Rep. Stefanik Files Complaint to Disbar NY Attorney General Letitia James Citing ‘Professional Misconduct’ on Her Witch Hunt Investigation Against Trump

U.S. Representative Elise Stefanik (R-NY) has filed an official complaint with the New York State Committee on Professional Standards against Attorney General Letitia James, citing “violations of the rules of professional conduct” related to James’ conduct on her ongoing witch hunt investigation of President Donald Trump.

Stefanik has accused Attorney General James of engaging in a “relentless lawfare campaign” against Trump.

In her statement, Rep. Stefanik said, “I have found New York Attorney General Letitia James’ handling of the investigation and trial of President Donald Trump nothing short of shameful. It is evident that Attorney General James violated fundamental principles of fairness and impartiality by engaging in a relentless lawfare campaign against President Trump, marked by over 50 prejudicial comments on social media during just the first five weeks of the trial.”

Photo: Elise Stefanik/Facebook

Stefanik further argued that AG James’ conduct has significantly undermined public confidence in the legal system, compromising the integrity of the prosecutorial office she holds.

“It’s been her explicit mission since she announced her run for office to go after President Trump. Such behavior not only undermines the integrity of the legal process but also violates the Rules of Professional Conduct to which James, as a licensed attorney, is bound.”

It can be recalled in 2018, the first African-American elected the Attorney General of New York State, Letitia James, was caught on video cursing and threatening to sue Trump.


“While all Americans possess the right to express their opinions on matters of public interest, attorneys–particularly state attorneys general–are held to a higher standard due to their unique role as officers of the court. Her conduct not only constitutes a breach of her professional responsibilities but also risks irreparable harm to the public’s already eroding trust in our legal institutions,” said Stefanik.

The complaint calls for the Attorney Grievance Committee to launch an immediate investigation into AG James’ conduct and to consider sanctions that could range from an interim suspension to disbarment or suspension from practicing law.

“I urge the Attorney Grievance Committee to immediately conduct a thorough investigation and take appropriate disciplinary action, including the immediate interim suspension, disbarment, or suspension of Attorney General James, to uphold the integrity of our legal profession and ensure justice is served impartially,” said Stefanik.

You can read the full complaint here and below:


It can be recalled that Rep. Stefanik filed a judicial ethics complaint last year against NY Judge Arthur Engoron over his ‘bizarre behavior’ in Trump’s non-jury civil fraud case.

“Judge Engoron’s bizarre and biased behavior is making New York’s judicial system a laughingstock. Former Southern District of New York federal prosecutor Andrew McCarthy, who has at times criticized President Trump, recently stated that he views the “whole New York justice system” as “fraudulent.”” Stefanik wrote.

Radical Marxist New York Attorney General Letitia James is seeking $250 million in ‘damages’ when there is no victim in this fraud case and she is also seeking to ban Trump and his sons from operating any businesses in New York.

“Americans are sick and tired of the blatant corruption by radical Leftist judges in NY. All New Yorkers must speak out against the dangerous weaponized lawfare against President Trump,” Stefanik said.

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