Unpopular Move – President Zelensky and General Zaluzhny Throw the ‘Hot Potato’ Blame to Each Other

The post New French FM Séjourné Pays Mandatory Kiev Visit to Pledge Aid as Zelensky Gears up To Meet Globalist WEF Masters in Davos appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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