Patriot Freedom Project Releases Third Part Of Documentary Showcasing The Personal And Legal Costs Of The Weaponized System Of Justice On Victims And Families
The Patriot Freedom Project, a nonprofit organization founded by Cynthia Hughes, is dedicated to advocating for January 6th political prisoners and their families. As part of its broader advocacy mission, the PFP recently produced a three-part documentary, “Due Process Denied,” which highlights the often harrowing and tragic stories of the J6 victims and their families. The third and final installment of Due Process Denied viscerally recounts how the persecution of the J6 victims is representative of a much deeper constitutional crisis afflicting our society at large.

The Patriot Freedom Project, a nonprofit organization founded by Cynthia Hughes, is dedicated to advocating for January 6th political prisoners and their families.  As part of its broader advocacy mission, the PFP recently produced a three-part documentary, “Due Process Denied,” which highlights the often harrowing and tragic stories of the J6 victims and their families.  The third and final installment of Due Process Denied viscerally recounts how the persecution of the J6 victims is representative of a much deeper constitutional crisis afflicting our society at large.

Many of these victims have been deliberately targeted by Joe Biden and his weaponized DOJ and intelligence agencies.  These institutions have been hijacked by Biden to persecute his political enemies with vengeance, which has done major, potentially irreversible, damage to the rule of law along the way.

From Alvin Bragg and Fani Willis’ ongoing show trials against President Trump to the thousands of prosecutions currently underway, which have all denied fundamental human rights to the overwhelmingly peaceful demonstrators who appeared at the Capitol on January 6th, the evidence of America’s plunge into a banana republic – where rule by might has displaced rule by right – is staggering and undeniable.

Ed Martin, who is president of the Phyllis Schlafly Eagles and serves as board member of the PFP, casts an understanding and discerning host throughout the series.  An empathetic voice, Martin’s narration in Part 3 grounds the audience with a refreshingly levelheaded sensibility about what really happened on January 6th, pitching questions to his guests that bring out both the legal and personal sides to the story.

Congressman Louie Gohmert (L) explaining to host Paul Ingrassia (R) about how the Biden DOJ is currently relying on unprecedented methods to run roughshod around the rule of law, stripping J6 political prisoners without due process of law, and putting them behind bars. The entire film can be watched here on Rumble.

Martin, a Virginia-based lawyer who was recently appointed to senior position at the RNC, draws upon his legal expertise to walk through the countless constitutional violations committed by the Biden DOJ in the various interviews he conducts over the approximately hour-long final installment.

Martin’s commentary helps break down the thornier legal and due process issues for non-experts and confirms through his provocative conversations just how unprecedented and downright cruel the lawfare has been against those now being prosecuted. His conversations help shed light on the egregiously heavy-handed sentences being handed down against many political prisoners. On any other occasion, these political victims would be getting charged for trespassing (normally a misdemeanor), at the absolute worst. Now, they are facing potentially decades-long sentences behind bars.

“Now we turn to subject matter experts,” Martin begins his introductory remarks, “people who know the law and public policy, who understand the psychology of what’s going on when people are put in prison and their families have to deal with it.”  He continues, “We’ll do all of that here, which will give us the context of why due process was denied for these political prisoners.”

The documentary is unique for being the only one to absolutely prioritize highlighting government weaponization and the painful personal costs associated with a weaponized justice system, on both the victims and the families.  The whole documentary does a stellar job describing the lawfare presently taking place and personalizing it with the firsthand experiences of families barely getting by. These stories are told often by the children themselves, whose fathers and mothers have been forced out of the household, and locked behind bars, for months or years on end. In most cases, the parents are denied access to children during their most formative years. Some may never again get to see their children until they reach adulthood.

The third installment features legal commentary from a broad range of experts, from policymakers to lawyers to legal scholars.  These commentators, albeit wide-ranging in backgrounds, are in consensus that what is being done right now with these political persecutions is reprehensible, unprecedented, and an affront to the rule of law in the worst possible way.

Congressman Louis Gohmert, who once served as a Texas state court judge for over a decade before entering public service, spearheads the legal analysis, painting a blistering portrait of the unprecedented methods being used right now to persecute otherwise law-abiding Americans on January 6th.  The vast majority simply exercised their First Amendment rights to assemble peacefully on public property and voice their grievances, in keeping with what until five minutes ago was a longstanding and cherished American tradition.

