Poll Shows Trump Now Leads Among Latinos as Biden’s Approval Drops to New Low
It looks like the political chessboard is getting ready to be reset, but not in the way the Democrats may have hoped.

The Democratic Party in recent years has been made up of factions, each group fighting for its own particular agenda.

There are the LGBT agenda, the Muslim agenda, the college tuition agenda, the DEI agenda and the open borders agenda, just to name a few.

But this election cycle, it seems like the Biden administration is struggling to appease all factions of its party, and so far, it’s not going so well.

On Thursday, CNN did a segment on “Erin Burnett OutFront” on Arab American voters who are disillusioned with Biden because they feel betrayed by him over his support for Israel.

Former Obama advisor and CNN contributor Van Jones said that the four syllables “Genocide Joe,” aimed at Biden by the Arab American community, may turn out to be a “big problem” for the president in the 2024 election.

But it’s not just the Arab American community that is turning against Biden.

The latest NBC News poll shows that Biden’s approval rating with Latino voters has plunged to a dangerously low 35 percent. This spells trouble for Democrats, given the crucial nature of the Latino vote, according to NBC.

Biden enjoyed strong support among Latinos in 2020, helping to propel battleground state victories and offset losses among white working-class voters.

But with less than nine months to the 2024 election, Biden is hemorrhaging Latino support amid a stagnant economy and paralysis on immigration reform in Congress, the poll revealed.

Making matters worse for Biden, the NBC poll shows him essentially tied among Latino voters when matched up against former President Donald Trump in a hypothetical 2024 contest.

This is a stunning fall, given that Biden carried Spanish-speaking voters by a nearly 30-point margin over Trump in 2020.

Another poll released by USA Today/Suffolk University in January shows Trump actually leading Biden by 5 points, 39 to 34 percent among Latinos.

Overall, 60 percent of voters disapproved of Biden’s job performance — the lowest rating of his term, according to NBC. Biden garnered higher marks on reproductive rights and democracy protection but lagged behind Trump heavily among independents, men and, as mentioned before, Latinos.

The president’s approval also plunged steeply among young voters.

In a December opinion column published in the Los Angeles Times, Democratic strategist Mike Madrid drew a parallel between the Democratic Party and the Spanish language media giant Univision.

According to Madrid, for years, Univision and the Democratic Party operated under the assumption that Hispanic voters were a monolith who overwhelmingly favored liberal candidates. This belief was based on a simplistic notion that most Hispanics were recent immigrants with limited English skills drawn to Univision’s Spanish-language programming and Democratic advocacy on immigration.

However, this monolithic view failed to account for major shifts occurring within the Hispanic community.

English proficiency has surged, with 72 percent of Hispanics speaking English well in 2021 versus 65 percent in 2010.

Madrid pointed to the analysis of Republican pollster Patrick Ruffini, who explained the shift in his new book “Party of the People.” He pointed out that today’s average Latino has lived in the U.S. longer and speaks more English compared to 15 years ago, according to Madrid.

These Hispanics are gravitating away from Democrats’ narrow focus on immigration to prioritizing jobs, taxes and other kitchen-table issues.

This has opened the door for Republicans like Trump to make inroads by directly appealing to working-class Hispanics.

In 2020, Trump received 38 percent of the Hispanic vote. That rate has now increased to 42 percent, a one point lead over Biden, who is at 41 percent, according to the NBC poll.

It’s no wonder the Democratic Party seems desperate to add new voters to its dwindling base through illegal immigration as Hispanic citizens born in the U.S. are beginning to dream their own American dream, which focuses on the prosperity and safety of the country that they now call home.

Democrats are scrambling to maintain influence as their bases are slowly starting to recognize their pawn status in the game of identity politics.

It looks like the political chessboard is getting ready to be reset, but not in the way the Democrats may have hoped.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

The post Poll Shows Trump Now Leads Among Latinos as Biden’s Approval Drops to New Low appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.




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