‘Prison Karen’ Ghislaine Maxwell Has Lodged More Than 400 Complaints Against FCI Tallahassee – But a DOJ/OIG Report Now Validates Many of Her Claims
FCI Tallahassee is NOT a ‘club fed’.

FCI Tallahassee is NOT a ‘club fed’.

First, naysayers said Ghislaine Maxwell would never be arrested or prosecuted.

When she was, they were quick to assure us she’d never be convicted.

When the jury found her guilty of sex trafficking, we were told she’d get sentenced to a slap on the wrist.

When she got 20 years in prison, insistent naysayers guaranteed she’d be sent to some ‘club-fed’.

And they were wrong yet again.

Sure enough, Maxwell’s crimes of conviction mean that she was going to a minimum-security facility, but FCI Tallahassee is, by all accounts, a tough, grim place.

A investigation by DOJ’s Office of the Inspector General (OIG) revealed rotting food, rodent infestations and walls smeared with filth during an unannounced visit early in the year.

It’s a place where ceilings and windows need to be plugged with feminine hygiene products to prevent leaks, where staff use ‘insulting and derogatory terms’.

It’s filled with contraband ‘including cigarettes, vapes, opioids, and the synthetic cannabis substitutes, K2 and Spice’.

The report rates the facility as ‘high risk’.

On a the positive side, the inspectors said they did not see any evidence of widespread sexual abuse.

In his more than a year in the Florida prison, Maxwell has filed so many grievances that fellow inmates dubbed her the ‘prison Karen.’

The Daily Mail reported:

“‘We observed moldy bread being served as well as discolored and rotting vegetables in a food preparation refrigerator at the female prison. In the food storage warehouses, we found likely evidence of rodent droppings, as well as bags of cereal with insects in them and warped food containers,’ the report notes.

It goes on to say: ‘We also found that female housing unit roofs routinely leak and that all five general population housing unit roofs need to be replaced. Many female inmates live in housing units in which water frequently leaks from ceilings and windows on or near their living spaces.

‘We observed housing areas in which feminine hygiene products were being used to absorb water from leaking windows, an electrical outlet that appeared to have fire damage, a sink that was detached from the wall, and a black substance on walls and ceilings. Additionally, we observed worn bedding, rusted inmate storage lockers, and unlocked supply closets’.”

The understaffed health unit means staff are slow to dole out drugs such as insulin.

The security around the perimeter is very flawed. Not enough security cameras and a lack of to search in inmates who went outside to do landscaping work close to the fence.

“‘The outer perimeter is enclosed behind a short single fence, large portions of which are easily accessible to the public from a municipal park. From such a location, individuals could easily throw contraband onto prison property for inmates to collect and bring back into the institution,’ the report notes. ‘FCI Tallahassee staff told us that these inmates are not routinely searched when they reenter the institution, affording them an opportunity to introduce contraband, including drugs and nuisance contraband such as cigarettes and vape devices, into the female prison.'”

The Federal Bureau of Prisons responded to the OIG report by taking ‘several steps to enhance operations’.

This comes it was revealed that Maxwell has lodged no less than 400-plus petty complaints during her stint in custody. And the OIG report arguably validates a good deal of these complaints.

Read more:

‘Prison Karen’ Ghislaine Maxwell Having a Hard Time Behind Bars, Scolded for Not Showering – Wants to Be Moved to FCI Danbury ‘Club Fed’

The post ‘Prison Karen’ Ghislaine Maxwell Has Lodged More Than 400 Complaints Against FCI Tallahassee – But a DOJ/OIG Report Now Validates Many of Her Claims appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.




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