Congressman Gohmert ominously analogized what is now going on in the nation’s capital – which is supposed to be a symbol of freedom for the entire world – to the gulags of Soviet Russia.  He made repeated references to famed ex-communist writer, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, a Soviet exile to the United States. Perhaps Solzhenitsyn’s most famous work, Gulag Archipelago, which Gohmert referenced by name, showcased in macabre detail what life was like under Soviet despotism for much of the twentieth century — a foreshadowing of the tyranny that has arrived on these shores. This is the high price we pay if we let our guards down and forget the high cost of preserving liberty, which must be renewed every single generation.

The third part of the film also featured commentaries from former senior Trump administration official, Dr. Sebastian Gorka, former Acting Attorney General Jeffrey Clark, and political commentator Paul Ingrassia.

Dr. Gorka offered a brutal criticism of journalists, who have worked tirelessly over the past four years to portray the overwhelmingly peaceful demonstration on January 6th as a violent insurrection.  Indeed, the reason why a sizable portion of the population referred to the events of January 6th as an insurrection in the first place (which it plainly wasn’t, based on the historical record and dictionary definition of the term that requires a violent overthrow of the government with force), was due to the mainstream media peddling a false narrative to demonize conservatives.

“The majority of them are actually propagandists,” says Gorka.

These propagandists jumped the gun and reflexively branded the demonstrations of January 6th an insurrection, before all the evidence came out – while also ignoring the untold billions of damages caused by far-left groups like Antifa and BLM the summer before.

Attorney Jeff Clark described how the media worked in collusion with the sham House Select Committee, which was tasked with investigating January 6th, but is now run “exclusively by Democrats.”  The cooperation of the media coupled with the House Select Committee created a false narrative about the events of January 6th, a partisan hatchet job that was based on emotion and political bias, not reason and fact.

Ingrassia interviews many of the guests featured in the third installment, and inquires how “due process is being shredded by forces within our government, within our justice system, and within weaponized intelligence agencies, working in tandem against the American people.”

Also featured in this third installment is commentary from Dr. Gina Loudon, host of the daytime talk show American Sunrise on Real America’s Voice.  Her perspective goes a long way towards personalizing the January 6th victims for viewers.

“The first thing they want to talk about is their prayer life,” Loudon explains of the families, “which has become key for the people enduring these hardships.”

The documentary makes tremendous strides towards dispelling and debunking so many of the myths peddled by the mainstream media over the past four years that have stigmatized the victims in the harshest and most ruthless of ways. This propaganda has villainized them in the worst possible light: casting them as dangerous threats to democracy and domestic terrorists, rather than patriotic Americans who care deeply about preserving our time-honored rights and freedoms.

After watching this film, viewers cannot help but see the light: what becomes crystal clear is that the vast majority of the January 6th victims, whom President Trump refers to as “hostages,” are far from the crazed lunatics routinely smeared on networks like CNN and MSNBC.  To the contrary, they are devoted mothers and fathers; countless others are devout, God-fearing Christians and people of faith generally who wish to preserve the American experiment and pass down the freedoms and traditions they grew up with to their own children and grandchildren.

Many of the victims are veterans who selflessly served our country overseas, only to be treated like domestic terrorists by their own government at home.

The main takeaway from this documentary is that freedom is extremely delicate; the building blocks of our legal system that have long been responsible for our liberty have eroded away almost completely.  Due process literally hangs by a thread.

That is why it is absolutely imperative that Americans of all backgrounds and ideologies understand the precarious situation our country faces.  The documentary serves as an indispensable tool to educate audiences about the stakes of our ongoing constitutional crisis, and specifically how the Left systematically targets innocent Americans by weaponizing the justice system in pursuit of creating a one-party state that does not allow for dissent of any kind. This is the hallmark of every tyranny, past and present.

Back in January, Patriot Freedom Project received a personal endorsement from President Donald Trump.  The organization has hosted many J6 fundraisers at Trump venues over the years, including his Bedminster golf club, with the approval of President Trump himself.  The President has a perfect track record of speaking at these events, and has sung the praises of Cynthia Hughes as well as many of the guests featured in the film, including Louie Gohmert, Jeff Clark, Sebastian Gorka, and Paul Ingrassia.

The PFP is unrivaled in terms of the political advocacy it does for the most vulnerable people in our society today.  Through films like Due Process Denied, the organization has led the charge in shifting the narrative, and changing public opinion about January 6th 2021, while also continuing to help in every possible way – financially, legally, emotionally, and spiritually – support the victims and their families.

The group has survived relentless attacks by the Left, Congressional Democrats, and the mainstream media.  It relies, however, on the public’s generosity to keep pushing forward.

Readers who are interested in learning more about the organization and would consider making a donation should visit the PFP’s website at:

On behalf of Cynthia Hughes, the Patriot Freedom Project is deeply appreciative of any contribution generous readers might give.  God bless.

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