Rep. Matt Gaetz Introducing ‘National Prayer in School Act’ to Defend Religious Freedom
Republican Florida Rep.

Republican Florida Rep. Matt Gaetz is introducing legislation called the “National Prayer in School Act” to ensure that students and staff can pray in schools without consequences.

The bill is intended to support a ruling from the Supreme Court in 2022 that defended religious freedom in the case of a football coach fired by the school district for praying before games.

The court had ruled, “nothing in the Constitution . . . prohibits any public school student from voluntarily praying at any time before, during, or after the school day.”

“God’s reach does not stop at the schoolhouse gates. Our country’s education policy forbids students and faculty from praying while endlessly promoting degenerate LGBT and anti-White propaganda,” Gaetz told the Daily Caller, which obtained an advance copy of the bill.

“My legislation unlocks religious freedom once again so that in every classroom in America, there will be time for students to pray if they choose,” Gaetz continued.

The congressman had discussed his intent to introduce this bill during Turning Point Action’s 2023 Action Conference.

“For the limitations of man and God’s reach does not stop at the schoolhouse gates. In the coming days, I will introduce a national prayer in school law so that in every classroom in America, there will be time for students to pray if they choose,” Gaetz vowed. “And you know what, this beautiful new Supreme Court that President Trump gave us just might uphold a constitutional law like that based on the values that this country was built on.”

Earlier this week, Indiana Attorney General Todd Rokita introduced a new version of the “Indiana Parent’s Bill of Rights,” which also includes new protections for religious liberty.

“Many think our elementary and secondary schools are ‘religion-free’ zones, but religious freedom does not end at the school doors. Both state and federal laws protect religious freedom in public schools,” the Parent’s Bill of Rights reads.

The handbook informs parents, “You have the right to defend your child’s First Amendment rights to religious expression and free speech in a school environment.”

“Because prayer is private speech, students are allowed to pray at school during non-instructional time so long as the prayers are not disruptive or appear to be endorsed by the school or school officials,” the handbook states. “Indiana law requires a moment of silence each day of school so that each student may exercise their religion by praying or meditating during that moment.”

The handbook also informs parents that children can express their religious beliefs in classroom discussions and assignments. They are also expressly allowed to wear religious clothing, symbols, or jewelry, promote religious events, and distribute materials at school.

The post Rep. Matt Gaetz Introducing ‘National Prayer in School Act’ to Defend Religious Freedom appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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