PARIS CHAOS: Marxist Demonstrators Clash With Riot Police in Violent International Workers’ Day Protests (VIDEOS)
All over the world, labor unions and Marxists in general gather to celebrate International Worker’s Day with the same old tired slogans and same old delusional expectations that the war of classes will usher in the dictatorship of the proletariat.

All over the world, labor unions and Marxists in general gather to celebrate International Worker’s Day with the same old tired slogans and same old delusional expectations that the war of classes will usher in the dictatorship of the proletariat.

In France, of course, it’s not different, and in fact, it’s worse than most places on planet Earth.

This year, crowds gathered all over the French Republic, but perhaps nowhere else was a chaotic as in the capital Paris.

As is usually the case, the ‘City of Light’, that is gearing up to host the Summer Olympic games, quickly became a field of battle between protesters and the riot police.

Paris urban center saw that the annual march by Workers’ unions quickly devolved into a full-blown riot, and clashes between broke between the Marxist demonstrators and the forces of order.

The protesters were out demanding ‘better working conditions’ like it’s the 19th century, and somehow this is the perfect excuse to riot and clash with the gerndarmes.

Some of the most excitable rioters called for the execution of French President Emmanuel Macron with guillotines.

It’s unclear if ‘Le Petit Roi’ will pause his war-mongering for a minute to acknowledge these homages.

In the end, around 45 people were arrested in Paris during the ‘mostly peaceful’ demonstrations.

Authorities reported 121,000 participants throughout France,  while the biggest Workers Union of France, CGT, announced that more than 210,000 protested around the country.

As much as 12 riot police officers and gendarmes were injured, transported to hospital in relative emergency

If there was an Olympic medal for chaos and rioting, we know the French would be absolute favorites.

Read more:

100 Days to Chaos: Citizens of Paris Dread the Upcoming Summer Olympic Games






The post PARIS CHAOS: Marxist Demonstrators Clash With Riot Police in Violent International Workers’ Day Protests (VIDEOS) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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