Radiant Melania Trump Welcomes New Citizens in Naturalization Ceremony Speech at National Archives “Becoming an American Citizen Comes with Responsibility”
On Friday, a radiant Melania Trump welcomed 25 new American citizens during a naturalization ceremony speech at the National Archives.

On Friday, a radiant Melania Trump welcomed 25 new American citizens during a naturalization ceremony speech at the National Archives.

Melania became a US citizen in 2006 and is only the second foreign-born first lady. US Archivist Colleen Shogan invited Mrs. Trump to speak at the ceremony, according to CNN.

A statement announcing the event shared, “As a naturalized citizen herself, Mrs. Trump looks forward to telling her story and being part of this momentous occasion for these new American citizens.”

Melania Trump with new American citizens.

Mrs. Trump’s inspirational remarks are below:

McArthur high school students, you are the future leaders, and knowing the meaningful words of our Constitution’s preamble will empower you in the next chapters of your life.

It is my privilege to share this great nation, America, with you. Throughout our lives, we cross thresholds, and obstacles often stand in the way of our goals. We persevere as we understand that conquering them will provide great access to personal development, fulfillment, and even, eventually, self-actualization.

For me, reaching the milestone of American citizenship marked the sunrise of certainty. At that exact moment, I discarded the layer of burden connected with whether I would be able to live in the United States.

I hope you are blanketed with similar feelings of comfort right now. Finally, I could plan all of the aspects of my life. I recall feeling a tremendous sense of pride and belonging after I recited the United States’ oath of alliance as the pathway to citizenship is arduous.

I was born and raised in the picturesque country of Slovenia, where my parents taught me the importance of (a) strong work ethic and pursuing my dreams. The values they instilled me at an early age inspired my fashion and modeling career and brought me to the beautiful cities of Paris and Milan. While working internationally had its share of rules and regulations, it wasn’t until I moved to New York City in 1996 that the system truly tested my determination. Upon my arrival, I immediately knew that I wanted to make the United States my permanent home. With a goal of securing a worker visa, I began researching, visiting consulates and embassies, and then compiling the required records of my work experiences.

Quickly, my life turned into a labyrinth of organizing paperwork. Back then, the convenience of technology’s document filing did not really exist to the extent it does today.  Patience and perseverance became my constant companions as I navigated through this intricate web, which I’m sure you can all relate to. Even if every time-consuming, my dream of becoming a citizen pushed me to meticulously gather every last piece of information required, ensuring that no detail was overlooked. My personal experience of traversing the challenges of the immigration process opened my eyes to the harsh realities people face, including you, who try to become US citizens.

And then of course, there are nuances of understanding the United States immigration laws and the complex legal language contained therein. I was very devoted, but I certainly was not an attorney, and eventually (it was) critical for me to retain counsel. I was fortunate to do so, as, ultimately, my journey was streamlined and brought me over the finish line as a naturalized citizen. While challenges were numerous, the rewards were well worth (the) effort.

I applaud you for every step you took. Every obstacle you overcame. And every sacrifice you made.

It is an honor to stand with you in the hallowed halls today, in the presence of the Declaration of Independence, the very document on which our Founding Fathers carefully composed the words that captured the ideals surrounding individual liberty and this great Republic, arguably one of the most important documents of all time.

Becoming an American citizen comes with responsibility. It means actively participating in the democratic process and guarding our freedom. It also means leading by example and contributing to our society.

It is a life-altering experience that takes time, determination, and sometimes even tremendous strength.

You are now part of a nation with a rich history of progress, innovation, and resilience.

Though you come from 25 different countries, your dreams and inspirations interwind with those who came before you since 1776 and together shaped the future of this extraordinary country.

Be proud of yourself. Stand your ground and embrace the opportunities that lie ahead.

You are American. Be a beacon of inspiration for your children and those who follow in your footsteps. May your journey continue to be filled with endless possibilities and may your contributions enrich the fabrics of this great nation.

Congratulations again.

The post Radiant Melania Trump Welcomes New Citizens in Naturalization Ceremony Speech at National Archives “Becoming an American Citizen Comes with Responsibility” appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.




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