REGIME STRIKES BACK: Georgia State Election Board Reportedly Asks FBI to Investigate Email About a Case They Recently Cancelled Hearing On
Lawfare: The Ignored Complaint Earlier this month, the Georgia State Election Board (SEB) was set to finally hear the damning complaint that alleged over 17k ballot images did not exist or were “missing”, 3k ballots were counted twice, and 20k ballots were attributed to tabulators that Fulton County has been unable to show even exist. It may sound far-fetched, but as stated on the Voice of Rural America podcast, it was made a “Category 3” complaint by investigators, which is the most severe, according to the complainant, Joe Rossi.

Lawfare:  The Ignored Complaint

Earlier this month, the Georgia State Election Board (SEB) was set to finally hear the damning complaint that alleged over 17k ballot images did not exist or were “missing”, 3k ballots were counted twice, and 20k ballots were attributed to tabulators that Fulton County has been unable to show even exist.  It may sound far-fetched, but as stated on the Voice of Rural America podcast, it was made a “Category 3” complaint by investigators, which is the most severe, according to the complainant, Joe Rossi.

Then, without explanation, SEB 2023-023 was removed from the Dec 19th SEB hearing and continued for another hearing that has not yet been determined.  SEB 2023-025 was submitted over a year ago on July 8, 2022.  A source involved with the complaint told The Gateway Pundit that it was continued because “the investigators could not answer basic questions about the complaint.

Lawfare:  The Email

Two days after the complaint was removed by the SEB, it was revealed by the Altantic Journal-Constitution that the SEB had asked the FBI to investigate one of the complainants over an email.  The referred email was dated September 21st, 2023.  The AJC article was published December 21, 2023, just two days after the highly-criticized SEB removed the complaint from its hearing.

The AJC article cites four short quotes from the 7-page email.  Those quotes are as follows:

“Mr. Mashburn, listen well. There will be no more excuses. I am putting you on notice that I will be holding you accountable,”

“There are 19 people whose lives hang in the balance because they knew Georgia’s 2020 General Election and Senate run-off results were wrong. Those people were right. You can either properly investigate our complaints and verify the facts or I will show you publicly in the media.”

