REVEALED: Hunter Biden’s Business Partner Visited the White House 36 Times During Obama Years
Hunter Biden’s business partner and president at Rosemont Seneca Partners Eric Schwerin visited the White House at least 36 times during the Obama years according to a new Fox News report.

Hunter Biden’s business partner and president at Rosemont Seneca Partners Eric Schwerin visited the White House at least 36 times during the Obama years according to a new Fox News report.

It had been previously reported that Eric Schwerin visited the White House 27 times.

Eric Schwerin also had a sit-down meeting with Joe Biden.


Fox News reported:

Hunter Biden’s former friend and longtime business partner visited the Obama White House and then-Vice President Joe Biden’s residence dozens of times between 2009 and 2016, likely to make him the next target of the House Oversight Committee’s investigation into Hunter Biden’s foreign business dealings.

Fox News Digital previously reported that Eric Schwerin had visited the White House and vice presidential residence at Observatory Circle at least 27 times during Joe Biden’s vice presidency. However, a more extensive review found that Schwerin actually made at least 36 visits during that same time frame.

Schwerin was the founding partner and managing director of Hunter Biden’s now-dissolved firm Rosemont Seneca Partners when he was appointed by then-President Obama to the Commission for the Preservation of America’s Heritage Abroad, an independent U.S. government agency, in early 2015. Obama reappointed him to the commission in January 2017.

One of Schwerin’s visits – in November 2010 – was a sit-down with Joe Biden in the West Wing. Schwerin also visited Joe Biden’s residence at least 15 times for various holiday receptions, including the Dec. 12 holiday reception in 2015 that came a couple of days after then-Vice President Biden’s infamous trip to Ukraine, where he threatened to withhold $1 billion in U.S. aid if the country’s leaders did not fire their top prosecutor.

Eric Schwerin was also reportedly in charge of the transfer of Joe Biden’s documents to the University of Delaware.

This is the same guy who was involved in transferring classified information to Ukraine.

Since Schwerin was involved in the transfer of the Biden documents to UDel there is a chance that the documents transferred included classified documents.

The post REVEALED: Hunter Biden’s Business Partner Visited the White House 36 Times During Obama Years appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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