President Trump Speaks at Reno, Nevada Commit to Caucus Event: Blasts Joe Biden: “He is a Laughing Stock All Over the World” (VIDEO)
President Trump spoke in Reno, Nevada on Sunday at the Commit to Caucus Event.

President Trump spoke in Reno, Nevada on Sunday at the Commit to Caucus Event.

He blasted crooked Joe Biden: “He is a laughing stock all over the world.” Trump said.

“Crooked Joe is a low IQ individual.” Trump continued.


President Trump also criticized Biden on the open southern border and said that under his regime the highest number of illegals in U.S history have crossed the border.

“Under Biden you have the highest number of illegal border crossings in the history of our country. By far the highest number of illegal visa overstays and by far a new record being set every single week on drugs and every other lousy thing that is coming into our country.” Trump said.


President Trump also explained that protecting the U.S. border needs to take priority over the borders of other countries. He also said that he will end child trafficking with Title 42.

“We have to protect our own borders first before we defend the borders of foreign countries.” Trump said.

“I will also use title 42 to end child trafficking crisis by returning all trafficked children to their families in their home countries immediately.” Trump continued.


President Trump is also determined to keep people out of the U.S who are hostile to our values. He wants to bring back the travel ban from countries that promote terrorism. He wants ideological screenings for people who want to come to the U.S.


President Trump’s never give up attitude and determination will hopefully lead him to victory in 2024.

The post President Trump Speaks at Reno, Nevada Commit to Caucus Event: Blasts Joe Biden: “He is a Laughing Stock All Over the World” (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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