Reporter Blasts Former Democrat Rep. Barney Frank For Falsely Claiming Border is Not Open (VIDEO)
Former Democrat Rep.

Former Democrat Rep. Barney Frank outrageously claimed that the border is not open and that any notion that it is is “silly.”

A reporter corrected former Democratic Massachusetts Rep. Barney Frank during a Saturday interview after he claimed the U.S.-Mexico border is not open.

Brianna Lyman, a reporter with The Daily Caller, took a sledgehammer to several claims Frank made during an Aug. 19 interview on Newsmax’s “Saturday Report” with host Rita Cosby.

Frank labeled the statement that the border was open as being “silly” and argued that the Biden administration had “a lot” of efforts going on to enforce illegal immigration at the southern border.

Brianna Lyman brought common sense to the border discussion while Barney Frank gave a typical leftist response. The millions of people who have flooded the border must not be convincing enough for the former congressman.

“The fact is there is a lot of effort going on to enforce the border. It has not been as effective as we would like it to be,” Barney Frank muttered.

Brianna Lyman replied, “The Biden administration has sued Governor Abbott after he tried to put barriers in the water to deter the migrants because the Federal Government is not doing their job, so they are literally working on behalf of the migrants.”


The southern border is wide open thanks to Joe Biden and his corrupt DHS chief Alejandro Mayorkas.

More than 6 million illegal aliens have crossed over the US border since Joe Biden was installed in January 2021.

According to Fox News Bill Melugin, “At DHS, illegal crossings have reached all-time highs in back-to-back years with over 5 million total now. More than 1.3 million known got aways have successfully snuck into the United States without capture.”

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