“You may think that the Dog and Pony show yesterday concluded the matter – if so, you are sadly mistaken.  I urge you to contemplate and reconsider your responsibilities and position – for you are attorneys. I imagine that some of you would like to continue to be.”
“We can address these matters privately or publicly but make no mistake – they will be addressed.”
The article also states that:
“It’s one of a string of unsubstantiated complaints filed by election conspiracists since Democrat Joe Biden defeated Trump by about 12,000 votes in Georgia’s 2020 election. Three vote counts confirmed Biden’s victory and multiple investigations have debunked allegations of fraud.”
As mentioned, the email was 7-pages long and addressed to several state officials.  Those quotes need the context of the entire email, which was unmentioned in the AJC article.
For starters, the email opens with:
I am responding to you tonight so that you will “have all the information” you need with time to spare. We are exasperated at being told to provide 48-hour turnaround service on a matter that has been pending since at least the date we drafted the complaint (July 8, 2022). Please understand that most of this information was presented to the Governor or the Secretary of State even before that date and we have spent a lot of time and treasure trying to get someone to review this analysis. So even though we may express our frustration, we are heartened by the fact that someone is actually reading what we submitted more than 14 months ago.
It is clearly stated that there is frustration that it has taken over 14 months for a hearing, which is now at 17 months and counting after the latest removal from the hearing.  Georgia has conducted elections in that timeframe, including an important Midterm Election that saw the re-election of both Governor Brian Kemp and Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger.  Raffensperger won with just enough votes to avoid a run-off (53.2%) despite polling significantly lower than 50% the entire election cycle. 
While the email expressed obvious frustration from the lack of concern, it also expressed a sense of encouragement that someone is finally reading it.
Prophetically, given the referral to the FBI, after mentioning a lawsuit filed against True the Vote, the email goes on to ask:
Will we now be the targets of an investigation?  Like True the Vote, are we too in jeopardy or at risk of being sued by the State Election Board for seeking redress and remedy from our government for fraud, waste, and abuse?  Does anyone at the Secretary of State’s office want to acknowledge that we have a First Amendment right to petition our government for a [sic] redress of grievances?”
The complainants had every right to be frustrated.  As they stated, it had been 424 days since the complaint was submitted and the SEB was just now asking for the source data.  This contradicts a previous report referenced from the Secretary of State’s General Counsel Charlene McGowan.  According to the email:
Four-hundred-and-twenty-four (424) days have passed since we filed this complaint. How is it that source data is only now being sought? Considering only days ago Ms. McGowan reported to the board:
          “…the investigation is (sic) has been complete but Mr. Rossi “keeps asking
           that the scope of the investigation be broadened beyond the original
How could it have been completed without accessing the source data? And if the data has already been referenced, why is Mr. Zagorin now seeking it from us? Is contesting his explanation for the missing ballot images we know to be false,
“broadening the scope”?
The email then addresses not only the lack of interest by government officials to ensure the election was the ‘safest election in history’, but also calls out the media for the false-narrative driven on the People that the courts have heard the evidence (this is ridiculously false as almost all cases were dismissed on standing or other procedurals before an evidentiary hearing was ever conducted):
The information you now seek has been available to you since December of 2020 and likely before. It was obtained by us and many others — only as a result of hard-fought litigation – in both the pending Fulton County ballot case matter, while
the media continues to report that there is “no evidence” of any irregularity in the 2020 election, or in the Curling case, which has hardly moved to any conclusion over the six years it has been moldering in the Federal court. And the media reports that the courts have “heard the evidence.” You know that is not true

Lawfare:  The Media

Continuing with the Mockingbird Media narrative, below is the last three paragraphs of the email, of which the AJC cited five consecutive sentences and presented them as two quotes (the AJC quotes are underlined):

“Mr. Mashburn, please be advised that we have filed multiple very serious complaints
documenting the very serious problems with Georgia’s elections over the course of
nearly three years. We have been very patient and very understanding. Aside from those
which were referred to the SEB by Governor Kemp, our complaints have been ignored.

In fact, our complaints have been avoided. Now games are being played and I have
grown tired.

I am speaking only for myself here. Mr. Mashburn, listen well. There will be no more
excuses. I am putting you on notice that I will be holding you accountable. There are 19
people whose lives hang in the balance because they knew Georgia’s 2020 General
Election and Senate run-off results were wrong. Those people were right. You can either
properly investigate our complaints and verify the facts or I will show you publicly in the
media. You are the chairman of the State Election Board, which is the only entity in the
state of Georgia who has the authority to investigate, recognize, and remedy the travesty
that you are witnessing. We have the receipts- not just for Fulton County, but for
multiple counties across the state. Preserve all records and communications, Mr.
Mashburn. I expect to hear from you by noon on Monday.

If we can help explain what you have that you do not understand, please feel free
to call on us. You have our telephone numbers and email addresses. Thank you.”

There is no threat of violence whatsoever.  There is a growing frustration that the will of the People is being deliberately ignored and if it continues, there will be a public disclosure in the media.  Unfortunately, as the AJC has confirmed, there is more interest in the media to support willful subversions by highlighting persecutions of those who bring evidence.

The email is exactly right:  there are mountains of evidence that could exonerate the 19 individuals mentioned in the Fulton County RICO case if these complaints are investigated and proven correct.  Those individuals are being threatened with jail-time and expending hundreds of thousands, perhaps millions, of dollars from the lifesavings and through grassroots fundraising.

