OUCH! Former MI SOS Files Complaint Against SOS Benson—Accuses Her of Intentionally Lying In Court To Keep RFK Jr.s Name On The Ballot
          On August 23, Independent Presidential candidate Robert F.

On August 23, Independent Presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. (formerly Democratic presidential primary candidate) suspended his presidential campaign and endorsed President Trump.

During his speech, RFK Jr. announced that he would remove his name from 10 critical swing states, including Michigan, where his name remaining on the ballot would only hurt President Trump by stealing his votes.

Michigan’s Democrat Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson, who never leaves an opportunity on the table, especially when it comes to giving her party an opportunity to pick up votes in an election, fought tooth and nail to keep Kennedy’s name on the ballot for the general election, hoping that it would take votes away from President Trump. At the same time, Benson was fighting to remove Democrat Cornell West’s name from the ballot over concerns that he would take votes from the Democratic Party candidate.  After Benson lost her case in the lower courts, she immediately petitioned for an “emergency ruling” with Michigan’s liberal Supreme Court, where she was granted permission to leave RFK Jr.’s name on the ballot.

Turning Point USA’s Charlie Kirk summed up the George Soros-funded SOS’s victory in a tweet:

Michigan Democrats fought tooth and nail to keep Cornel West off the ballot, and they’ve fought even harder to keep RFK on it. Democrats know they have a profoundly weak candidate and that they’ve alienated their base. Their only hope of clinging to power is electoral shenanigans that would impress the Venezuelans and Haitians they’re importing by the millions.

On Wednesday, Ruth Johnson, the former MI SOS and current MI Senator, filed a bar complaint against her successor, the George Soros-funded SOS Jocelyn Benson. The highly partisan and untrustworthy Secretary of State Benson has lost ten election lawsuits and is currently embroiled in multiple lawsuits.

MI Senator Ruth Johnson (R) and former 2-term MI Sec. of State

The bar complaint concerns Benson’s refusal to remove Kennedy’s name from the ballot in Michigan, and claims Benson manipulated procedures to undermine the Nov. 5 election.

According to the Daily Signal – Johnson’s complaint, filed Oct. 11 with the Attorney Grievance Commission of the State Bar of Michigan, says that Benson violated Rule 3.3 by knowingly making false representations in court. According to the complaint, Benson’s arguments repeatedly were based on false representations of the law as she defended her department’s administration of elections.

Ruth Johnson’s complaint reads:

“As put forth above, Benson’s conduct rises to false misrepresentation of law. However, in her official capacity as secretary of state, Benson’s framing of state laws for the purpose of furthering her goal is deceitful in nature. Benson’s decision to put a candidate back on a ballot, after his name was removed, after the ballots were certified, and after the statutory deadline lapsed, is an abuse of authority as secretary of state resulting in a manipulation of state election procedures and calling into question her political priorities.”

Earlier this month, Judge David William McKeague of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 6th Circuit ruled that Benson had attempted to “influence the upcoming presidential election by manipulating state election procedures.”

Johnson’s bar complaint quotes the federal judge as saying: “Secretary Benson’s actions … serve no purpose other than to sow needless confusion in a presidential election,” would “inevitably cause confusion, and … undermine faith in this core democratic institution.”

Several key swing states with Democrat Secretaries of State have refused to remove RFK Jr.’s name from the ballot.

Wisconsin, another critical swing state, will not allow RFK Jr.’s name to be removed from the ballot.

In Arizona, another important swing state, the Democrat SOS will not remove RFK Jr.’s name from the ballot.

North Carolina has also refused to remove RFK Jr.’s name from the ballot in the general election.

In Pennsylvania, the state many pundits are calling “the big prize,” Democrats succeeded in their fight to keep RFK Jr.’s name off the ballot, so there is no dispute in that state.

There are many theories about why secretaries of state like Jocelyn Benson would fight like hell to keep RFK Jr.’s name on the ballot, but today, the reliable “The Last Refuge” shared his thoughts on why Democrat Secretaries of State could not allow RFK Jr. to remove his name from the ballot.

The Last Refuge explains:

Sometimes when you reach mile markers in the research journey, you find something that makes you pause, rethink the previous questions and then quickly dispatch the new information.

This is one of those markers.

Many people, including RFK Jr himself and his legal team in court filings, have presented the situation and asked a question. Essentially:

Why did the DNC apparatus sue to keep RFK JR’s name off certain state ballots and simultaneously sue to keep him on certain state ballots? It just didn’t make sense….

… Until now.

Ballots were contracted for localized printing by those who intended to use the blanks for fraudulent purposes. RFK Jr’s name ON or OFF ballots, changed the dynamic of the physical paper.

The tabulation scanners need one ballot format per precinct to scan for vote tally.

In states where they preprinted the fraudulent countly level ballots *without* RFK Jr’s name, the DNC sued to keep him off.

In states where they preprinted the fraudulent county level ballots *with* RFK Jr’s name, the DNC sued to keep him on.

That’s the answer.

That also helps put context on how long this localized ballot printing and tabulation plan has been in place.

The Last Refuge’s theory actually makes sense. But keeping RFK Jr. on the ballot simply to steal votes from Trump also makes sense. What do you think?

The post OUCH! Former MI SOS Files Complaint Against SOS Benson—Accuses Her of Intentionally Lying In Court To Keep RFK Jr.s Name On The Ballot appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.




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