“Once They’re Dead, They Won’t be Able to Run Anymore”: Terror Leaders Flee Qatar for Turkey as Hamas Crumbles in Gaza
Israeli soldiers destroyed the Hamas command and control center of Shejaiya Battalion, killed numerous terrorists and destroyed a terror tunnel, the IDF reported. Hamas leaders are on the run, with many leaving Qatar for Hamas-supporting Turkey, technically a NATO member.

Israeli soldiers destroyed the Hamas command and control center of Shejaiya Battalion,  killed numerous terrorists and destroyed a terror tunnel, the IDF reported.  Hamas leaders are on the run, with many leaving Qatar for Hamas-supporting Turkey, technically a NATO member.

Over the last day, IDF troops conducted a targeted raid on terror infrastructure in the city of Khan Yunis, Arutz Sheva reports. “The complex was struck by IAF aircraft, tanks, and engineering forces.  In addition, IDF troops from the 414 Battalion used the “Maoz” drone for the first time, using it to locate and strike terrorist cells in the area. “

During the targeted raid, the troops struck a weapon storage compound using the precise “Iron Sting” munition, Arutz Sheva writes. “The troops also located a tunnel shaft in which they located motorbikes used by the Hamas terrorist organization in the October 7th massacre.  An IAF fighter jet struck a military compound used by terrorists as a hideout and another aircraft struck three terrorists who attempted to attack IDF troops.”


Israel Defense Forces discovered that Hamas uses USAID and UNRWA sacks as sandbags, JNS reports. The sacks were discovered in terror tunnels under Hamas-controlled and EU-funded Al-Azhar University in Gaza City. Behind the tunnel’s concrete walls were large sacks belonging to the UN Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).

The sacks were filled with sand, possibly intended to stabilize the tunnel before a concrete layer was added. “When the excavator dug down, we could see that there were first sacks and then the tunnel. We went to look at the tunnel closely and saw sacks there with UNRWA and an American aid organization markings on them. There was no aid in these sacks, no flour or anything else,” the IDF commanding officer said.

The sacks “were found in several places in the tunnels; at least in two places that I witnessed myself,” the unit commander said. “I was not shocked to discover this, after all, we have known for years that part of Hamas’s method is to use aid funds for terror purposes.”

The tunnel was destroyed.

Six terrorists were eliminated Wednesday an in IDF operation in Jenin.

Israel Defense Forces soldiers have recovered the body of three hostages from Gaza, the IDF announced.

As the terror organization collapses in Gaza, corrupt Hamas leaders are fleeing Qatar with their entourages, cutting off communications including cellphones, Jewish Press reported.  “The leaders left for Algeria, Lebanon, Iran and other countries, according to sources cited by Kan News’s Arabic channel.”

Hamas leaders in Qatar include Ismail Haniyeh, head of the terrorist group’s political bureau, Mousa Abu Marzook and Khaled Mashal, who live a life of luxury in Doha as many Arabs in Gaza live in poverty.

Hamas leader,Saleh al-Arouri, who lives in Beirut, Lebanon, has moved to Turkey, Jewish Press writes.  Turkey is officially a NATO ally and hosts 50 US nuclear weapons at Incirlik air base. Turkey’s president Recep Tayyip Erdogan hosted Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh in July and congratulated him on the phone after the barbaric Hamas rape-torture-kill attack of Oct. 7.

Haniyeh may have been  hiding in Turkey Oct. 7, Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s chief foreign policy and security adviser Akif Cagatay Kilic said. Kilic stated he didn’t know if Haniyeh was in Turkey on October 7, but conceded “he might have been.”

Kilic defended Turkey’s longstanding ties with Hamas: “The issue is not where [Hamas members] are at what time, the issue is how can we resolve the conflict that we’re having, the war that we’re having right now,” he said.

Kilic said that any Israeli assassination attempt on Turkish soil would be “unacceptable on any terms.”  Shin Bet head Ronen Bar said  Israel will eliminate the leaders of Hamas in Qatar and Turkey Dec. 3.

“Hamas is not a terrorist organization, it is a liberation group, ‘mujahideen’ waging a battle to protect its lands and people,” Erdogan told the Turkish parliament on Oct. 25.

Many observers speculate Turkish Islamist President Recep Tayyip Erdogan may be a member of the secretive Muslim Brotherhood. In “The Secret Apparatus: The Muslim Brotherhood’s Industry of Death”, Cynthia Farahat speculated Erdogan may even be the head of the Muslim Brotherhood (“General and Secret Guide”), a radical Islamist organization which is modeled on the Medieval death cult The Assassins.

Hamas is the Gaza arm of The Muslim Brotherhood, which Mosab Hassan Yousef, the son of Hamas founder Sheikh Hassan Yousef, claims has 100 million members world wide.

The EU funds Turkey’s “refugee program” with €6 billion.

The net worth of Hamas’s top leaders abroad Ismail Haniyeh, Moussa Abu Marzouk and Khaled Mashaal— is estimated at $11 billion, the New York Post reported.

And it isn’t just the Hamas leadership abroad living in luxury, Yosef Kuperwasser, senior research fellow at the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs, told JNS. “I have been once or twice to the Kerem Shalom crossing (with Gaza). You would not believe the number of jacuzzis going into the Strip,” he said.   and they do not  hide their taste for the high life.

CHECK OUT: The Gaza you don’t see

Hamas finances itself through taxes on goods arriving through the Rafah crossing with Egypt and the Kerem Shalom crossing with Israel, in addition to tariffs on contraband entering the Strip through vast networks of smuggling tunnels. Hamas raises hundreds of millions of dollars annually this way, JNS reports.

Iran tunds Hamas with approx. $250 million a year. The Biden Regime released $10 billion in funds for Iran last month. The Foundation for Defense of Democracies estimates Biden’s months-long Iran sanctions relief campaign at more than $50 billion.

Qatar has also been transferring tens of millions of dollars in cash monthly to Hamas since 2018, reaching nearly $400 million per year, JNS writes.

The Palestinian Authority transfers to Gaza approximately 33% of its total annual budget. Hamas also receives hundreds of millions of dollars “from various aid groups and its web of so-called charitable organizations,” JNS writes. “From 2014-2020, U.N. agencies spent nearly $4.5 billion in Gaza.”

The IDF estimates that the terror organization comprised approximately 30,000 fighters before Oct. 7, some 7,000 of whom have since been killed during the war.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has vowed to target the heads of Hamas “wherever they are.” Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant said “they are living on borrowed time.”

These statements were made for psychological effect, Yoel Guzansky, senior fellow at the Tel Aviv-based Institute for National Security Studies, told JNS’s Amelie Botbol.  “One of the reasons that I think Netanyahu and Gallant said it out loud, publicly, is that they want them (the Hamas leadership to feel chased,” Guzansky told JNS. “They want them to feel fear. It’s psychological warfare. They are letting them know that Israel is coming from them,” he added.

“Once they’re killed, they won’t be able to travel anymore,” former national security adviser to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu IDF Maj. Gen. Yaakov Amidror said

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