The AJC mentions a follow-up email sent to the SEB three months later and right after the removal of the complaint from the Dec. 19th hearing.  The portion quoted by the AJC hit piece is below:
“You may think that the Dog and Pony show yesterday concluded the matter – if so, you are sadly mistaken.  I urge you to contemplate and reconsider your responsibilities and position – for you are attorneys.  I imagine that some of you would like to continue to be.
We can address these matters privately or publicly but make no mistake – they will be addressed.  As always, I am available any time to discuss these matters.”
What is missing from the email referenced is the claim made in-between the above quotes about one of Fulton County’s employees, a Nigerian foreign national who previously worked for Dominion during the 2020 election in Fulton County as their exclusive Dominion technician, and then shortly after was given a job with Fulton County at double his previous salary.
Alas, maybe that’s what was referred to the FBI for investigation?  More to come on this.

Lawfare:  ‘No Evidence’

The AJC, just like most of the Mockingbird Media outlets, uses the key catch phrases drummed up by lazy (or highly partisan) journalists.  Phrases like “unsubstantiated”, “debunked” and “election conspiracists” while citing “three vote counts confirm[ing] Biden’s victory and multiple investigations have debunked allegations of fraud.”
It’s one of a string of unsubstantiated complaints filed by election conspiracists since Democrat Joe Biden defeated Trump by about 12,000 votes in Georgia’s 2020 election. Three vote counts confirmed Biden’s victory and multiple investigations have debunked allegations of fraud.
The two relevant linked citations, all from sourced from the AJC, predate the signed Fulton County Consent Agreement with the SEB over 36 inconsistencies in the hand recount.  These inconsistencies, which accounted for several thousand excess votes for Joe Biden, have not yet been adequately explained.  But they had been investigated and confirmed by the Governor’s Office before they were referred to the SEB for review.
Somehow the Nov. 3 Election Day count matched the hand count almost perfectly despite the several thousand double and triple counted ballots.  It seems highly improbable that thousands and thousands of double and triple counted ballots would almost perfectly add up to the count it was used to confirm.  And that would open up another concern:  why was the hand-count off by several thousands when the double/triple counted batches are removed?
The claims made in SEB 2023-025 are even more damning:
  • 17k missing ballot images
  • 3k duplicate ballots counted
  • 20k ballots ran through 10 tabulators that have no records whatsoever, according to several open records requests
This is in addition to, and in congruence with, a expert declaration submitted by the inventor of the risk-limiting audit, Professor Philip Stark of UC Berkley, on March 9, 2022 in the Curling v Raffensperger case set for trial on January 9th:
For the first machine count, production included images of ballots or BMD
printout cards for only 168,726 of the 528,776 cast vote records: 376,863
image files are missing. For the second machine count, Fulton County’s
production included images of ballots or BMD printout cards for 510,073 of
the 527,925 cast vote records: 17,852 image files are missing.
The above portion of the expert declaration was also confirmed by Professor Duncan Buell of the University of South Carolina in his January 11, 2022 expert declaration for the Curling v Raffensperger case.  The exact quote above was mentioned in the email the AJC cited, but wasn’t mentioned in the article.
The investigation that led to the SEB 2023-025 complaint also arrived at the same number as Professors Stark and Buell:  17,852 missing image files.
For the SEB, a government agency, to refer to the FBI a private citizen who has seemingly done more work investigating the 2020 and 2022 Election than anyone we entrust with our election management at the state and county level is the absolute weaponization of government against it’s People.
And if the Atlanta Journal-Constitution ignored 7-pages of evidence, backed up by declarations from expert witnesses in an ongoing federal case, then it should be considered there is an even more sinister plot than simply ignoring the evidence, but rather gathering public support for the persecution of those who desire a redress of grievances.
I have reached out to the AJC author, Greg Bluestein, to inquire as to how much of the 7-page email he was provided.
If you would like to help the complainants in their continued investigations, and now potentially their fight against the weaponization of law enforcement, please support them here.

The post REGIME STRIKES BACK: Georgia State Election Board Reportedly Asks FBI to Investigate Email About a Case They Recently Cancelled Hearing On appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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