Patriotic Poles Take to Warsaw’s Streets Celebrating Independence Day – Nationalist Forces Show Strength Ahead of Struggle to Form New Government
Poland took to the streets on Saturday November 11, to celebrate independence day.

Poland took to the streets on Saturday November 11, to celebrate independence day. It’s 105 years since it regained its statehood at the end of World War I.

And while the liberal coalition led by former EU Commissioner Donald Tusk signed a deal and claim to have parliamentary majority, on the other hand the nationalist forces proved yet once again that they have – the streets.

Many patriotic events take place across Poland that mobilize many of its 38 million citizens – but the Independence March is always the most impactful.

A massive crowd walked through Warsaw in the march organized by nationalist groups.

Poland’s white-and-red flag and burning flares were widespread, as they trod along a route leading from the city center to the National Stadium.

You will find in the MSM that some 40,000 participated, and that it passed off peacefully.

It is a relevant and symbolic show of force by the nationalist forces, after voters embraced the ‘centrist, moderate conservative and left-wing parties’ (a.k.a Liberals and Globalists) after eight years of rule by PiS 9Law and Justice) conservatives.

PiS won the most votes, but fell short of a parliamentary majority.

Associated Press reported:

“The Independence Day holiday celebrates the restoration of Poland’s national sovereignty in 1918, at the end of World War I and after 123 years of rule by Prussia, Austria and Russia.

‘For us, Poles, this day of Nov. 11 is a day of joy, a day of pride, a day of glory, a day when we remember with emotion that after 123 years of non-existence, our country, Poland, was reborn’, said President Andrzej Duda in a speech at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.”

Duda warned that ‘Russian imperialism’ once again threatens not just Ukraine but the wider region.

“Russian imperialism will go further: it will want to seize more nations, taking away their freedom and their states,” Duda said.

The march has in the past drawn far-right sympathizers from other European countries, including Hungary and Italy. Among those taking part this year was Paul Golding, the leader of Britain First, a small far-right party in the U.K.”

Meanwhile, Poland’s liberal opposition has agreed on a coalition deal to form a new government.

Donald Tusk’s Civic Coalition signed the agreement in parliament with two other groups.

This pro-EU opposition has a majority in October’s vote – but will have to wait until given a chance to form a government.

BBC reported:

“The ruling right-wing nationalist Law and Justice party (PiS) has been given the first crack at forming a coalition.

Earlier this week President Andrzej Duda handed the task to incumbent Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki, as PiS won the 15 October vote as the largest party. Mr Morawiecki has practically no chance of succeeding as all the other parties have ruled out working with Law and Justice.”

PiS won 194 out of the 460 seats in Poland’s parliament, the Sejm, but the opposition appears to have secured a coalition worth a majority of 248.

“Poland’s opposition wanted to sign a coalition deal ahead of the first sitting of the new parliament on 13 November to emphasise to President Duda they are ready to govern and have the numbers to do so.

They were quick to point out to the president, who is a PiS ally, that the right-wing nationalists were well short of the 231 seats needed. But Mr Duda is a former PiS member and it is in PiS’s interests to delay the process as much as possible in the hope that cracks appear within the opposition.”

Starting Monday, the president has 14 days to nominate a prime minister, and he has already chosen current PM Morawiecki.

Once formally appointed, Morawiecki has 14 days to choose a team of ministers, draft a policy speech and win a vote of confidence.

All bets are that he will fail.

Parliament itself then has the right to designate a prime minister, which is expected to be Donald Tusk

While all the parties of his coalition are pro-EU (and Globalism) they still differ on relevant issues such as abortion.

Read more:

Conservative Polish Government Blasts Germany Ahead of Legislative Election, Say Berlin Pushes Liberal Donald Tusk to Bend Country to Globalist EU Policies

The post Patriotic Poles Take to Warsaw’s Streets Celebrating Independence Day – Nationalist Forces Show Strength Ahead of Struggle to Form New Government appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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