Report: Dementia Joe Biden Tells Campaign to Highlight “Crazy Sh*t” Trump Says
CNN White House reporter M.J.

CNN White House reporter M.J. Lee reported Tuesday that Joe Biden has ordered his campaign to highlight “crazy sh*t” President Trump says (according to Democrats and the media) in an effort to remind voters of how they felt during Trump’s first term in office.

Lee spoke about Biden’s directive on CNN. The RNC’s Jake Schneider noted Lee asked a question of Biden on Monday with a wild accusation about Republicans, “CNN’s MJ Lee just reported the Biden campaign is working to more aggressively “highlight the crazy sh*t that Trump says in public.” Yesterday, she asked Biden if “Alexei Navalny’s blood is on the hands of House Republicans.” Totally objective and unbiased reporting!”

Lee on Monday, “Mr. President, would you go so far as to say that Alexei Navalny’s blood is on the hands of House Republicans right now?”

Lee asked a rare hard question of Biden on February 8 during the media frenzy when Biden defended himself to reporters about the special counsel report saying he was to feeble to stand trial.

Lee has apparently worked her back into good standing with the Biden campaign after yesterday’s over the top Republican bashing question.

Excerpt from CNN report on Biden’s campaign directive:

President Joe Biden personally directed his senior campaign aides in recent days to focus more aggressively on former President Donald Trump’s inflammatory comments, according to two sources familiar with the president’s edict.

The thrust of Biden’s direction, delivered to his senior-most staff, was to significantly ramp up the campaign’s efforts to highlight the “crazy s**t” that Trump says in public, according to those sources.

The previously unreported instruction from the president appears to demonstrate that Biden himself believes it is critical to paint his presumptive Republican opponent as unhinged and unfit for office. For weeks, his campaign has said they are fully prepared for Trump to emerge as the GOP nominee.

That strategy is in no small part driven by widespread concern among Biden aides that too many voters appear to have forgotten about what they see as some of the more outrageous and unacceptable moments of the Trump presidency. As one senior campaign adviser put it recently, they have been surprised by how many voters appear to put on “rose-colored glasses” when looking back on the Trump years – a reality that the campaign says they must alter by constantly reminding voters of what Trump stands for.

“The president knows the stakes this November could not be higher for the American people,” Ammar Moussa, the Biden campaign’s director of rapid response, said in a statement to CNN. “Donald Trump is the polar opposite of everything President Biden stands for and has accomplished since he took office, and the campaign’s top priority over the next nine months will be laying out that stark choice for voters.”

Some people might say that the Biden campaign is talking “crazy sh*t” contrasting the record of Biden with Trump. Under Trump the U.S. had low inflation, a growing economy, low gas prices, secure borders, ten million fewer illegal aliens, no new wars, no invasions by Russia, peace in the Middle East and a president who took and aced a cognitive exam.

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