OUTRAGEOUS! FBI Refuses to Turn Over Seth Rich Laptop – Is Still Hiding Its Contents from American Public Despite Court Order – And Now Makes Up Ridiculous Story to Prevent It’s Release
Attorney Ty Clevenger is the bulldog attorney who has been after the DOJ and FBI for years to get to the bottom of the Seth Rich murder.

Attorney Ty Clevenger is the bulldog attorney who has been after the DOJ and FBI for years to get to the bottom of the Seth Rich murder.

Clevenger also investigated who supplied the DNC and Podesta emails to the DNC during the 2016 election cycle This was always the key to the Trump-Russia collusion nightmare.  No proof was ever offered up by the fake news legacy media, Democrats, or the intelligence community on this scandal. If Russia did not supply the DNC emails to WikiLeaks then this was more proof that the DOJ’s Russia collusion story was a complete lie used to fool the American public.

After years of denying they had anything related to Seth Rich, the FBI and DOJ were caught lying over and over again.  In September 2023, a judge finally demanded the FBI and DOJ provide all they had regarding Seth Rich to Attorney Clevenger. The FBI responded requesting another 66 years before releasing the information. They wanted it moved out like the JFK assassination reports.

Then in late November, a Federal Judge ruled the FBI must hand over evidence regarding former DNC employee Seth Rich’s murder to Ty Clevenger.

This is big news since one year earlier the FBI was attempting to bury the information on Seth Rich for 66 years.

No media outlet has covered the Seth Rich story as extensively as The Gateway Pundit.

After weeks of waiting for the FBI to release Seth Rich’s laptop to Attorney Ty Clevenger, we now have a new update from Ty.

The FBI is completely dug in in the coverup of the Seth Rich murder. Chris Wray’s FBI continues to defy the court and will not release the laptop computer.

And now, according to Attorney Ty Clevenger, the FBI is making up a new story and a new excuse on why they cannot release the laptop.

The FBI is clearly hiding something.

Could it be that the Seth Rich computer confirms that he leaked the Hillary Clinton emails to Wikileaks as its founder Julian Assange implied?

Could it be that the FBI blamed Russia for leaking the emails when they knew that was not the truth? There was no computer hack. The emails were leaked.

And could this explain Seth Rich’s mysterious death?

Ty Clevenger tweeted out a string of tweets on the latest tricks by the FBI. They are obviously hiding the truth from the American people

Our FBI is sadly a rogue and lawless agency today.

1. Seth Rich Update: The FBI is playing really dirty. In an attempt to avoid disclosure of Seth’s personal and work laptops, the agency has invented a new story.

2. For the first time, the FBI is claiming that BOTH of Seth Rich’s laptops are relevant to the murder investigation, therefore they need to withhold them ENTIRELY.

3. Also for the first time, the FBI claims that the personal laptop is relevant to the ongoing “Russian hacking” prosecutions (yeah, you just thought the Russian collusion hoax was over!)

4. This begs a question: If the personal laptop is that important, then why did homicide investigators allow Seth’s brother to take it home IMMEDIATELY after the murder?

5. To this day, the FBI / MPD do not have a copy of the actual laptop, only an image drive made by Aaron, his brother. Why have they STILL not seized the actual laptop? And how weird is that your brother just got murdered, and the first thing you do is abscond with his laptop?

6. Previously, the FBI has told us that it never looked at either the work laptop or the personal laptop image. If that’s the case, then how can they know whether they are relevant to either investigation?

7. I also learned this evening that the FBI made a secret presentation to the court about all of this. The FBI’s sworn declaration does not give a date, but I suspect this is why Judge Mazzant has not enforced his decision ordering the FBI to produce data from the laptops.

8. You may recall that the FBI defied the court’s order to produce a joint production schedule for the laptop contents; instead, it cavalierly informed the court that it would be filing a motion for reconsideration. But that’s not what the FBI did…

9. No, the FBI filed yet another motion for summary judgment, and it follows a pattern. When the FBI loses on an issue, it files a new motion raising entirely new issues that it could have and should have raised earlier.

10. Even in the new motion, the FBI claims that it is reserving yet additional issues that it will raise IF it loses this motion. The plan is obvious. The FBI wants to drag this out not just beyond the 2024 election, but in perpetuity.

11. The FBI’s motion includes what purports to be the 8th sworn declaration of FBI Section Chief Michael G. Seidel. It’s actually his ninth declaration. The FBI has changed its story so many times that it is losing count. Take a look at Paragraph 10 — https://t.co/a2BfjCBQB6

12. Seidel does not give us any dates, but it looks like the FBI reached out to the U.S. Attorney’s Office in DC to concoct a new reason for withholding the laptops, i.e., “just say that it is relevant to your murder investigation.” It took seven years to figure that out?

13. And where is Jim_Jordan, and Judiciary GOP? ? Could Rep. James Comer, GOP Oversight, Rep. Matt Gaetz, Rep. MTG, or Speaker Johnson take a look at this? This has all the hallmarks of a massive cover-up (please RETWEET so we can get their attention).








The post OUTRAGEOUS! FBI Refuses to Turn Over Seth Rich Laptop – Is Still Hiding Its Contents from American Public Despite Court Order – And Now Makes Up Ridiculous Story to Prevent It’s Release appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.




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